
The Trickster Is None Of You (Hilarious Collection)

author:Mu Zifan
The Trickster Is None Of You (Hilarious Collection)

April Fool's Day table with the same table to give chewing gum ~

The Trickster Is None Of You (Hilarious Collection)

Merchants are celebrating April Fool's Day

The Trickster Is None Of You (Hilarious Collection)

On April Fool's Day, I took my mobile phone at the same table and sent a short message to a boy in the class: "Hello, can I get to know you?" I especially like the way you play basketball in a white shirt. From then on, the boy wore a white shirt every time he went to gym class...

Many years ago, on April Fool's Day, I sent a message to my girlfriend at the time and said, "Let's break up." Then I really broke up...

On April Fool's Day, my friend called out to take pictures of the chickens, asked me to bring all my equipment, and who knew that as soon as I left the house, I was directly pulled into the car by my friends... Then he wore a raincoat and water shoes and a light on his back to the fish basket in the corner of the KTV box and drank a night of stuffy drinks!!!

The true picture of April Fool's Day

The Trickster Is None Of You (Hilarious Collection)

April Fool's Day is coming, teach you how to choke your friends

The Trickster Is None Of You (Hilarious Collection)

On the first day of junior high school, I found that the teacher who lectured was very charming, so I said to an unknown buddy next to me: This teacher is good, very beautiful and white, and it is definitely good to marry home as a daughter-in-law. As a result, the buddy next to me ignored me and gave me a blank look. It was a little embarrassing, so I said: How old do you say her children are? "13 years old." The dude replied very crisply. I asked you if you knew, and he said "she's my mom"...

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