
The origin of Yantai specialty Food Penglai small noodles

author:Yantai those things

Penglai small noodles are traditional and famous food in Penglai, with a long history.

Noodles for artificial pulling, local commonly known as "falling noodles", thin and tough, brine for real seabream (commonly known as Gagi fish) boiling soup mixed, add an appropriate amount of mung bean starch, with soy sauce, fungus, sesame oil, star anise, pepper and other condiments, one or two per bowl, with a unique seafood flavor.

The origin of Yantai specialty Food Penglai small noodles

During the Republic of China period, the Penglai small noodles made by the heirs of Yifutang were famous (commonly known as "Yifutang small noodles").

The origin of Yantai specialty Food Penglai small noodles

Originally from Qixia, Yifutang learned to cook at the age of 13, ran his own pick ramen noodles, co-founded a restaurant that also operated small noodles, and in 1945 he operated his own "Yiji" restaurant.

The materials and workmanship of the small noodles he made are extremely elaborate, so the supply is not large, only 100 bowls are sold every morning, and they are known for their exquisite workmanship and delicious taste, and there are often foreign merchants who are sorry because they can't eat the small noodles of Yifutang.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Penglai large and small hotels have operated breakfasts, and medium-to-high-end hotels have also treated guests, with sales of more than 30,000 bowls per morning.

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