
"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

author:Let's have a chat

In China in 1971, an ordinary family ushered in a special life - Cao Ying. Since she was a child, Xiao Cao Ying has shown extraordinary talent and passion for acting.

At the age of 16, Cao Ying walked into the door of Beijing Film Academy with a vision for her acting career. Standing at the school gate, her eyes flashed with excitement and nervousness. This is a place that countless people dream of, and she finally has the opportunity to chase her dreams here.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

Beiying's life is busy but fulfilling. Cao Ying is hungry for knowledge, whether it is acting classes, voice classes, or physical training, she is fully engaged. Her classmates often saw her practicing repeatedly in the rehearsal hall, especially late at night.

Her diligence and talent are well recognized by her teachers and she is among the best among her classmates.

After graduating from college, this hard-working girl ushered in the blessing of luck. She successfully stepped into the door of CCTV and started her career as a host, standing on the stage of CCTV, her eyes flashed, she deeply knew that this was a place where she could let her talent bloom to the fullest.

However, fate gave Cao Ying an unexpected surprise when her career was in full swing. It was during a recording of the show that she met a young man named Wang Ban. At that time, she did not expect that this person would be a pivotal role in her life, accompanying her through the ups and downs and glories of life.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

In this way, Cao Ying is firmly moving forward on the road of pursuing her dreams. Her diligence and talent have made her gradually become a favorite host of the audience. However, she didn't know that greater challenges and happiness awaited her.

1994 was an important turning point for 23-year-old Cao Ying. In this year, she filmed the TV series "Dream Chasing Pure Heart", which not only became a milestone in her acting career, but also unexpectedly made her meet the most important person in her life.

When the 20-year-old Wang Ban saw Cao Ying on the set for the first time, he was attracted by her unique charm and confident and unassuming aura, and Wang Ban couldn't take his eyes off her. He quietly asked his colleague, "Who is this lady?" A colleague smiled and told him that it was Cao Ying, the host of CCTV.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

Cao Ying noticed this young boy Wang Ban, who was three years younger than herself, and he showed maturity and steadiness beyond his years. In between shooting, the two began to communicate more, from work and life to ideals and reality, and found that they had a lot of common language with each other.

As time passed, the affection between Wang Ban and Cao Ying gradually deepened. Wang Ban would gaze at Cao Ying affectionately, and Cao Ying would inadvertently meet Wang Ban's gaze, and then both of them would look at each other and smile understandingly.

This tacit understanding made everyone else on the set look at it, but they all knew it.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

After the shooting, they didn't part ways. Instead, more personal interactions began. Sometimes we eat together, sometimes we walk side by side, and every time we meet, it's an opportunity to get to know each other and clarify our feelings.

In an interview, Cao Ying recalled that time and said, "The feeling at that time was really amazing, it felt like meeting a confidant." We can talk a lot, from work to life, there is always an endless enthusiasm for chatting. "

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

Wang Ban said on the show: "The first time I met Cao Ying, I was deeply attracted to her. She is beautiful, but what really attracted me was her outstanding talent and unique temperament. It's like love at first sight."

Therefore, under the harmonious nourishment of career and love, Cao Ying lives a more colorful life. In her heart, she not only contains a passionate love for her career, but also makes love exude a sweet taste.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

This fate developed from the set will inevitably leave a strong mark on her life.

Although the two did not have a public relationship at that time, that young and sincere emotion has been deeply rooted in each other's hearts. This also began a 15-year long-distance love run, which became the prelude to an important chapter in Cao Ying's life.

As time went on, Cao Ying's achievements in her career became more and more significant. She is no longer just an ordinary host, but has gradually grown into a pillar of CCTV.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

Her talent, elegance and unremitting efforts have made her stand out in the highly competitive TV circle and become a well-deserved "CCTV first sister".

Cao Ying is a much-loved host from the audience, and during her tenure as the host of important programs such as "Variety Show", the show's ratings have also climbed. Cao Ying not only has an affinable personality, but also has excellent reflexes, and has excellent professional qualities.

She can always appear on the screen in the best condition, showing her unique charm, and has become a goddess-level figure in the hearts of the audience.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

While her career as a host was thriving, Cao Ying did not give up the pursuit of her dream of being an actress. She actively participates in the filming of film and television works and delves into acting skills. In 2008, her outstanding performance in the TV series "Butterfly Flying" won her the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress.

When she stood on the podium, Cao Ying's eyes flashed with tears, which was the joy of realizing her dream and the feeling of being recognized for her years of hard work.

However, success often comes with greater pressure and challenges. Cao Ying needs to constantly switch roles between hosting, acting, and commercial activities, and every identity requires her to put in 100% effort.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

Sometimes, she feels tired and confused, but whenever this happens, she remembers her original intention, and the self who stood at the door of Beiying with a dream.

On this starry road, Cao Ying received Wang Ban's firm support. He understands that her work is not easy, and often silently takes on the pressure for her, giving her unconditional support and encouragement.

The warm power of this love has helped Cao Ying move forward more firmly in her career.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

Cao Ying once sighed in an interview: "I feel very lucky to be able to achieve results in the field I like. But what I am most grateful for is that someone has been silently supporting me along the way.

This sentence not only expresses her love for her career, but also reveals her deep gratitude to Wang Ban.

The love between Cao Ying and Wang Ban is like old wine, which has become more and more mellow after years of precipitation. In the 15 years of long-distance love, they have experienced countless ups and downs, and they have also gained sincere feelings.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

In the past 15 years, Cao Ying and Wang Ban have been working hard to improve in their respective fields, Cao Ying has grown into a household name host and actor, and Wang Ban has also achieved good results on the road of director and producer.

They appreciate each other, trust each other, support each other, and find joy in each other's success.

Although the two are in a stable relationship, they have always kept a low profile and rarely talk about each other in public, but they can still be detected by attentive people The deep affection between them.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

In 2009, the lovers decided to enter the palace of marriage, and they chose a low-key and warm way. They did not have a lavish wedding, nor did they attract media attention, only the closest people witnessed their vows.

This decision reflects their cherishing of each other and their yearning for an ordinary life.

Married life is not fairytale perfect, Cao Ying and Wang Ban run their small family with heart. They have learned to be considerate of each other and to use love to resolve life's tribulations.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

They are able to find a way to reconcile in a brief dispute after a run-in that makes life better.

After getting married, Cao Ying did not slack off in the workplace, but Wang Ban's support behind her made her more powerful to realize her dreams. Under Cao Ying's instructions, Wang Ban also continued to challenge himself and achieved new results in the workplace.

Cao Ying said emotionally on the show: "Being with someone you love is the happiest thing in life. Our relationship has experienced the baptism of time, and the precipitation of time has made this relationship more and more precious.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

Their marriage is considered a model in the circle. This is not because of how vigorous their feelings are, but because their love comes from sincere emotions that love each other.

After 15 years of long-distance love, Cao Ying and Wang Ban finally entered the palace of marriage, and they used their own stories to perfectly interpret what true love is.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

Not long after Cao Ying entered marriage, her life ushered in another important moment - becoming a mother. During her pregnancy, she needed to temporarily leave the screen and stage to concentrate on raising her baby. The decision made her nervous, and she feared that the prolonged absence would affect her career.

However, when Cao Ying picked up her child for the first time, all her worries turned into joy. She felt happiness and satisfaction like never before, but at the same time she encountered new challenges.

Because as a new mother, she needs to learn how to take care of her children and how to create a good balance between family and career.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

After experiencing a period of emotional depression after giving birth, Cao Ying's mood was like a roller coaster, sometimes full of happiness, because she could accompany her child wholeheartedly; Sometimes I am lost and helpless because I am out of the spotlight.

This ambivalence made her suffer a lot, and in an interview, Cao Ying confided in her heart: "The pressure at that time was really high, on the one hand, I wanted to take care of the children, and on the other hand, I was afraid that the audience would forget me."

Just when Cao Ying hesitated to return to the screen, Wang Ban gave her the greatest support. He encouraged her to follow her inner choice and not give up her career dreams for the sake of her family. At the same time, he also shared more family responsibilities, giving Cao Ying enough time and opportunities to replan her career.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

With the support of her family, Cao Ying regained her self-confidence and began to try to find a balance between family and career. She needs to be a good wife and mother while maintaining her acting career.

Although it was a serious challenge, with tenacity and intelligence, Cao Ying found her rhythm step by step.

Cao Ying recalls that it was a difficult time, but it made her grow a lot, learned how to better plan her time, and should cherish the happiness that each role brought her.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

This experience gave Cao Ying a new insight into life. She understands that women don't need to sacrifice their careers completely to maintain family harmony, and that ignoring family is not the only option for the sake of career. Finding a balance between career and family is the happiest state.

Cao Ying's story is an inspiration for many women in the workplace. She used her own experience to show that women can succeed in both their families and careers, and the key is to have the courage to face challenges and make wise choices.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

Time flies, and Cao Ying and Wang Ban's marriage has gone through 11 springs, summers, autumns and winters. During those years, they had many unusual experiences together and shared many precious moments.

Cao Ying is not only an outstanding actor and host, but also an excellent wife and loving mother.

In 2018, Cao Ying's career reached its peak again. She returned to the CCTV stage and hosted the second season of the critically acclaimed "Reader". Standing on the familiar stage, Cao Ying regained the passion of her youth, but there was more calmness in her eyes at this moment.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

This comeback allowed the audience to once again taste her unique charm and wide range of talents.

In 2019, the movie "Six Desires" starring Cao Ying was released in theaters and received unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders. It not only shows Cao Ying's superb acting skills, but also reflects her pursuit and thinking about art.

Cao Ying said in an interview: "I feel very lucky and proud to be able to participate in such an in-depth work."

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

While climbing new heights in her career, Cao Ying's family life is also very happy. She and her husband Wang Ban have a deeper and deeper relationship, and they will accompany their children to grow up together after work and enjoy the joy of family.

Cao Ying once shared her feelings on social media: "My family has given me strength, my career has created my vitality, and I am very grateful for my current life."

Now Cao Ying has found her own balance in life. She constantly pursues excellence in her career, and can enjoy warmth and joy at home. Her life experience is not only the struggle of a successful artist, but also a vivid teaching material on how to strike a balance between family and career.

"CCTV First Sister" Cao Ying: After marrying Wang Ban, she went to film again, is she living happily now?

Cao Ying's experience tells us that marriage and career are not absolutely opposite, and women have enough determination and wisdom to reap both success and happiness in their families and careers.

As Cao Ying said: "Happiness is a sum, career success and family warmth are all included."

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