
Before and after the mango seed, eating meat is not as good as eating beans, sharing the 4 ways of mung beans, safe and stable before and after the summer mango seeds, eating meat is not as good as eating beans, sharing the 4 ways of mung beans, safe and stable summer! 【Mung bean soup】【Mung bean popsicle】【Mung bean noodles】【Mung bean millet porridge】

author:Ruoyu's mother is in the kitchen
Before and after the mango seed, eating meat is not as good as eating beans, sharing the 4 ways of mung beans, safe and stable before and after the summer mango seeds, eating meat is not as good as eating beans, sharing the 4 ways of mung beans, safe and stable summer! 【Mung bean soup】【Mung bean popsicle】【Mung bean noodles】【Mung bean millet porridge】

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="37" before and after the > mango seeds, eating meat is not as good as eating beans, sharing the 4 ways of mung beans, safe and stable summer! </h1>

During the planting season, the hot summer officially begins, and the heat protection time begins! The weather is hot, people are easy to be sleepy and have no appetite, at this time eating more mung beans is excellent, mung beans detoxify, relieve heat and dryness, used to cook mung bean soup, or cook porridge, soup when adding some, not only to relieve the heat appetizer, but also to supplement nutrition. Mung beans with coix rice can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness; mung beans with rock sugar lilies can moisturize the lungs and dissolve phlegm; mung beans with pumpkin millet can strengthen the spleen and stomach.

Before and after the mango seed, eating meat is not as good as eating beans, sharing the 4 ways of mung beans, safe and stable before and after the summer mango seeds, eating meat is not as good as eating beans, sharing the 4 ways of mung beans, safe and stable summer! 【Mung bean soup】【Mung bean popsicle】【Mung bean noodles】【Mung bean millet porridge】

Today I will share with you the 4 ways of mung beans, change them to make them for your family in the summer, and spend the summer safely and easily!

Before and after the mango seed, eating meat is not as good as eating beans, sharing the 4 ways of mung beans, safe and stable before and after the summer mango seeds, eating meat is not as good as eating beans, sharing the 4 ways of mung beans, safe and stable summer! 【Mung bean soup】【Mung bean popsicle】【Mung bean noodles】【Mung bean millet porridge】

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > [mung bean soup].</h1>

Main ingredients: mung beans, water, rock sugar.

【Specific method】

1: Wash the mung beans and soak in boiling water for 10 minutes.

2: Pour the beans into a sealed bag, add some water, and freeze them in the refrigerator together. I froze several packs in the fridge and could use it anytime I wanted to cook mung bean soup.

3: Boil water in a pot and wait for the water to boil before adding mung bean ice cubes.

4: Cook on high heat for 10 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for a few minutes, all the mung beans are in bloom.

5, according to the taste of some old rock sugar, want to drink cold can be put into a bowl into the refrigerator refrigeration.

Before and after the mango seed, eating meat is not as good as eating beans, sharing the 4 ways of mung beans, safe and stable before and after the summer mango seeds, eating meat is not as good as eating beans, sharing the 4 ways of mung beans, safe and stable summer! 【Mung bean soup】【Mung bean popsicle】【Mung bean noodles】【Mung bean millet porridge】

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > [mung bean popsicle].</h1>

Main ingredients: 1 bowl of mung beans, rock sugar to taste, glutinous rice flour 2 spoons, water to taste.

1, mung beans clean, soak in water for two hours in advance, pour into the rice cooker with water, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar, the amount of rock sugar is adjusted according to the sweetness of personal preference, the amount of water is also based on personal preference, like each bite to eat mung beans, then the amount of water is less.

2, with the function of boiling porridge, the mung beans are boiled into mung bean paste, almost all of which are flowering.

3: Stir well with two spoonfuls of glutinous rice flour in a small half bowl of water, pour into the pot, add glutinous rice flour to the mung bean popsicles to eat soft and sticky.

4, pour glutinous rice water and stir well, then boil again, this time you can taste whether the sweetness is suitable for your appetite.

5: Pour the mung bean glutinous rice paste into the mold after cooling, cover the lid and put it in the refrigerator to freeze.

【Tips】The mung bean popsicle that is done is cool and not sweet, and if the cooked mung bean paste is directly poured into the mold and frozen, the ice residue will be more, and it will be harder to eat and bite. Add glutinous rice water, the popsicles made will be softer, taste better, glutinous rice water added more, the taste will be softer.

Before and after the mango seed, eating meat is not as good as eating beans, sharing the 4 ways of mung beans, safe and stable before and after the summer mango seeds, eating meat is not as good as eating beans, sharing the 4 ways of mung beans, safe and stable summer! 【Mung bean soup】【Mung bean popsicle】【Mung bean noodles】【Mung bean millet porridge】

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" > [mung bean noodles].</h1>

Ingredients: 300 grams of ordinary flour, 150 grams of mung bean noodles, 140 grams of water, 2 grams of salt, 1 egg, cornmeal to taste

【Step】1: Prepare ordinary flour, mung bean noodles, salt, eggs. The amount of mung bean noodles should not exceed the amount of white noodles, and adding salt and eggs and noodles can make the noodles more powerful.

2: Put the flour into the basin, pour in the eggs, pour water and stir into a flocculent shape, and then knead into a relatively hard dough.

3, reconcile the dough, put aside cover with plastic wrap to wake up for 30 minutes, so that the dough tissue is fully extended, so that it will be easier to roll out below.

4, sprinkle some cornmeal on the board, cornmeal anti-stick effect is better than starch and flour. Roll out the dough into rectangular sheets, fold the dough head and back, and sprinkle some cornmeal before folding to prevent sticking.

5. Cut the dough into strips and cut into the desired width according to your liking. If you want to make dough, you can also cut it directly into triangles or diamonds to dry it.

6, cut noodles can not eat directly with a plastic bag, put in the refrigerator frozen, as you eat as you like.

Before and after the mango seed, eating meat is not as good as eating beans, sharing the 4 ways of mung beans, safe and stable before and after the summer mango seeds, eating meat is not as good as eating beans, sharing the 4 ways of mung beans, safe and stable summer! 【Mung bean soup】【Mung bean popsicle】【Mung bean noodles】【Mung bean millet porridge】

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="29" > [mung bean millet porridge].</h1>

Ingredients: Mung bean, millet, lotus seeds.

【Specific method】 1, mung beans and lotus seeds soaked overnight in advance, summer temperature is high, can be placed in the refrigerator refrigerated soaking. Soaked mung beans are more likely to flower. There is also a way to wash the mung beans, add water, put them in the refrigerator and freeze, and the green beans after freezing are also easier to flower when cooked directly under the pot. The main principle is to let the mung beans absorb enough water to make it easier to flower.

2: Cook mung beans and lotus seeds in a pot with water. Bring to a boil on high heat and continue to cook for 5 minutes.

3: Pour in the cleaned millet and continue to cook on high heat. Millet panning only needs to be rinsed once with running water. Scrubbing vigorously will cause nutrient loss.

4: Pour millet into the pot and continue to cook for 10 minutes, stimulate the aroma of millet, then turn the heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes, simmer until the mung beans blossom and the millet comes out of the rice oil. Stir a few more times in the middle to avoid the bottom.

5, cooked mung bean millet porridge directly drink the original taste of the most relieving heat, if you want to drink sweet, you can add a small piece of rock sugar, do not add sugar Oh! Sugar on the fire, rock sugar to the fire, add the wrong effect is completely different!

I am Ruoyu's mother, like to cook, like to deal with chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea, like to share my three meals a day, share my cooking experience! Follow Ruoyu's mother in the kitchen and share food recipes with you every day! If you have better suggestions, we look forward to sharing them with me in the message area! The pictures and texts are all my original, it is strictly forbidden to carry, plagiarism must be investigated!

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