
The legendary life saint of the late Qing Dynasty famous minister Zeng Guofan was born ten years seven moves Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement Formation Xiang Army Suppression Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Foreign Affairs Movement Tianjin Teaching Case Died in Nanjing Original is not easy, friends who like articles can like, pay attention to, collect and forward Oh!

author:Introduction to the sutra self-cultivation
The legendary life saint of the late Qing Dynasty famous minister Zeng Guofan was born ten years seven moves Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement Formation Xiang Army Suppression Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Foreign Affairs Movement Tianjin Teaching Case Died in Nanjing Original is not easy, friends who like articles can like, pay attention to, collect and forward Oh!

Zeng Guofan

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > saints were born</h1>

In 1811, the 16th year of Jiaqing, Zeng Guofan was born into an ordinary family in Baiyangping, Heyetang, Changsha, Hunan. He is the 70th grandson of Zongsheng Zengzi. Zeng Guofan was originally named Zicheng (子城), the character Bohan (伯汉), and the number Di sheng (涤生). Zeng Guofan has nine brothers and sisters, Zeng Guofan is the eldest son, and his ancestors are mainly farmers, and their lives are relatively prosperous. Although his grandfather Zeng Yuping had little culture, he had rich experience; his father Zeng Linshu was a Xiucai, and zeng Guofan, as the eldest son, received a high-quality education from his predecessors when he was a child. Zeng Guofan was enlightened at the age of five, and at the age of six he entered the private school "Rishimisai".

In the sixth year of Daoguang, Zeng Guofan took the Changsha Provincial Boy Examination and ranked seventh. In the tenth year of Daoguang, Zeng Guofan went to Hengyang Tang Ancestral Hall to study, and a year later transferred to the local Xiangxiang Lianbin Academy. After completing two semesters at Lianbin College, Yu Daoguang was admitted to Xiucai in the thirteenth year. The following year, Zeng Guofan entered the Yuelu Academy in Changsha to study, and in the same year, he participated in the Hunan Township Examination and became a lifter, ranking thirty-sixth. After that, he left for Beijing to prepare for the next year's meeting.

In the fifteenth year of Daoguang, Zeng Guofan failed the examination and lived in the Changsha Guild Hall in Beijing to study. The next year, the test failed again. So he returned to Changsha and lived with his fellow villagers Liu Rong and Guo Songtao at the Xiangxiang Guild Hall.

The legendary life saint of the late Qing Dynasty famous minister Zeng Guofan was born ten years seven moves Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement Formation Xiang Army Suppression Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Foreign Affairs Movement Tianjin Teaching Case Died in Nanjing Original is not easy, friends who like articles can like, pay attention to, collect and forward Oh!

Official residence two products

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > seven times in ten years</h1>

In the eighteenth year of Daoguang, Zeng Guofan once again entered Beijing to participate in the examination, and finally succeeded in the list, and the temple examination ranked forty-second in the third place. Since then, he has embarked on the road of career step by step, and became the proud protégé of the military minister Mu Zhang'a. Chao Kao ranked third in the first class, and the Daoguang Emperor personally promoted him to the second place, and entered the Hanlin Academy. Because zeng guofan was diligent and diligent, meticulous and efficient, in the ten years from 1838 to 1848, Zeng Guofan began to enter the Hanlin Academy and went all the way to the left shilang of the Ministry of Works, and was promoted seven times in ten years, and was promoted to ten grades in a row.

The legendary life saint of the late Qing Dynasty famous minister Zeng Guofan was born ten years seven moves Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement Formation Xiang Army Suppression Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Foreign Affairs Movement Tianjin Teaching Case Died in Nanjing Original is not easy, friends who like articles can like, pay attention to, collect and forward Oh!

Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > taiping heavenly kingdom movement</h1>

After the Opium War, China began to degenerate into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. Relying on a series of unequal treaties such as the Treaty of Nanking, the Western powers wantonly invaded China from the political and economic aspects. In order to pay war reparations and redemption fees of up to 28 million yuan, and make up for the financial deficit caused by the large amount of opium imports, the Qing government stepped up its rampant levies and increased taxes by one to three times. At the same time, a large number of foreign industrial products were dumped, which destroyed China's urban and rural handicrafts, and peasants and craftsmen went bankrupt. The landlord class took the opportunity to annex land and increase exploitation. The intensification of ethnic contradictions promoted the intensification of class contradictions in the country, and the vast number of peasants were hungry and cold, and they rose up one after another, and in the ten years after the Opium War, the spontaneous anti-Qing uprisings of the people of all nationalities reached more than 100 times. Guangxi was a multi-ethnic area, and the Qing rulers were very harsh on the ethnic oppression and class exploitation of the vast number of ethnic minorities; coupled with natural and man-made disasters, the vast number of peasants were miserable, and the resistance struggle rose one after another, and finally at the end of the 30th year of Daoguang, a large-scale Taiping Heavenly Kingdom peasant uprising led by Hong Xiuquan broke out. In 1852, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement had swept through half of China, and although the Qing government mobilized a large number of officers and men from all over the country to deal with the Taiping Army, this decadent armed force was no longer vulnerable to war. Therefore, the Qing government repeatedly issued orders to reward regimental training, trying to use the landlord armed forces in various places to curb the development of the Taiping Army, which provided an opportunity for the emergence of Zeng Guofan's Xiang Army. In November, the Qing government ordered Zeng Guofan and Hunan Governor Zhang Liangji to conduct regimental exercises.

The legendary life saint of the late Qing Dynasty famous minister Zeng Guofan was born ten years seven moves Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement Formation Xiang Army Suppression Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Foreign Affairs Movement Tianjin Teaching Case Died in Nanjing Original is not easy, friends who like articles can like, pay attention to, collect and forward Oh!

Formation of the Xiang Army

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > form the Xiang Army</h1>

In 1853, that is, the third year of Xianfeng, taking advantage of the Qing government's eagerness to seek strength to suppress the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Zeng Guofan took advantage of the situation in his hometown of Hunan, relying on complex interpersonal relations such as teachers and apprentices, relatives, and friends, to establish a local regiment called Xiangyong, and wrote to the Qing court to requisition Taqibu, who was still only a capital. In August, Zeng Guofan was allowed to train troops in Hengzhou, "where the mode of guns, guns, knives and anchors, the position of sails and oars, all of them will perform their own tests and think hard", and sent people to Guangdong to buy Western artillery and prepare for the establishment of a marine division. During the regimental training of Xiangyong, he solemnly disciplined the army and opened up a new army, and he successively divided the 5,000-strong Xiangyong into ten battalions, including Ta, Luo, Wang, and Li, and moved the regimental training site from Changsha to Xiangtan to avoid direct contradictions with the green camp in Changsha.

The legendary life saint of the late Qing Dynasty famous minister Zeng Guofan was born ten years seven moves Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement Formation Xiang Army Suppression Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Foreign Affairs Movement Tianjin Teaching Case Died in Nanjing Original is not easy, friends who like articles can like, pay attention to, collect and forward Oh!

Suppression of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > suppress the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom</h1>

In the fourth year of Xianfeng, the Xiang army went out of the nest. Zeng Guofan published "Begging for Cantonese Bandits". In this essay, he claimed that the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement was "poisonous to the living beings" and that "thousands of years of Chinese rituals and righteous people's lun poetry and book rules are swept away." This strange change in the Great Qing Dynasty is a strange change in the famous religion since its inception. I Confucius and Mencius wept bitterly at the Nine Springs", and then called on "all those who read and read, and they can sit with their hands and sit idly by" and stand on the moral high ground, so they mobilized the vast number of intellectuals at that time to participate in the struggle against the Taiping Army, laying a solid foundation for future victories.

The legendary life saint of the late Qing Dynasty famous minister Zeng Guofan was born ten years seven moves Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement Formation Xiang Army Suppression Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Foreign Affairs Movement Tianjin Teaching Case Died in Nanjing Original is not easy, friends who like articles can like, pay attention to, collect and forward Oh!

Yellow coat

Zeng Guofan appointed Chu Ruhang as the commander of the water army and Taqibu as the vanguard of the army, leading 240 large and small ships and 17,000 sailors and 17,000 troops, and waving the division to the east. In March, the war in Yuezhou was unfavorable. In April, after being defeated by the Taiping Army's Shi Xiangzhenbu in the Battle of Jinggang, Zeng Guofan committed suicide by throwing himself into the water in anger, but was fortunately saved by his staff zhang Shoulin. Due to the unfavorable war, Zeng Guofan was dismissed from his post. At this time, Taqibu, together with the garrison Yang Zaifu and Peng Yulin of Zhixian County, led the army to conquer Xiangtan. On July 25, after Zeng Guofan reorganized the water and land armies, he sent his division to capture Yuezhou, kill the Taiping army Zeng Tianyang, and capture Chenglingji. On October 14, he took Wuchang and Hanyang, and wore hualing for his merits. Because of Zeng Guofan's efforts to resign, he was rewarded with the rank of military attendant. On December 2, Zeng Guofan attacked the town of Tianjia, killing tens of thousands of enemies, burning 5,000 boats, and besieging Jiujiang. Zeng Guofan was rewarded with a yellow coat because of his good dispatch.

In the fifth year of Xianfeng, that is, on the night of February 12, 1855, Shi Dakai launched a general attack on the Xiang Army's water camp at the mouth of the lake, burning more than 100 Xiang Army warships. Zeng Guofan jumped off the ship and was captured, "all the books were lost." Zeng Guofan was extremely angry and planned to go to the enemy to die, but Luo Zenan and Liu Rong urged him to stop. Zeng Guofan sent Li Mengqun, Peng Yulin, and Hu Linyi to support Wuchang, while he personally went to Jiangxi to recruit troops and build ships. In July, Taqibu died in the barracks, and Zeng Guofan rushed to Jiujiang to command his troops. In August of the same year, the lake was recaptured.

In 1856, Shi Dakai attacked Jiangxi, Zeng Guofan sat in Nanchang, at this time Luo Zenan died in the military camp, Peng Yulin walked thousands of miles into the siege to Nanchang garrison. On September 2, Hong Xiuquan and Yang Xiuqing had infighting, known in history as the Tianjing Incident, and nanchang was lifted. In October, Zeng Guofan recruited Yong to form the Jizi Battalion to aid Jiangxi.

The legendary life saint of the late Qing Dynasty famous minister Zeng Guofan was born ten years seven moves Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement Formation Xiang Army Suppression Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Foreign Affairs Movement Tianjin Teaching Case Died in Nanjing Original is not easy, friends who like articles can like, pay attention to, collect and forward Oh!

The former site of the Anqing Ordnance Institute

In the ninth year of Xianfeng, Zeng Guofan's troops besieged the Taiping Army in four ways, Zeng Guofan captured Anqing, Duolong'a and Bao Chao captured Tongcheng, Hu Linyi captured Shucheng, and Li Xuyi captured Luzhou. The following year, Zeng Guofan broke Chen Yucheng in Taihu Lake. Because he Guiqing, the governor of Liangjiang, abandoned Changzhou and ran to Shanghai, Suzhou and Changzhou fell. In April of the same year, the Qing government ordered Zeng Guofan to rush to Jiangsu immediately and supervise the military affairs of Jiangnan as the minister of Chincha. In July, the military affairs of southern Anhui were transferred to the supervision of Zeng Guofan. In the eleventh year of Xianfeng, the Xiang army captured Anqing. On September 25, Zeng Guofan moved to Anqing. On December 20, he was ordered to supervise the military affairs of the four provinces (Suzhou, Anhui, Zhejiang, and Gansu), and its inspectors and towns were all under control. In the same month, the Internal Ordnance Institute was established in Anqing. At the end of the year, the strategy of the March of the Third Route Army was determined: "To besiege the country of Jinling, while zhejiang belonged to Zuo Zongtang, and Su belonged to Li Hongzhang, so the situation of the southeast purging was decided." ”

The legendary life saint of the late Qing Dynasty famous minister Zeng Guofan was born ten years seven moves Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement Formation Xiang Army Suppression Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Foreign Affairs Movement Tianjin Teaching Case Died in Nanjing Original is not easy, friends who like articles can like, pay attention to, collect and forward Oh!

Xianfeng Emperor (1831–1861)

In 1861, the Xianfeng Emperor died at chengde mountain villa, and was succeeded by Tongzhi the following year. On January 31, 1862, the first year of tongzhi, Zeng Guofan was appointed as the viceroy of Liangjiang to assist in the university, and Zeng Guoquan was appointed as an envoy to Zhejiang. On February 14, Zuo Zongtang led his army from Jiangxi into Zhejiang. In April, Li Hongzhang arrived in Shanghai with his army. In May, Zeng Guoquan led an army into Yuhuatai and joined Peng Yulin's sailors in besieging Tianjing. In June, Hong Xiuquan ordered the Taiping army to return to Tianjing, and the Taiping army gathered 200,000 troops, and from October onwards, the Xiang army fought for more than 40 days, but failed to win. In the third year of Tongzhi, the Xiang army conquered Zhongshan and besieged Tianjing. In July of the same year, the Xiang army attacked Tianjing and slaughtered and plundered innocent civilians. At that time, the city of Nanjing was burned down, and the civilians were killed and injured countless times, and the people of Nanjing called the brothers Zeng Guofan and Zeng Guoquan "Zeng Shaved Heads" and "Zeng Butchers". In the same month, the imperial court added The Crown Prince Taibao of Zeng Guofan and the First Rank Marquis, hereditary resignation, and rewarded with a double-eyed plume.

The legendary life saint of the late Qing Dynasty famous minister Zeng Guofan was born ten years seven moves Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement Formation Xiang Army Suppression Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Foreign Affairs Movement Tianjin Teaching Case Died in Nanjing Original is not easy, friends who like articles can like, pay attention to, collect and forward Oh!

Host foreign affairs representative

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > foreign affairs movement</h1>

In March 1867, a ship was established under the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau. At the same time, it is proposed to set up a translation library. In May, together with Li Hongzhang, the Jiangnan Manufacturing General Bureau was moved from Hongkou to Gaochang Temple, and the land acquisition was expanded, and the scale increased greatly. The following year, Zeng Guofan went to Shanghai to inspect the Jiangnan Manufacturing General Bureau in September, and the first steamship produced by Jiangnan Shipyard sailed to Jiangning, where it boarded the ship for trial sailing and was named "Tianji".

The legendary life saint of the late Qing Dynasty famous minister Zeng Guofan was born ten years seven moves Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement Formation Xiang Army Suppression Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Foreign Affairs Movement Tianjin Teaching Case Died in Nanjing Original is not easy, friends who like articles can like, pay attention to, collect and forward Oh!

Tianjin Lesson Plan

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Tianjin lesson plan</h1>

In 1869, French missionaries in Tianjin built churches in the bustling Area of SanchaHekou and demolished the famous religious activity sites Chongxi Guan and Wanghai Tower and the nearby houses and shops, leaving many people displaced and homeless. After the completion of the Wanghailou Church, French missionaries recruited a number of goons and hooligans to become believers, do evil deeds, and oppress the people. In June of the following year, chinese children sheltered by the French Catholic Church of Mercy died in large numbers due to the plague, and the church buried them in the salty land of Hedong, with a coffin for every two or three people, and the remains were exposed, which was unbearable to see, causing the resentment of the masses. Incidents of child abduction continued to occur in Tianjin, and the arrested criminals confessed that they were instructed by the church, and the people's feelings were indignant for a while, and public opinion was in an uproar. On June 21, Liu Jie of Tianjin Zhixian confronted the abductors at the Wanghailou Church, and the people gathered in front of the church clashed with the believers, and the French consul in Tianjin, Feng Daye, came to the scene to shoot at Liu Jie and injure his retinue, arousing great indignation among the people of Tianjin, causing the whole city of Tianjin to boil, and triggering the "Burning of Wanghailou" teaching case, a large-scale struggle of the Chinese people to spontaneously resist imperialist oppression.

In the seventh year of Tongzhi, Zeng Guofan was reappointed as the governor of Zhili. Zeng Guofan was ordered to go to Tianjin to handle the Tianjin teaching case, considering the situation at that time, did not go to war with France, "but the Jihe Bureau was quick, do not ask whether one of the crimes should be committed or not", at the request of France, it was discussed and decided to finally execute the 8 people who were the leaders of the murder, and exiled 25 people, and sent the Tianjin prefect Zhang Guangzao and Zhixian Liu Jie to Heilongjiang after being dismissed from their posts and sent to Heilongjiang to compensate foreigners for their losses of 460,000 taels of silver, and chonghou sent a delegation to France to apologize. The results of this negotiation were very dissatisfied with the people of the imperial court and the public opinion, and Zeng Guofan was well aware of the stakes, and he took the blame for it himself, and won the sympathy of Ding Richang. Zeng Guofan was saddled with infamy and his illness worsened, so he summoned Li Hongzhang to deal with the case.

The legendary life saint of the late Qing Dynasty famous minister Zeng Guofan was born ten years seven moves Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement Formation Xiang Army Suppression Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Foreign Affairs Movement Tianjin Teaching Case Died in Nanjing Original is not easy, friends who like articles can like, pay attention to, collect and forward Oh!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" died > Nanjing</h1>

On March 12, 1872, Zeng Guofan was walking in the West Flower Garden in Nanjing in the afternoon, and when he suddenly felt numbness, Zeng Jize helped him back to the study and sat for three moments and died. The people wept in the alleys and painted images of worshippers. The imperial court heard the news and quit the dynasty for three days. Posthumously awarded Taifu, with the courtesy name "Wenzheng", the ancestral hall of Zhaozhong and Xianliang, and the special shrines were established in various provinces. On June 25, the coffin arrived in Changsha. On July 19, he was buried in Jinpenling outside the south gate of Changsha. On December 13, 1873, he was reburied in Fulong Mountain, Pingtang, Xiangxi County, Wangcheng County, and was buried with his wife Ouyang.

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