
Jimu Sharp commented | "the market value is not 50 billion to apologize for the crime", and the company's executives blow tickets to make people stunned

author:Jimu News

Jimu News commentator Wu Shuangjian

According to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Chen Yubi, deputy general manager of NORD Shares, was given a regulatory warning. Previously, Chen Yubi released a circle of friends saying "Please support NORD, next year's market value is not 50 billion, I apologize for my sins", and distributed his own personal speech poster at an industrial chain summit. (According to Jimu News on October 28)

The odd things in the stock market this year, one after another.

Before there was the chairman of Tongce Medical, who scolded investors on the Internet; now there is the vice president of NORD shares, blowing tickets for his own stocks in the circle of friends, and even fighting for his life. I don't know if this is investment or gambling.

Many netizens said, "Saving a life is better than creating a seven-level floating massacre" and "I didn't expect to buy stocks and save individuals by the way." On October 27, the stock price of NORD shares surged by 6.54%, with a total market value of 35.1 billion yuan and a daily market value of 2.16 billion yuan. After triggering a heated discussion, Chen Zong's stomach trembled, and he didn't know if it was better now.

It is worth mentioning that in May this year, NORD stock price was only maintained at about 7 yuan / share, and later because of the concept of new energy, as of the close of October 27, NORD stock price has reached 25.10 yuan / share.

In response to the statement of "cutting the abdomen to apologize", NORD shares said that it does not represent the company's position. And explained that the object of its circle of friends was originally a small part of the individual's friends, but the operation error led to the full circle of friends visible. Oh, it's "hand slip" again!

This explanation is even more unclear, such a good "market outlook", how can a small circle "share"? Could it be that Chen Yubi, as an executive of the company, has the exclusive secret information that his company's stock can soar, and then it is not easy to say clearly, using "cutting the abdomen" to hint to the "small circle"? Isn't this the legendary suspected "insider trading"?

The Company also stated that there were no matters that should be disclosed but were not disclosed as stipulated in relevant laws, regulations and normative documents. But after the "caesarean section and apology" statement spread, many small retail investors quickly followed up with this stock, "Whether you believe it or not, anyway, I believe (Mr. Chen)!" ”

The stock market is risky and investments need to be cautious. As an executive of a listed company, you should focus on the company's production and operation. Only when production and operation are done well can the stock have positive feedback, which is a natural thing; as an executive of a listed company, when it comes to the "outlook" of its own stocks, we should be more cautious in our words and deeds, not in the "big circle", not in the "small circle". Others listen to your blowing tickets, buy losses, can you afford to lose? Others want to make money, but they don't want your bleeding belly.

Suspected of misleading investors, it is no wonder that it has been warned by the regulatory supervision of the stock exchange. If he just talks about it, it means that he has not experienced the "beating" of the stock market.

But then again, the report also said that in the semi-annual report of NORD shares, during the reporting period, the reporter found that Chen Yubi held 1.5561 million shares at the end of the period. Congratulations to Mr. Chen, this year's earnings are quite fruitful!

Therefore, we also want to ask a question, Chen Yubi in the circle of friends, is "please support Nord", or please support him personally?

Suddenly enlightened, it is not difficult to understand!

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