
Tesla was exposed to rehire and lay off employees!

author:The automotive industry is concerned
Tesla was exposed to rehire and lay off employees!

Recently, some media reported that Tesla China has rehired laid-off employees, and the number of recalls is expected to exceed 100. According to the report, most of these recalled employees are employees of departments such as charging, sales, after-sales and delivery. At the same time, some Tesla employees revealed to the media that Tesla's rehiring of employees this time is conditional, and it is necessary to return the "3" in N+3 compensation, in other words, it is necessary to return 3 months' basic salary, and the age of the company is recalculated. In addition, Tesla-related industry insiders revealed to the media that the number of re-employment places is limited, and the main reason for re-employment is the lack of staff in the store.

However, in response to the above report, Tesla insiders responded to the media: "I don't know the specific situation. ”

Tesla was exposed to rehire and lay off employees!

It is worth mentioning that "Automotive Industry Concern" found on Tesla's official website, Tesla's recruitment WeChat public account and the third-party recruitment platform Boss that Tesla is currently urgently hiring relevant personnel in the fields of sales consultants, maintenance technicians, and charging in many places in China.

Tesla was exposed to rehire and lay off employees!

Judging from the recruitment information, it is not difficult to see that Tesla or some departments are still in short supply. After all, on April 15, Tesla CEO Elon Musk issued a letter to all employees, announcing that Tesla would lay off 10% of its global workforce. In the letter, Musk said that the layoffs are to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and prepare for the next stage of Silla's development.

Referring to the official data, by the end of 2023, Tesla has more than 140,000 employees worldwide, and the 10% layoff announced by Musk this time also means that more than 14,000 employees will be affected. It is understood that the layoffs in the United States and China have become the hardest hit areas. Previously, Tesla's sales staff revealed to the media that many stores only retained teams of 5-6 people after layoffs, and the reduction of personnel also affected the normal operation of stores. It said that under normal circumstances, the number of employees in the store should be 8-9.

Tesla was exposed to rehire and lay off employees!

In fact, it is not uncommon for car companies to lay off employees and re-hire. At the beginning of June, Li Auto, a new force in car manufacturing, was rumored to be recalling some employees who had been laid off. According to people familiar with the matter, some test-end departments have been notified of the recall of laid-off employees. At the same time, it also said that for employees who are recalled again after being laid off, the contract will continue to be extended. Since the previously negotiated compensation has not yet been paid, the subsequent part of the compensation will not be provided to the recalled personnel.

Tesla was exposed to rehire and lay off employees!

Of course, a large part of the reason why car companies rehire laid-off employees is closely related to the company's business needs. For Tesla, the current sales department is undoubtedly an important and key department. After all, Tesla's sales have not been optimistic since the beginning of this year.

Data shows that in the first quarter of this year, Tesla's global sales were 386,000 units, a year-on-year decrease of 8.5%, lower than the market estimate of 449,000 units. Tesla's sales in China in May were 72,600 units, down 6.6% year-on-year. As for the sales forecast in the second quarter, many institutions expect Tesla's sales in the second quarter to be lower than the 466,140 units in the second quarter of last year.

Tesla was exposed to rehire and lay off employees!

Against the backdrop of declining sales, it is also common sense to rehire employees who have been laid off. After all, an increase in the number of employees in sales and service can lead to an increase in sales. In addition, from a cost-effective perspective, rehiring employees can save money on training, become more familiar with the business process, and be more productive than rehiring. However, many of Tesla's laid-off Chinese employees expressed little interest in Tesla's re-hiring of laid-off employees.

At present, the market competition is becoming more and more fierce, whether it is a traditional car company, a new force in car manufacturing, and a giant in the automotive supply chain, there are news of layoffs one after another. In order to improve market competitiveness, reducing costs and increasing efficiency has become a must for most car companies.

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