
For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

author:China Railways

Remember that movie based on a true story

Express Train?

55 years ago, at the foot of Changbai Mountain in Jilin Province

An ordinary passenger train was used to rescue an injured soldier

From a small slow train parked at the station to a direct express train

A thrilling feat of saving lives was staged

The story of Express Train

On April 2, 1964, Ye Qifu, deputy battalion commander of a certain unit of the People's Liberation Army, was seriously injured and prepared to take the 502 passenger train to Tonghua 206 Hospital for emergency rescue at Huangbai Station. At this time, Ye Qifu was already dying.

For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

Huangbai Station learned of the situation, immediately reported to the original Tonghua Railway Sub-bureau dispatching room, after requesting instructions, the sub-bureau dispatched the 502 ordinary trains to direct express trains, racing against time to rescue the injured soldiers.

In the running train, the train captain Wang Peilan and the train staff sought medical treatment and arranged for personnel to take turns to take care of the wounded.

For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

After arriving at Tonghua Station, the ambulance that had been waiting for a long time immediately sent the injured to the hospital.

For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

After recovering and being discharged from the hospital, Ye Qifu made a special trip to Tonghua Station and said to the cadres and workers of the station: "It was the party and the people and the railway workers who gave me a second life!" ”

For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

In 1965, this story was filmed by Changchun Film Studio as a movie "Express Train", which was performed nationwide and caused strong repercussions.

For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

55 years of original intentions have not changed

Time flies, and time is like an arrow. Over the past 55 years, Huangbai Station has adhered to the glorious tradition of supporting the army and loving the people, and the tradition of buying tickets and sending tickets for officers and men of the army for many years has not been lost.

For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

1964 Cork Station

For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

2019 Cork Station

Solve the problem of purchasing tickets for officers and men of the troops

The local troops stationed in Huangbai are far from the station, and the traffic is inconvenient, and in the past, the officers and men of the unit went out to train or go out to study, and they all walked more than ten kilometers of mountain roads to the station to buy tickets.

For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

The station staff saw that it was too difficult for the officers and men of the troops to buy tickets, so they took the initiative to install a telephone in the ticket room, and when the officers and men of the troops had a need to purchase tickets, they directly called and contacted.

For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

"Now it is more convenient to have WeChat, the station and the officers and men of the troops have established a WeChat group, as long as the officers and men of the troops have the need to buy tickets, the station will buy tickets for them at the first time."

Due to the remote location of the troops, the inconvenience of transportation, and the difficulty of obtaining tickets, after the officers and men of the troops purchased tickets through the Internet or the WeChat group of the station, the station used the special line of the shunting group to deliver the tickets to the officers and men.

For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

Bring warmth to the work and life of officers and men of the army

The first thing the station does every day to work is to understand whether there are military transport vehicles in the station, and if there is, it is the first time to go to the car to understand the living conditions of officers and soldiers.

For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

Last winter, the station attendant saw a soldier with a cold and fever, and rushed to the town pharmacy to buy fever-reducing medicine for the soldier, and also filled him with hot water bottles and delivered them to him.

For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

Ma Mingqiu is the 25th station manager of Huangbai Station. He said that over the years, the station has attached great importance to the priority work of military personnel in accordance with the law and has gone all out to meet the needs of the troops.

For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

In November 2017, officers and men of the unit proposed that there was no afternoon train from Huangbai to Tonghua, which made it inconvenient for them to go to Ji'an and Tonghua to do things.

For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

With the approval of the Transportation Department of Shenyang Bureau Group Company, the original 4362 and 4364 passenger trains passed through Huangbai Station were adjusted to stop at Huangbai Station for 2 minutes, which made it convenient for officers and men of the troops to go to Tonghua to handle affairs.

The officers and men of the unit praised: The railway supports national defense construction, supports the army and loves the people, and in our hearts, the "express train" of the railway is always running!

For his sake, the train was changed from a slow train to a limited express train

New Media Center of People's Railway Newspaper Co., Ltd

Shenyang Bureau Group Company Rong Media Center

Hand in hand

Text: Zhang Xiaoli Liu Tianming

Photo: Li Yan

Editor: Kim Hyun-mi