
Wu Qi, who killed his wife and asked for generals, although he eventually became a generation of famous generals, but in the end he ended up in a desolate end

author:Nine-nine concentric learning forest road

In the magnificent historical years of the Spring and Autumn Warring States, a number of people with outstanding talents emerged. On the stage of history, they showed their talents to the fullest. "When angry and the princes are afraid, they live in peace and rest in peace" is the truest portrayal of these people. Wu Qi is one of them.

Wu Qi, who killed his wife and asked for generals, although he eventually became a generation of famous generals, but in the end he ended up in a desolate end

Famous General Wu Qi

Wu Qi, a member of the Weiguo Zuo clan in the early Warring States period. Wu Qi was born in a wealthy family, in order to seek development in the political path when he was young, he ran around looking for opportunities, spent a lot of money, and finally not only failed to seek an official and a half-job, but also ended up in a ruin. For this reason, Wu Qi was ridiculed and slandered by the townspeople, and Wu Qi was indignant about this and killed more than thirty people who slandered him. Before fleeing, he swore to his mother: "Do not be a secretary of state, and swear not to return to the guard." At that time, Wu Qi did not expect that this simple vow would directly lead to the transformation of his entire career.

After fleeing the wei dynasty, Wu Qi worshipped Confucius's proud protégé Zeng as a teacher, studied Confucianism, studied hard day and night, and gradually succeeded in his studies. Once, Tian Ju, the grand master of the State of Qi, sent an envoy to lu guo, met Wu Qi, and after talking, Tian Ju appreciated him very much and married his daughter to him. At that time, TianJu did not expect that his move would bring ruin to his daughter.

Not long after, Wu Qi's mother died, and Wu Qi, who wanted to go back to mourning, thought of the vow he made with his mother when he fled the country, and had to dispel the idea of going back to mourning. Wu Qi yangtian screamed three times, then immediately stopped, wiped away his tears, and continued to bury his head in hard reading. However, Wu Qi's bitterness could not be forgiven by his teacher, and Zeng Zeng, who was famous for filial piety, saw that Wu Qi was so unfilial and thought that his moral character was very poor, so he immediately threw him out of the door.

Desperate, Wu Qi once again faced another painful choice in his life. Coinciding with the intensification of the war between the countries of the world at that time, Wu Qi saw this situation and gave up Confucianism and began to learn the art of war. After 3 years of hard work, he finally achieved something and was appreciated by the king of the State of Lu.

Once the State of Qi sent troops to attack the State of Lu, the King of the State of Lu wanted to appoint Wu Qi as a general, but Wu Qi's wife was a native of the State of Qi, so he hesitated. After Wu Qi knew, he went home and directly killed his wife, and then sacrificed his wife's head to the king of the State of Lu, indicating that he had no relationship with the State of Qi, which is also a famous "killing wife and asking for generals" in history. The king of the State of Lu was shocked to see Wu Qi's move, so he had to appoint Wu Qi as the commander of the Lu army and lead the army to fight against the Qi army.

Wu Qi, who killed his wife and asked for generals, although he eventually became a generation of famous generals, but in the end he ended up in a desolate end

Wu Qi led the army into battle

Wu Qi ruled the army strictly, sharing weal and woe with the soldiers, and the soldiers were willing to obey his orders. Wu Qi led his army to the front line, and instead of immediately fighting the Qi army, he hid the elite soldiers and soldiers, and only let those old, weak, sick and disabled patrol back and forth. Wu Qi also sent people to the Qi army camp to negotiate peace, so as to confuse the Qi army. The Qi army really made a plan, thinking that the Lu army was vulnerable and did not dare to fight with the Qi army at all, so it relaxed its guard. Wu Qi saw this situation and led the elite soldiers to take the opportunity to attack, the Qi army was defenseless, it collapsed at a touch, most of the men and horses were killed, and Wu Qi returned victoriously.

The military victory did not allow Wu Qi to gain a firm foothold in the court of the State of Lu, and the people of the State of Lu hated Wu Qi as a man, and when they saw that he had won the victory, they began to slander him, saying that he was not filial piety, that his mother would not go back to the funeral when he died, and that his character was really too poor to kill his wife in order to become an official. Moreover, the State of Lu was only a small country, but now it had defeated the powerful State of Qi, which would inevitably attract the attention of the princely states, and a little carelessness would bring ruin to the country. In addition, Lu Guo and Wei Guo are brotherly countries, and now that Lu Guo reuses Wu Qi, it will break with Wei Guo, which is not conducive to national development. After these words reached the ears of the Lu monarch, the monarch dismissed Wu Qi.

Wu Qi, who killed his wife and asked for generals, although he eventually became a generation of famous generals, but in the end he ended up in a desolate end

Battle of Yin and Jin (50,000 Wei wu pawns severely damaged 500,000 troops of the Qin state)

Wu Qi, who had nowhere to go, heard that Wei Wenhou of the State of Wei was very wise and was seeking merit, and that after the State of Wei had changed the law by Li Wu, its national strength was getting stronger and stronger, and going to the State of Wei would definitely be able to realize his political ambitions, and after making up his mind, Wu Qidang even decided to defect to the State of Wei. There was also a small episode in the middle, after Wei Wenhou learned that Wu Qi had defected, he asked Li Wu, who was next to him: "How is This person Wu Qi?" Li Wu said: "Wu Qi is greedy for money and lustful, but he is very good at using soldiers, even if Sima Rang is still alive, he is not as good as him." So Marquis Wenhou of Wei left Wu Qi in the State of Wei. In 409 BC, Marquis Wenhou of Wei appointed Wu Qi as a general and led an army to attack the State of Qin. Wu Qi lived up to expectations and led his army to defeat the Qin army and captured the two cities of Linjin and Yuanli in the hexi region of Qin. The following year, Wu Qi attacked the Qin state to Zheng, Heyang, and Zhuluoyin, and occupied all the Hexi regions of the Qin state. Marquis Wen of Wei was overjoyed, and set up Xihe Commandery in Hexi, appointing Wu Qi as the sheriff of Hexi County. In the 27 years that Wu Qi served as the sheriff of Hexi County, he led an army to fight 76 major battles with various princely states and won 64 victories. In the most brilliant one, he led 50,000 troops to defeat 500,000 Qin troops, not only occupying a large area of land, but also making the name of Wei Wuzu resound throughout the princely states. The State of Wei also became the first power in the early Warring States period. However, Wu Qi did not end his life in the State of Wei, and after the death of Marquis Wenhou of Wei, the chancellor of the State of Wei, jealous of Wu Qi's merits, spread rumors and slandered him in front of the new monarch of the State of Wei, and in order to protect himself, the sad Wu Qi had to flee to the State of Chu.

King Chu Mourning, the ruler of the State of Chu, had long heard that Wu Qi was very talented, so as soon as Wu Qi arrived in the State of Chu, he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, and later in order to make the State of Chu achieve the purpose of enriching the country and strengthening the army, he undertook the heavy task of changing the law and trying to be strong. Wu Qi suggested that the king of Chu mourn eliminate unnecessary officials, alienate the distant branches of the royal family, and reward the soldiers with the saved property. After the King of Chu adopted these measures of Wu Qi, the strength of the State of Chu flourished, and later it also united the State of Zhao and the Wei army in western Zhou. However, Wu Qi's change of law harmed the interests of the old nobles, caused the resentment of the old nobles, and also laid the foundation for himself.

Wu Qi, who killed his wife and asked for generals, although he eventually became a generation of famous generals, but in the end he ended up in a desolate end

Wu Qi was shot and killed

In 381 BC, king mourning in Chu died, and the nobles of the State of Chu shot Wu Qi with arrows when Wu Qi went to mourn. After his death, Wu Qi's body was also punished with car splitting and dismemberment, and a generation of famous generals ended in such a tragic end.

As a representative figure of the warrior family in the early Warring States period, Wu Qi had too many halos on his head, and he was a military man, a politician, and a reformer, but he was also such a historical celebrity with outstanding merits, who had to endure the insult of filial piety before he became famous, and even more in order to seek a political path, he did not hesitate to kill his wife and ask for generals. Perhaps this is also the real reason why Wu Qi entered the three kingdoms and made great achievements but could not end well.

Before the path of life, we are always faced with a variety of choices. Some people choose to forge ahead, some people choose to give up, some people choose to sacrifice themselves to complete others, some people choose to sacrifice others to achieve themselves, but no matter which choice, they all hope that those who make choices must at least stick to the last piece of pure land in their hearts. Give yourself a peace of mind and give them a no-owe.

If it were you, what choice would you make in the face of the opportunity to achieve fame? Leave your opinion in the comment area, a small historical story every day, welcome to like the comments

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