
took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

author:Xiaozhu Literature
took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

In 2006, a shocking news broke out in the entertainment industry: Qian Linlin, a well-known CCTV host, announced her marriage to the unknown actor Zhang Yi. This decision is like a bombshell, causing an uproar inside and outside the circle.

At that time, Qian Linlin's career was in full swing and she was in the limelight. And Zhang Yi is just a nameless young actor, and he can often only receive some insignificant roles.

What's even more surprising is that Qian Linlin also entered this marriage with her own children.

In the face of the doubts and incomprehension of the people around her, Qian Linlin behaved extremely firmly. As if she had seen something that others could not perceive, she resolutely bet her future on this seemingly ordinary man.

took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

Today, more than ten years later, when we look back on the past, we can't help but ask: What made Qian Linlin make this seemingly crazy decision? How did she insist on her choice in the midst of everyone's disapproval? Let's uncover this legendary love story that spans nearly two decades.

Before Qian Linlin and Zhang Yi met, they each experienced emotional trauma and setbacks. These experiences left deep scars in their hearts, but they also laid the groundwork for their future encounters.

Qian Linlin had a brief marriage. As a well-known host of CCTV, she is thriving in her career, but her private life is not satisfactory. Her ex-husband was a Go enthusiast who devoted all his energy to his beloved career after marriage, neglecting family life.

Even during Qian Linlin's pregnancy, her husband only hastily hired a nanny and continued to immerse himself in his own world. This indifference made Qian Linlin feel lonely and lost.

took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

Eventually, the marriage, which lacked love and understanding, came to an end two years later. The divorce brought a huge blow to Qian Linlin, and she began to doubt whether she could still find true love.

Although she still maintains an elegant and decent image in public, in private, Qian Linlin is like a wounded little beast, licking her wounds alone.

Zhang Yi's emotional experience was similarly bumpy. During his time at the Beijing Repertory Theatre, he was often ridiculed for his mediocre appearance, and was even nicknamed "the ugly monster among actors" by his peers.

These discrimination and ridicule did not bring down Zhang Yi, but instead stimulated his fighting spirit and made him work harder to study acting.

took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

Zhang Yi also had an unforgettable first love. However, when he took his girlfriend to meet his parents with hope, he was strongly opposed by the woman's family. His girlfriend's mother said hurtful things in front of him: "You are not a good match, he is not worthy of your identity, his appearance is not good, and his career has not improved."

Although Zhang Yi sincerely expressed his determination, he was ultimately not recognized. The failure of this relationship brought Zhang Yi a deep sense of inferiority and frustration.

Fate always seems to have its own arrangement. On an ordinary rainy day, Zhang Yi and Qian Linlin had their first chance encounter. At that time, Qian Linlin was worried about not bringing an umbrella, and Zhang Yi took the initiative to hold up an umbrella for her.

This simple act became the beginning of their story.

took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

As the relationship deepened, the two gradually became confidants who talked about everything. At a dinner party, perhaps due to the effects of alcohol, they opened their hearts to each other and told each other about their past.

Qian Linlin was moved by Zhang Yi's sincerity and tenacity, and she saw the inner light under the man's exterior. And Zhang Yi found understanding and support in Qian Linlin, which he had always longed for but never obtained.

Two wounded hearts find resonance in their encounter and are healed in each other's warmth. Qian Linlin rekindled her hope for love, and she saw the potential and charm of Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi, with Qian Linlin's encouragement, regained confidence in the future.

took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

This experience made them realize that perhaps it was because of the pain of the past that they knew how to cherish the people in front of them more. Their encounter is not only the fate of two people, but also the arrangement of fate, allowing two once lost souls to find a home.

Qian Linlin and Zhang Yi's relationship gradually warmed up, but their love road was not all smooth sailing. When Qian Linlin decided to take Zhang Yi home to meet her parents, they faced their first major test.

Zhang Yi was nervous, for fear of repeating the mistakes of the past and experiencing an embarrassing situation like when he was in love for the first time again. However, he still mustered up the courage and accompanied Qian Linlin to the threshold of her house.

As expected, Qian Linlin's mother did not have a good impression of Zhang Yi. In her eyes, how can her excellent and beautiful daughter, as a well-known show host, marry an ordinary actor with a mediocre appearance and obscurity? She did not hide her dissatisfaction, and her words were full of doubts and contempt for Zhang Yi.

took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

In the face of her mother's opposition, Qian Linlin showed amazing courage and determination. Instead of backing down, she started a heated argument with her parents. She firmly expressed her choice and strongly presented Zhang Yi's strengths and potential.

In Qian Linlin's eyes, Zhang Yi is not only what he is now, but also the person he may become in the future.

This "campaign" lasted a long time. Qian Linlin used her persistence and trust in Zhang Yi to persuade her parents again and again. She depicts the future she and Zhang Yi share together, expressing her cherishing of this feeling.

Zhang Yi did not flinch in the process. Although he felt embarrassed and painful in the face of his future mother-in-law's disapproval, he chose to fight side by side with Qian Linlin. He proved his worth with his actions, showing his sincere feelings for Qian Linlin and confidence in the future.

took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

After a long time of running-in and communication, Qian Linlin's parents were finally moved by their daughter's determination and Zhang Yi's sincerity. They gave the lovers their blessing and, although they still had doubts in their hearts, chose to respect their daughter's decision.

The victory of this "family defense war" not only relieved Qian Linlin and Zhang Yi, but also made their relationship stronger. Their experience of facing difficulties and overcoming obstacles together has made the two of them more convinced that they are the right person in their lives.

Qian Linlin's choice shocked many people. Some people don't understand, some people question it, but she always believes in her own judgment. She saw Zhang Yi's talent and potential, and even more saw his sense of responsibility to his family and loyalty to love.

This kind of insight and courage allowed Qian Linlin to firmly move towards the happiness she chose despite many doubts.

took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

This process not only tested their love, but also made the two cherish each other more. They understand that true love needs to face difficulties together and needs to trust and support each other.

It was this experience of sharing hardships and hardships that laid a solid foundation for their later married life.

After getting married, Qian Linlin made a decision that shocked many people: she resolutely gave up her brilliant hosting career and devoted herself to supporting Zhang Yi's acting career.

This decision puzzled many people, but Qian Linlin was unswerving.

took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

She has transformed from a high-profile CCTV host to an obscure behind-the-scenes supporter. Qian Linlin became Zhang Yi's agent and dealt with all kinds of tedious affairs.

From arranging interviews and coordinating schedules, to handling contracts and taking care of daily life, she solves problems for Zhang Yi in every detail, so that he can focus on improving his acting skills and shaping his role.

In the family, Qian Linlin has made great efforts. She takes good care of her children, and at the same time creates a warm and comfortable family environment for Zhang Yi.

She knows that only by relieving her worries can Zhang Yi devote herself to her acting career.

took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

Zhang Yi also did not live up to his wife's expectations and dedication. He fulfilled his promise to treat Qian Linlin's children as his own and take care of them with his heart. Despite his busy schedule, he still finds time to spend with his family and tries to find a balance between career and family.

Whenever he has free time, he always returns home as soon as possible to accompany his wife and children and make them feel loved and valued.

This supportive relationship strengthened their marriage. Qian Linlin's selfless dedication made Zhang Yi feel warm and cherished, and this support became the driving force for him to keep moving forward.

And Zhang Yi's efforts and gradually apparent success made Qian Linlin feel relieved and proud, confirming that her original choice was correct.

took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

In the process, Qian Linlin showed amazing insight and determination. She not only saw Zhang Yi's potential, but also used her practical actions to help him realize his dream.

Her dedication is not a sacrifice, but a choice to grow together. She is convinced that Zhang Yi's success is her success, and the two of them are a whole, chasing their acting dreams together.

They use practical actions to explain what a real partnership is, and each other becomes the most solid backing for each other. This marriage model of mutual support and common growth has also become the object of envy and learning for many people.

The story of Qian Linlin and Zhang Yi tells us that true love is not only a vigorous confession, but also mutual support and common struggle in ordinary life. It is this spirit of going hand in hand that makes their love last for a long time, and it also makes Zhang Yi's dream of acting gradually come true.

took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

With the full support of Qian Linlin, Zhang Yi's acting career began to enter the fast lane. In 2006, he played the role of Shi Jin in the hit drama "Soldier Assault", which became a turning point in his career.

Especially in the scene where he cried bitterly in the car, Zhang Yi's acting skills shocked countless audiences, and also made industry insiders begin to re-examine this unknown actor.

The success of this role seems to have opened Pandora's box, and then Zhang Yi has successively created classic roles such as Chen Jianghe and An Xin. Each role shows Zhang Yi's solid acting skills and deep understanding of the characters, and has won unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders.

Zhang Yi's efforts finally ushered in the most glorious moment in 2021: with his outstanding performance in the film "On the Cliff" directed by Zhang Yimou, he won the best actor crown in one fell swoop.

took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

This award is not only an affirmation of Zhang Yi's efforts over the years, but also marks that he has reached a new peak in his acting career.

However, success did not make Zhang Yi forget his original intention. He still retains his love for acting and a serious attitude towards his role. Every time he receives a new role, he puts his heart and soul into it, striving to bring out the best performance possible.

He often said, "Every role is a new challenge, and I would never dare to say that I have succeeded."

In this process of continuous climbing, Qian Linlin has always been Zhang Yi's strongest backing. She not only dealt with all kinds of trivial matters, but also gave Zhang Yi great support mentally.

took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

Whenever Zhang Yi had doubts about his performance, it was Qian Linlin who encouraged him and supported him. Her dedication allows Zhang Yi to focus on her acting career without worries and constantly break through herself.

Zhang Yi's success is not only the result of his personal efforts, but also a proof of the couple's concerted efforts. They used practical actions to interpret what it is to be truly in love with each other, and also let the world see a model of the perfect combination of love and career.

Despite his successful career, Zhang Yi has never forgotten his wife's dedication. He still regards Qian Linlin as the pearl of his palm as he promised at the beginning. Outside of work, he is always the first to return home to spend time with his wife and children.

Their relationship has not only not diluted with the passage of time, but has become more mellow.

took her son to marry the actor Zhang Yi, and more than ten years have passed before I understand how well she married

In public, Zhang Yi often looked at Qian Linlin affectionately, his eyes full of gratitude and love. He said emotionally in an interview: "Half of my success is hers.

Without her support, I wouldn't be where I am today.

This story tells us that love needs to be discerning, and it needs to support each other. The story of Qian Linlin and Zhang Yi is undoubtedly a model of modern marriage, explaining what it is to really grow old together.

They have been together for 18 years, proving that sincere love and hard work can create miracles, and also showing the world the true meaning of a happy marriage.

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