
Cao Ying is popular nowadays to marry Wang Ban, and just gave birth to a child and went out to shoot a drama! Now my son is also a host

author:Fun trivia

In the entertainment industry, some female stars are really married. Married a good husband and took good care of them. Family harmony and stable feelings are enviable. But there are also different ones, such as Cao Ying. She had some small accidents in her family and career. Cao Ying is popular nowadays to marry Wang Ban, and she was "driven out" just after giving birth to a child! Now my son is also a host. Happy cold knowledge warm tips: This article is about 920 words, and it takes about 41 seconds to read.

Cao Ying is popular nowadays to marry Wang Ban, and just gave birth to a child and went out to shoot a drama! Now my son is also a host

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"Thirty years into the industry, many years of retirement, really did not make any money!" 」 This is the self-deprecation of Cao Ying's sister not long ago. The 47-year-old sister, who was previously a host of CCTV, resigned as an actor. Although there is less news about her now, not as hot as it was then, there are still many people who remember her.

Cao Ying is popular nowadays to marry Wang Ban, and just gave birth to a child and went out to shoot a drama! Now my son is also a host

My sister has hosted classic programs such as the well-known "Variety Show" and "Ten Thousand Family Lights". Later, he became a crossover actor and starred in TV series such as "Snow Without a Trace". Especially in the drama of "Oolong Breaks through the Love Pass", Huo Shuixian played a role. Even after 20 years, many people still remember her beautiful pictures.

Cao Ying is popular nowadays to marry Wang Ban, and just gave birth to a child and went out to shoot a drama! Now my son is also a host

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After the explosion, just when people were looking forward to Cao Ying's sister's next work, she chose to get married. The boy is Wang Ban, is it familiar to look at? At the same time, it is also the first love of her sister. In 11 years, after getting married, my sister gave birth to a child. Choose to concentrate on taking your children at home, thus fading out of the entertainment circle.

Cao Ying is popular nowadays to marry Wang Ban, and just gave birth to a child and went out to shoot a drama! Now my son is also a host

However, after marriage, she seems to have postpartum depression and a particularly bad temper. To this end, the husband not only did not abandon, but also gave more love. In fact, everyone also understands that after a long period of work, suddenly stop and rest, and it is a long, long rest, no problem is strange. Therefore, the husband chose to "drive" his sister out of the house to shoot a drama. This method was really good, and soon the sister swept away the haze in her heart.

Cao Ying is popular nowadays to marry Wang Ban, and just gave birth to a child and went out to shoot a drama! Now my son is also a host

However, because the husband is also an actor, there is always someone to take care of the family. Therefore, after the sister's state was adjusted, she still faded out of the entertainment circle and chose to concentrate on raising children at home. Nowadays, 10-year-old children are also hosts, and when they grow up, their strength will certainly not be inferior to their parents. Life is sometimes very impermanent, there will be a period after a sentence, maybe it will become a farewell, I hope that everyone can cherish the people around them. I also hope that in the future, they can continue to be so happy! What do you think about that? Welcome to discuss, discuss, communicate and leave a message in the comment area.

Cao Ying is popular nowadays to marry Wang Ban, and just gave birth to a child and went out to shoot a drama! Now my son is also a host

This article is original by the "happy cold knowledge" that loves to laugh, love to toss, cry, love to make trouble, and especially like to add drama to themselves. There are only 52 days left, a little "attention" does not get lost Ha! 15-line small writer, hoping to win 1918 points of "likes" and attention! In the experience, life and story of celebrities, they find "knowledge, beauty, and love", and some of the content is only for fans to appreciate, appreciate and watch. If you can "follow", forward, and collect, you will get the same joy, joy, and emotion as I am.

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