
The sudden purple cooling of the western plateau is a precursor to the great cold wave in the east? Analysis: Unlikely for the time being

author:Chinese meteorologists

Recently, the cold air activity in the central and eastern regions of china has weakened significantly, and it has begun to enter a period of calm weather. However, at 18:00 on October 27, the cold air cooling forecast map of the Central Meteorological Observatory pointed out that in the western region of China, a large-scale deep purple strong cooling will arrive, and the deep purple areas that will appear in the western and northern parts of Xinjiang, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Gansu and other places will generally have a strong cooling of more than 14 degrees, and the cooling range in some areas will be as high as 16 degrees to 18 degrees.

The sudden purple cooling of the western plateau is a precursor to the great cold wave in the east? Analysis: Unlikely for the time being

At this time, some netizens have to ask, the fierce cooling in the west, is the next big cold wave coming? From the current point of view, although the westerly wind belt at the middle and high latitudes fluctuates frequently, in recent days, a huge westerly wind ridge is hanging over the central and eastern regions of our country, so that our country is in a cold air interval, and the cold air is naturally not active. Judging from the supercomputer's forecast, in the short term, the strongest cold air should be a small west wind trough passing through the northern region of China around October 30, which will bring a weak cold air activity.

The sudden purple cooling of the western plateau is a precursor to the great cold wave in the east? Analysis: Unlikely for the time being

The forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory also pointed out that from October 30 to 31, affected by a weak cold air, there will be 4 to 6 degrees of cooling in the central and eastern parts of North China, northeast China and Huanghuai, accompanied by light rain, and there will be sleet or light snow in the central and northern parts of Heilongjiang, which can temporarily disperse the smog that has recently developed in these areas. However, in the short term, the possibility of another major cold wave in the central and eastern parts of China is relatively low.

The sudden purple cooling of the western plateau is a precursor to the great cold wave in the east? Analysis: Unlikely for the time being

But this does not mean that the next period of time will be such a wave, even in too calm - the northern hemisphere westerly belt is still oscillating violently recently, and some supercomputer forecasts have pointed out that from the end of October to the beginning of November, the energy of the violent oscillation in the northern hemisphere westerly belt will begin to be transmitted to Asia, and the stable weather in the central and eastern parts of China will gradually be broken. Cold air activity may become frequent again from November onwards, with a second cold wave in the second half of the year likely to be among them.

The sudden purple cooling of the western plateau is a precursor to the great cold wave in the east? Analysis: Unlikely for the time being

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