
How did the Xinjiang Railway China-Europe express train reach a record high?

author:China Youth Network

At the beginning of the new year, a piece of good news spread throughout the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains. China-Europe trains to and from Mercedes-Benz Alashankou and Khorgos ports, running out of the upward curve - Xinjiang inbound and outbound Central Europe (Central Asia) trains exceeded 9679 trains, a record high; Xinjiang railway single-day loading exceeded 10,600 cars, 608,000 tons; in 2020, the annual freight volume completed 174.8 million tons, an increase of 15.1% year-on-year.

In-depth cooperation, the whole logistics to open up the upstream and downstream

Short-term barges, obstruction of transportation, and the test of the epidemic, Henan Energy and Chemical Group Xinjiang Investment Holding Co., Ltd. coal transportation volume rose against the trend, completing shipments of 2.064 million tons, an increase of 67.8% year-on-year.

"The multi-party coordination and capacity support of the railway ensure the production and operation." Lu Muxiao, member of the standing committee of the party committee and deputy general manager of the company, said. With the continuous advancement of the national "public to rail" policy, the railway and customers implement mutual guarantee of quantity and price, which has promoted the in-depth cooperation between the two sides.

"By signing strategic customer agreements, we can accurately grasp the annual transportation needs of customers, and can implement 'one game of chess' accurate services and rationally allocate transportation capacity." Li Xing, deputy director of the freight department of China Railway Urumqi Bureau Group Co., Ltd., said.

While grasping the "basic disk" of the source of goods, the Xinjiang railway department extends its service tentacles, sends customer representatives to key enterprises, dynamically understands the production situation and transportation plans of enterprises, coordinates and solves the problems existing in transportation, ensures that there are goods that are cars, and cars that can be transported, and ensure the smooth flow of large channels under the new situation of normalized epidemic prevention and control.

Li Xing said: "On the one hand, we play a role as a link, coordinate upstream and downstream enterprises, and help customers find sales channels; on the other hand, we provide customer support in automobile short-haul transportation, loading and unloading manpower and machinery, and achieve a win-win situation for all three parties." ”

Customer feedback is the best proof. On December 25, 2020, Xinjiang Railway signed 2021 cooperation agreements with 31 strategic customers, with an agreed capacity of 143 million tons, an increase of 20 million tons year-on-year.

Improve efficiency, accurate scheduling to help double cycle

At 11:00 on December 30, 2020, a 41-vehicle, fully loaded with household cars and accessories, set off from Alashankou Station and headed for Malaszewicz, Poland, marking the first time in the year that the number of Central European (Central Asian) trains entering and leaving Alashankou Station exceeded 5,000 trains.

In 2020, the Xinjiang railway department will increase hardware investment, expand and transform Alashankou and Khorgos stations, give full play to the advantages of the golden channel of international intermodal transport of the China-Kazakhstan Railway, optimize the transportation organization, and improve the efficiency of customs clearance of trains. As of December 31, 2020, the number of Central European (Central Asia) trains entering and exiting Through Alashankou Station reached 5,027 Central Europe (Central Asia) trains, an increase of 41.8% year-on-year; the number of Central European (Central Asia) trains entering and leaving the Khorgos port reached 4652 trains, an increase of 37% year-on-year.

In the face of various emergencies in 2020, Xinjiang Railway and key enterprises will deeply implement the "public to rail" and "scattered reform" transportation to ensure the stability of the industrial chain supply chain and help build a new development pattern with the domestic large cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles promoting each other.

A 10,000-ton train slowly pulls out of the ring line like a long dragon, and the second hundred empty trains relay into the ring line to load trains. "We have inserted mobile parking signs to divide sections, so that the ring line can be continuously loaded, and the 10,000-ton trains can be normalized." Liu Dong, station manager of the General Temple East Station, introduced.

From 3 trains to 22 trains a day, although wuzhun railway general temple east station is only a fourth-class station, it is scattered, consisting of six stations such as general temple east station, jianger mining station, Beishan north station, Jingou station, Hongshaquan station, and Beishan station, which undertakes nearly one-tenth of the daily loading task of Xinjiang Railway.

The Xinjiang railway department implements accurate dispatching and command, optimizes the transportation organization process, popularizes the 5,000-ton traction quota on 11 lines in the tube, normalizes the operation of 100 and 10,000 tons of trains, realizes direct access to road enterprises at 26 stations and 53 special lines, and organizes pu-speed buses to go on high-speed rail and promote bus speed-up, fully releasing the freight channel capacity, ensuring the stable growth of bulk cargo transportation such as thermal coal and people's livelihood coal transportation, coal, metal ore, fertilizer, cotton, etc.

Transportation within Xinjiang is faster, and transportation outside Xinjiang is more. According to the relevant person in charge of the dispatching office of China Railway Urumqi Bureau Group Co., Ltd., the average number of trains directly to the mainland is about 15 per day. At the same time, Wuxi, Hamidong, Korla and other hub stations have strengthened the organization of through trains and reduced shunting operations, of which the proportion of through trains at Wuxi Station has continued to remain above 25%.

Upgrade and expand capacity, and comprehensively lay out a dense logistics network

The Xinjiang railway department focuses on the whole of Xinjiang, lays out and promotes the construction of logistics bases, renovates and expands 13 logistics bases such as Aksu and Karamay North, accelerates the construction of 18 special railway lines such as Yihua, Kuxi Futeng, Wuwu New Town, and Runyuan Changsheng in the quasi-northeast of Xinjiang, and extends the service chain.

In Shihezi, with the completion and commissioning of two new railway loading and unloading lines, the cargo transportation capacity of the Tianye Railway Special Line has been greatly improved. Yan Jian, deputy general manager of Xinjiang Tianye (Group) Co., Ltd., said: "The Tianye (Group) railway special line not only meets the needs of the enterprise itself, but also transports 5.6 million tons of goods for other enterprises around Shihezi this year, an increase of 115% year-on-year. ”

Fuyun County in the Altay region has rich mineral resources, and has long been transported by road, traffic safety hazards and large transportation costs for enterprises. The opening of the Afuzun Railway has opened a convenient channel for the export of metal ore to Fuyun County. Chang Kun, deputy manager of the Zhuandong Business Department of Urumqi Freight Center, said: "The average daily shipment volume of the cargo yard of Fuyun Station is about four columns, and the current Fuyun Freight Yard is undergoing capacity expansion and transformation, which will greatly improve the shipping capacity of containers. ”

In the whole year of 2020, Fuyun has shipped 4.8 million tons of metal ore, an increase of 1.8 million tons over the annual planned volume.

The Geku Railway, which opened on December 9, 2020, crosses Mount Argin and takes the "ladder" up to the plateau. The adsorption effect of this southern corridor of the Xinjiang Railway is rapidly emerging. Cao Zhihong, deputy general manager of Sinopec Xinjiang Petroleum Branch, said: "After the opening of the Geku Railway, the refined oil products were transported from Kucha to Golmud, shortening the distance by 800 kilometers, and the cost dropped by about 41% compared with road transportation. ”

The potash fertilizer from Qinghai Salt Lake is transported to Kuche in southern Xinjiang for processing into compound fertilizer. Xinjiang's refined oil, steel, glass, flour and other goods were transported to Qinghai and Tibet, realizing the complementarity of the advantages of the western provinces and regions, and the Geku Railway was opened less than a month ago, and the freight volume has exceeded 300,000 tons.

Source: Guangming Daily