
Jiaxing Bank has made efforts to alleviate financial poverty

author:China Economic Times

Zou Jianfeng

This year is the year to achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and the year to win the battle against poverty in an all-round way. Although Jiaxing Bank is headquartered in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, which is economically prosperous, it is still actively involved in financial poverty alleviation, and accurately allocates resources to Shexian County, Anhui Province, Sichuan Aba and other regions, providing strong support for the local people to win the battle against poverty.

Shexian Jiayin Village Bank, founded by Jiaxing Bank, is located in Shexian County, Anhui Province, which is economically underdeveloped, and has become a tentacle to extend the bank's financial poverty alleviation work in recent years. Since its establishment, Jiayin Village bank in Shexian County has implemented grid management of administrative villages with poverty alleviation and small loans as the starting point. Through the support of characteristic industries such as characteristic planting and rural tourism, and the cooperation of party building to lead the work of credit villages, the launch of "agricultural credit" products has been warmly welcomed by farmers.

It is understood that the North Bank Branch and Sanyang Branch under the jurisdiction of Jiayin Village Bank in Shexian County have innovated the inventory pledge loan model for industries such as chrysanthemum planting and sales and pecan acquisition and processing, which has strongly supported the agricultural poverty alleviation work.

Especially since the beginning of this year, in the face of the sudden outbreak of new crown pneumonia, Jiaxing Bank has given full play to the fighting fortress of grass-roots party organizations and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members to ensure that the prevention and control of the epidemic and the resumption of work and production are "grasped with two hands and won in two battles". As of the end of June this year, the balance of various loans of Jiayin Village and Town Bank in Shexian County was 802.1006 million yuan, of which 428.5244 million yuan of inclusive agriculture-related loans, accounting for 53.43%.

In this regard, Lin Bin, deputy secretary of the party committee and president of Jiaxing Bank, said that village and town banks are born and prosper because of agriculture, which is an important means for financial institutions to fulfill their social responsibilities of financial assistance in poverty alleviation.

In order to effectively fulfill its financial poverty alleviation responsibility, Jiaxing Bank has increased its credit support for enterprises involved in the upstream and downstream industrial chains in poor areas, and has made precise efforts to help alleviate poverty.

In the first half of this year, the person in charge of the relevant business of the bank learned during the visit that a large clothing group in Jiaxing and the yak wool industry in Ruoerge County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province, had the intention of cooperating, but due to the limited financial capacity of local raw material buyers, there was a shortage of funds in the centralized acquisition of basic raw materials (yak wool), which caused great difficulties to the acquisition plan. In response to this demand, Jiaxing Bank has customized and developed an industrial chain order financing model for the apparel group according to the business process and combined with the characteristics of the supply chain, which not only solves the urgent needs of the enterprise, but also sends "timely rain" to the local herdsmen to increase production and income.

At the same time, Jiaxing Bank also takes the promotion of inclusive finance as the starting point to enrich the connotation of financial poverty alleviation. In view of the common financing difficulties and expensive financing problems of farmers, small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, Jiaxing Bank makes full use of the advantages of the short decision-making chain, adheres to localization operations, and provides targeted products and services for low, scattered and small customers.

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