
A black man drives an electric car with a woman in his arms, not even wearing a helmet? Netizen: Legal

author:Huli nonsense

**Description: Recently, a video went viral on social media showing a black man riding a shared electric vehicle with a woman in his arms, and the two were not wearing helmets. Netizens left messages expressing envy and couldn't help asking: The behavior of these foreign friends is really amazing! Let's take a look at this amazing video! **

A black man drives an electric car with a woman in his arms, not even wearing a helmet? Netizen: Legal


Dear friends, have you ever seen such a video? Recently, there has been a heated discussion on social media, in the video, a black brother is riding a shared electric car, and he is still holding a girl behind him, and what is surprising is that the two of them are not wearing helmets! This kind of behavior made many netizens leave messages to express their envy, and ridiculed the "divine operation" of foreign friends. Let's take a look at this amazing video!

## **"Pulling the wind", an unbelievable adventure**

In this video, we see a black guy riding a shared electric car with a girl behind him. Not only did the two of them not wear helmets, but they were also very fast and sped through the road. Such risky behavior makes people sweat and wonder: what would such an experience be like?

## **The "divine operation" of foreign friends has attracted a lot of envy**

As soon as this video was uploaded, it immediately attracted the attention and discussion of a large number of netizens. Some people express their envy for the presumptuousness and boldness of foreign friends, believing that they dare to take risks and live a wonderful life. Someone else quipped: "How is this done? That's awesome! "Opinions on this behavior are mixed, but what is certain is that in the eyes of those of us who have concerns about rules and safety, it is indeed a surprising behavior.

A black man drives an electric car with a woman in his arms, not even wearing a helmet? Netizen: Legal

## **Balance between thinking and warning, bravery and safety**

As we enjoy this video, we can't help but think: where is the balance between bravery and security? As an adult, we should be responsible for ourselves and ensure our own safety while pursuing excitement and adventure. After all, you only live once, and we have to cherish every moment.

Tags: #冒险 #共享电动车 #头盔 #安全 #人生

That's all for this controversial video, and I hope you can get some food for thought from it. If you have any thoughts or opinions, please feel free to share them with us in the comment section. Keep an eye on our headlines for more interesting and informative content. Thank you!

A black man drives an electric car with a woman in his arms, not even wearing a helmet? Netizen: Legal


This video has sparked heated discussions among the majority of netizens, are you also curious about this black brother and the girl behind him? Their adventurous behavior is both enviable and alarming, but where is the balance between bravery and safety? Come and share your thoughts in the comment section!

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