
The Eastern Jin Dynasty abolished the happy rest of the emperor Hai Xigong

author:Lu Han

According to the history of Jin, the sixth emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Sima Pi, the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, ascended the throne at the age of twenty and died at the age of twenty-four. Before he died, he liked the art of Huang Laozhi, did not eat grains, ate elixirs, and took too much poisoning and died.

"Di Ya is good yellow old, broken grain, bait elixir, take too much, poisoned, do not know the opportunity, Empress Dowager Qide returned to the regency of the dynasty."

Emperor Ai's successor, Sima Yi (司馬奕), courtesy name Yanling, was the half-brother of Emperor Wai's brother, who was created the King of the East Sea in the eighth year of Xiankang (at birth), and was given the title of Evil King of Lang when Emperor Wai ascended the throne. Emperor Xingning died three years later, and Sima Yi succeeded him to the throne for six years, during which time the military power of the state was in the hands of Sima Huanwen.

The Eastern Jin Dynasty abolished the happy rest of the emperor Hai Xigong

During Sima Yi's reign, he was worried that Sima Huanwen was plotting against him, and he once found the magician Hu Qian to prop up for himself, and the result of the bu gua said that the Jin royal family was as strong as a stone, but the emperor had signs of leaving the palace.

"In the beginning, Emperor Pingsheng thought that every time he was worried, he tried to summon the magician to be humble and humble. Gua Cheng replied: "The Jin Room has the solidity of the stone, and Your Majesty has the image of leaving the palace." "It's exactly what it says."

Huan Wen had intentions of usurping power, and he hoped to make a meritorious contribution in Hebei first and accumulate his own prestige. However, during the Third Northern Expedition, Huan Wen was hastily evacuated at Fangtou (枋頭, in present-day Hebijun County) due to the lack of grain and grass, and was chased by Murong Wei's general Murong Chui to Xiangyi (襄邑, in modern Sui County, Henan), where he was defeated.

Huan Wen collected the defeated troops and garrisoned them at Shanyang (山陽, in present-day Juye, Heze). Two months later, Huan Wen met Sima Yu (司馬昱), the prince of Huijian, in Tuzhong (土中, in present-day Chuzhou, Anhui). At this meeting, Huan Wen already had a plan with Sima Yu to depose the emperor, and Sima Yi's successor was Sima Yu.

"In November, Huan Wen from Shanyang and Wang Yu will meet in Tuzhong and will plot backwards."

Two years later, Huan Wen went to the capital in an attempt to abolish the establishment. However, Sima Yi was not faint and inactive, and the reasons for abolition that did not conform to reality were not easy to convince the public. Huan Wen can only start from aspects that no one can judge. So Huan Wen gave three reasons: first, Sima Yi was impotent; second, Sima Yi's three sons were not his, but his male favorites participated in his intercourse and his beautiful life; third, his son still wanted to be the prince and be crowned king of the domain under this circumstances.

The affairs in the emperor's palace are secrets, and most people have no way of knowing the truth. Therefore, the reasons in this regard are difficult for others to refute and difficult to criticize. Huan Wen used the deeds of Yi Yin and Huo Guang to persuade Empress Dowager Qide, hoping that the empress dowager would obey him. The succession to the throne should, at least nominally, be determined by the immediate family of the royal family. Huan Wen was in the hands of the military at this time, so why did the empress dowager dare not obey. Therefore, the hundred officials were summoned to the court hall and read out the edict of Empress Dowager Qide, accusing Sima Yi of the crime, and on the same day Huan Wen sent liu Xiang, a squire, to take away Sima Yi's seal, and Sima Yi was deposed.

When Sima Yi left the palace, he wore a white beanie and a single coat and rode out of the palace in an ox cart. The ministers bid farewell to each other, and they were not ashamed.

In the second year of Sima Yi's abdication as King of Donghai, he was demoted to the title of Duke of Haixi County, with 4,000 households and moved to Wu County (in present-day Suzhou). Huan Wen ordered Shi Diao Yi of Wu to guard against him and sent Yushi Guyun to supervise him.

Half a year later, one day a man named Xu Long visited him in the morning and said that the empress dowager had told him to go back to his throne. Sima Yi was a little moved at first, but after being reminded by the nanny, he stopped himself in time. Xu Long was actually a disciple of Lu Hu of Pengcheng (彭城; present-day Xuzhou, Jiangsu), who was preparing to gather a crowd to rebel, hoping to summon the former emperor to increase his momentum. After Xu Long's lies were discovered, he was afraid and ran away on his own.

The Eastern Jin Dynasty abolished the happy rest of the emperor Hai Xigong

Sima Yi gradually knew that the Mandate of Heaven could not be violated, and he was only worried about the disaster that would fly in. So he ignored the world, was carefree, drank and enjoyed himself all day, indulged in his inner pets, and his own son was not educated.

The imperial court knew about Sima Yi's situation and no longer worried about him.

Sima Yi eventually died in Wudi at the age of forty-five.

"The East Sea violates the wheel of the dragon, the subject of surrender, the so-called weak is strong, and the so-called weak is strong, and it is better to do the best in heaven and age."

Sima Yi chose Liu Chan's path instead of the heavy ear road, which can also be regarded as a measure of ability.