
Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

author:The People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center integrates the media
Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

It has to be said that the ship has always been a powerful and warm image in the history of the Chinese revolution.

Recently, Guangming Daily launched a commentary entitled "Revisiting the Initial Intention of the Red Boat - The New Party Central Committee Leadership Collectively Visits the Site of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai and the Revelation of the Red Boat in the South Lake of Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province."

Under careful consideration, behind the "do not forget the original heart and continue to move forward", there is a vast red boat original heart.

The red boat always stirs up the thoughts of reality, and the strong sound of the new era spreads with the speed of the boat...


Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

Data map: Red Boat - a major commemorative ship of the Communist Party of China.

Before the boat is green, bracing hard against the water. What remains unchanged is always, making the tide stand up to the waves.

"There were sparks here when the Yanyu Loutai Revolution was born; the world of wind and clouds stung everywhere in the spring." This is a pair of links written by Dong Biwu for the site of the CPC's "big" Nanhu Meeting.

Who would have thought that more than ninety years ago, this cruise ship carried more than a dozen men with lofty ideals and completed a groundbreaking event in Chinese history.

Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

Data map: Oil painting "Spark of Stars, Can Burn the Plains"

In the early days of the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base Area, Mao Zedong predicted the arrival of the revolutionary climax in poetic romantic language: "It is a ship standing on the coast and looking at the sea and the tip of the mast can already be seen; it is a round of sunrise standing on the top of the mountain and looking at the east in the distance; it is a baby that is about to mature in the mother's womb." ”

The metaphor of a ship is a touch of romance and self-confidence.

It's like a poem full of pride—

"Ever remembered?" Hit the water to the middle current, and the waves contain the flying boat. ”


Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

Data map: Xiangjiang Blood Battle oil painting.

The Xiang River was bloodied, and Zeng had stained more than a few sails over the years.

In that bloody and deadly battle, the Red Army used blood to dye the turquoise Xiang River red. At that time, the boat was on the Xiang River, and the boat was also dyed red. "Three years do not drink Xiangjiang water, ten years do not eat Xiangjiang fish"!

The heart-wrenching Red on that boat was a background color left by the sacrificial Red Army to the Xiang River. As they closed their eyes, the boat sailed across the river, carrying a glorious moment of revolutionary history.

Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

Data map: Wooden boats used by the Red Army when they crossed the Jinsha River during the Long March.

Crossing the Jinsha River, the Red Army jumped out of the enemy's encirclement with a wooden boat. From the 7 days and 7 nights in May 1935, the years condensed into a boat song, and the main force of the Red Army used 7 small boats to push away the waves of the years and calmly cross the river.

Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

Data map: Forced crossing of the Dadu River.

In May 1935, the history flying boat forced the crossing, startling countless gulls and herons, which were the mighty figures of warriors forcibly crossing the Dadu River.

The boat, gathering the courage of the revolutionaries, accompanied by the procession to the forefront of history.



Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

Data map: China's first nuclear submarine was launched.

Xia Jingqu of the Qing Dynasty once said in the "Exposure of the Wild Sorcerer", "Heaven is fortunate to meet Xianggong, like a dark room with a lamp, a boat, and from then on, reading and writing, you can hope to have a doorway." ”

The boat has been lapping at a corner of hope.

Boat, think deeper, it is a glimmer of hope to go straight down to the deep sea eight thousand feet.

This can't help but remind people of the arduous birth process of China's nuclear submarines.

Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

Data map: Exterior view of the land mode reactor of a nuclear submarine. (The land-based mode reactor, also known as the prototype reactor, is to build a reactor of the same size and performance on the road for testing before the submarine's nuclear reactor is officially equipped.) )

Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

Infographic: Early 1970s, mode reactor control room.

Who knows, the development of China's first generation of nuclear submarines was carried out under the title of "three noes" -- no drawings, no expert authority, and no foreign assistance. In the spring of 1965, the "China Nuclear Submarine General Research and Design Institute", which specializes in the development of nuclear submarines, was established on a desert island in Bohai Bay, where many scientific researchers opened the road of scientific research.

They are so bitter that they can only see the "clues" of nuclear submarines from fragmentary foreign materials, and they are so troubled that they have to use abacus and slide rules to calculate the vast data on nuclear submarines.

On December 26, 1970, China's first nuclear submarine was launched, and on that day, this extraordinary boat went through twists and turns and hardships, and paddled to the other side of victory...


Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

In the "Great Biography of The Book of Shang", it is said, "Eight hundred princes have arrived in Mengjin, and the white fish have entered the boat." "The white fish entering the boat is often a metaphor for the sign of victory with soldiers.

Looking back at the history of the Chinese People's Army, I seem to see a picture of "white fish entering the boat".

That boat is a warship that breaks the wind.

In an article titled "Tonight, Where Did the Warships Go?", it was written that on the eve of New Year's Day in 2015, a military port dock of the South China Sea Fleet, stretching for several kilometers, was quiet and empty, and there were few warships. On the long pier, even the sailors could not see a few. As far as the eye can see, the civil harbor in the distance is full of fishing boats returning to the sea.

Someone asked: Where did our warships go? Where have our sailors gone?

Zhu Feilong, deputy political commissar of the "Wuhan warship", said: "They are in the South China Sea, in the Gulf of Aden, in the depths of the ocean... Today, our warships have missions all year round and depart at any time and at any time. The Wuhan ship has accumulated more than 200 days a year, and the total voyage has almost circled the earth twice. ”

Always be ready to anchor, always ready to fight. There are fewer ships at home and more ships going to sea, which has become the "new normal" of the South Naval Port.

Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

Sino-Russian Navy "Maritime Joint-2017" military exercise.

Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

Escort to the Gulf of Aden.

Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

Participated in Rimpac-2016 exercise.

Entering the historical lens of Sino-foreign joint exercises, the Chinese Navy participated in the "Rim of the Pacific" multinational military exercises, the Sino-Russian "Maritime Joint" series of joint exercises, The Sino-Thai joint exercises, the China-Malaysia joint exercises, the China-Pakistan joint exercises, the Mediterranean joint exercises, the "International Military Competition-2017"...

In 2016 alone, our military participated in as many as 37 international competitions, military competitions, and joint training between China and foreign countries.

The changes in China's armed forces have aroused great concern in the world. "You don't have to over-interpret." The Response of the Defense Ministry spokesperson was always so breezy.

After walking through the wind and rain, the fierce soldiers in the ship trembled heavily, and it turned out that a boat brought not only the wind and rain of the part-time journey, but also the majesty!


Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

The red boat on the South Lake, "Mangy Shenzhou, has fallen to the storm to be saved; the vast China, the mainstay of the middle stream Yi who", who can think, it is this small boat that ferries through the twilight of China.

Years have passed, and the red ship still emits a luster that travels through time and space. It turns out that the boat of history will sail out of a clear river and sky, vigorous, and like a running shadow.

The Chinese army is just a big ship, and to become strong, it must accept the baptism of wind and waves, and it must embrace the forging of blood and fire.

Walking through the turbid waves, walking through the twilight, they are more and more calm, no matter whether the soft waves or the waves crash on the shore, they will march towards the magnificent track.

Long sky, gushing clouds, if the boat is there, the dream is there, do not forget the original heart...

Recently, I remembered the red boat again, and I felt even more majestic

Produced by WeChat (zgjw_81) of China Military Network

Author: Feng Bin

Editor: Li Xiang

Editor: Qu Yantao

Submission email: [email protected]