
surprise! The housekeeper helped the owner to decorate the new house for 20 days

author:Xinjiang Net

On the morning of October 10, in order to thank the housekeeper Yang Yi for helping to handle the layout of the new house, Ms. Cao, the owner of Building 25 of Urumqi Country Garden, specially sent a pennant to Yang Yi, which reads "Good housekeeper of the property, intimate person of the owner".

surprise! The housekeeper helped the owner to decorate the new house for 20 days

Butler Yang Yi received the owner's pennant

The owner has no time to decorate the new house And ask the housekeeper temporarily

On July 11, Ms. Cao's family came to the project to handle the procedures for receiving the house, but due to the special nature of the work, they have not paid attention to the arrangement. At the beginning of September, the tenants wanted to rent a house, and Ms. Cao was anxious to arrange the new house quickly.

surprise! The housekeeper helped the owner to decorate the new house for 20 days

"Our new house with decoration, tenants still very convenient to move in, that is, home, home appliances, we do not have time to buy." Just thinking that the housekeeper Yang Yi had been assisting us when receiving the room, he told her about this situation. Unexpectedly, she agreed very happily. ”

Confirming that the tenant's occupancy time was September 30, Yang Yi began his 20-day new house decoration work.

On the same day, Yang Yi found help from project engineering colleagues, went to Ms. Cao's home to first make measurement records of the size of the living room, bedroom and kitchen, and roughly determined the style and size of the items to be purchased with reference to the owner's home decoration style. Then, on the e-commerce platform, I found the appropriate product links one by one and sent them to Ms. Cao to filter.

"Many home designs are very beautiful, the price is also appropriate, that is, Xinjiang can not be shipped, you have to communicate with the merchant to confirm, in the middle of a little worry about not being able to buy the products that the owners want."

After several communications, on the third day, Yang Yi determined 3 home appliances and 4 sets of home appliances to be purchased. After Ms. Cao placed the order, she directly filled in the consignee as Yang Yi to receive, so that the final receipt and entry of the site could basically meet the tenant occupancy requirements.

surprise! The housekeeper helped the owner to decorate the new house for 20 days

Butler Yang Yi's work notes

The housekeeper plans and arranges in an orderly manner to complete the entrustment as promised

"The courier basically arrived on September 28th, that is, there are several large items that arrive at night, fortunately there are male colleagues on duty to help, so the receipt is still smooth." The most difficult thing is to enter the home, because the new house is particularly worried about bumping, specially found 4 colleagues of the engineering team, the corners of the home are wrapped in soft cloth, and everyone is busy for most of the day to calculate the proper arrangement. ”

But Yang Yi's work is not over here. To allow tenants to move in smoothly, they also need to do a good job of water and gas purchases, access control settings, and broadband installation. After contacting the business outlets to do the above matters, in order to ensure the tenant's occupancy experience, Yang Yi did indoor ventilation and cleaning again a day in advance.

On September 30, the tenant officially moved into Ms. Cao's new house, looking at the new and comfortable interior layout, and said with emotion: "This house is also very good!" ”

In order to facilitate the lives of tenants, Yang Yi specially introduced the use of the password lock for the entrance door, the safety of indoor electricity and fire, and the daily repair operation. Before leaving, I did not forget to tell him, "If there is something to find the property."

surprise! The housekeeper helped the owner to decorate the new house for 20 days

Since receiving the owner's entrustment in early September, in the past 20 days of busyness, Yang Yihe and the project property team have tried their best to start from the perspective of convenience for the owner, live up to the trust of the owner, and let the tenants move in smoothly. Although the whole process is tedious and hard, the owner feels only intimate and convenient.