
The lazy approach to shrimp and vegetable porridge is just as delicious

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The lazy approach to shrimp and vegetable porridge is just as delicious

There is beauty and material, fresh and delicious, soft and sticky, fresh and very fresh!

By love to eat fruit love to cook small mushrooms


Carrots 50 g

Peas 50 g

Corn 50 g

120 g shrimp

Rice 100 g

Glutinous rice 50 g

A pinch of shallots

Ginger powder a little

One small spoonful of cooking wine

Salt to taste

A little white pepper

Chicken essence (can not be put) a little

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

The lazy approach to shrimp and vegetable porridge is just as delicious

1, ➕ rice glutinous rice washed, the rice and water into the pressure cooker, cover, high heat to boil, turn the heat down for 10 minutes, if you use other pots, porridge boiled viscous can be

The lazy approach to shrimp and vegetable porridge is just as delicious

2, shrimp with a toothpick to remove the shrimp line, poke some eyes on the surface of the shrimp, easy to marinate into the flavor

The lazy approach to shrimp and vegetable porridge is just as delicious

3: Add salt, cooking wine and ginger powder and stir well, marinate for 15 minutes

The lazy approach to shrimp and vegetable porridge is just as delicious

4: Prepare the ingredients, dice the carrots, cut some green onions and set aside, blanch the vegetables in hot water, fish out and dry

The lazy approach to shrimp and vegetable porridge is just as delicious

5, the cooked porridge is fragrant and viscous

The lazy approach to shrimp and vegetable porridge is just as delicious

6: Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, heat the oil and reduce the heat, add the green onion and stir-fry

The lazy approach to shrimp and vegetable porridge is just as delicious

7: Add vegetables and sauté for a while, then turn off heat

The lazy approach to shrimp and vegetable porridge is just as delicious

8: Add shrimp and stir-fry evenly

The lazy approach to shrimp and vegetable porridge is just as delicious

9: Pour the sautéed vegetables and shrimp into the porridge pot, add a little salt and pepper to taste, turn on the low heat, stir while cooking, turn off the heat for about 2 minutes

The lazy approach to shrimp and vegetable porridge is just as delicious

10: Sprinkle a handful of green onions

The lazy approach to shrimp and vegetable porridge is just as delicious

11. Plate

The lazy approach to shrimp and vegetable porridge is just as delicious

12. Super fresh flavor

The lazy approach to shrimp and vegetable porridge is just as delicious

13. Soft and sticky


If you like to eat shiitake mushrooms, you can put some

<h2>Nutritional benefits of carrots</h2>

Gastrointestinal discomfort, constipation, night blindness, low sexual function, measles, whooping cough, malnutrition in children

<h2>Dietary contraindications to carrots</h2>

1. It is not advisable to eat radish that has been chopped and washed or soaked in water for a long time

2. It should not be consumed when taking dihydroccal urine plugs

3, should not add too much vinegar when eating, so as not to lose carotene

4. The chewing time should not be too short when eating

5. Do not eat at the same time as carrots and red and white radish

6. It is not advisable to eat with vegetables rich in vitamin C (such as spinach, rape, cauliflower, tomato, pepper, etc.) and fruits (such as citrus, lemon, strawberry, jujube, etc.) to destroy vitamin C and reduce nutritional value.

7, contraindicated raw food (although carrots are vegetables, but only cooked, the radoragin contained in it is more stable. According to our general stir-frying method, 76% to 94% of the nutrients can be preserved. Therefore, when raw carrots are eaten, radishoids are difficult to absorb because they do not have fat, resulting in waste.

8. Studies have found that after women eat too many carrots, a large amount of carotene ingested will cause amenorrhea and inhibit the normal ovulation function of the ovaries. Therefore, women who want to become pregnant should not eat more carrots

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