
Support the rectification of the culture of the mother-gun

author:Little Rui Rui video

Ruined a generation of men

Support the rectification of the culture of the mother-gun

Ruined a generation of men

Qu Yanyan


Recently, many bans on culture and education have been introduced in the country, and young people have said: Everything must be managed, freedom is gone!

I have said this before, many years ago when I went to work in the mainland, I would complain when I couldn't get on the Internet.

Now, of course, we understand, especially in recent years, Hong Kong has become the protagonist of rumors, and the lies of the dead people of Prince Edward Station have been demonized into totems and erected on the streets of London, and we suddenly realize how wise and far-sighted the decision of the country to block the INTRUSION of the Us Network on that day was.

Therefore, when I saw that the State Administration of Radio and Television recently issued a circular: "Resolutely put an end to deformed aesthetics such as 'niang cannon'", I raised my feet to support it.

Over the years, seeing the entertainment circles of Japan, South Korea, the mainland, and Taiwan, full of thick makeup, cute, male artists who are difficult to distinguish between male and female, this phenomenon known as "female cannon", it is really unbearable to see.

Whether from the perspective of human history or biology, men are masculine, which should be an immutable law throughout the ages. However, in today's entertainment industry, male stars tout their appearance, and the talent shows in the mainland are full of male artists who smear thick powder, draw eyeliner, paint lipstick, dress feminine, hold up orchid hands, and wear color-changing contact lenses.

After watching a small live broadcast of fresh meat, I injured my finger on the way, and the small fresh meat screamed and screamed, and as a result, five or six assistants helped him to the ambulance. If the boys of a country have changed their motherhood and motherhood of lying in the hospital with their fingers injured, will there be a future for this country?

Some people say that this is the trend of the world, the world has changed, and there are male idols in many places.

Is this really the case? You may wish to see that the "girl cannon culture" that has emerged in recent decades has flourished, only concentrated in East Asia, including Japan, South Korea, Thailand, the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan, while the male image of the United States continues to be dominated by salvation heroes, such as Dwayne Douglas Johnson, the most popular hollywood in recent years, whose selling point is that his arms are thicker than your thighs and one knocks down dozens of them. And the heroes of the West continue to be Superman, Spider-Man, Captain America, their mainstream male image, always sunny, world-saving, never feminine, not feminine.

Why is it that the aesthetics of men are suddenly so different? That's to start after World War II...

The impression of Japan during World War II is that of a big man, Bushido, a cut belly, a death squad, and a very masculine. The Japanese are militaristic, belligerent, and cruel, and the whole world has experienced it. A small country actually has the combat strength to compete with the world's major powers, so after the end of World War II, the United States decided to destroy Japan's Bushido spirit through a series of cultural transformations, which is the most powerful move in the art of war: the soldier who yields without fighting.

In 1962, a Japanese-American born in Los Angeles who had long worked as a translator for the U.S. military and consulates, Janis. Johnny H. Kitagawa came to Osaka and opened an agency, Janis Office, which became popular for generations of celebrities. From the earliest Hideki Nishijo, Kenji Sawada, Makoto Kondo, to the later Takuya Kimura, Shingo Katori, and more recently Hideaki Takizawa, boy band group Snow Man, etc., the firm has become a Japanese idol factory, and Kitagawa has also become the godfather of Japanese entertainment, directly influencing the aesthetic and entertainment orientation of generations of Japanese people through song, film and television culture. Since then, the rough image of men in the style of "Ken Takakura" has not reappeared in the Japanese entertainment industry.

Coupled with sexual culture, anime culture, not only advocating beautiful teenagers, but also touting men dressed as women, gender blurred deformity aesthetics, the emergence of nails, makeup, wearing high heels and even wearing men's busts "pseudo-bride", Japan, the most typical patriarchal society in East Asia, has been completely feminine.

Then, this beautiful and manly atmosphere was blown to South Korea, and then carried forward, and then the mother's cannon wind burned to Taiwan and the mainland. Everyone pursues the female style and suppresses the male wind, the Western Dwayne Johnson is an American hero who fights ten, and Wu Jing's "wolf warrior" who fights ten is called exaggeration and untruthfulness.

In fact, war does not have to be gunned, just as the British destroyed a generation of Chinese men by selling opium. Today, the United States has recalled the sick men of East Asia through the culture of the mother-gun gun.

Look at the truth behind the perfect little fresh meat, can we not pinch the sweat for our next generation? Can you not applaud the country's immediate decision?