
Investigate | Closed shops and sublet, tables and chairs benches sold, discipline training institutions withdrew stalls

author:Beijing Daily client

"Double reduction" landed for two weeks The chain reaction of upstream and downstream appeared

Focus: Institutional departures, empty house subleases, equipment sales... "double reduction" policy landed nearly two weeks, some upstream and downstream chain reactions are gradually emerging. Off-campus discipline training in full swing was pressed the pause button, some people were busy with transformation, some people were waiting to see what happened, and some people were planning differently.

Investigate | Closed shops and sublet, tables and chairs benches sold, discipline training institutions withdrew stalls

Training institutions in the suspension phase


Discipline-based training dormant quality classes have opened up the territory

Near noon, in the Xincheng Cultural Building near the Ciqikou subway station, the dance class teacher was instructing six students to go home to practice the basic skills, and the children who had played Go lessons went to the bathroom together or chased and laughed in the corridor...

In stark contrast to the quality extracurricular classes, there was silence in front of many discipline training institutions in the building. On the 4th floor of "Xueda Education", there is only one front desk staff on duty, and she said that the courses in the compulsory education stage have been stopped, and it is still waiting to see whether they can go up in the future. The staff of "Juneng Education" on the 7th floor also said that enrollment had been stopped, and the "New Unigroup Famous Academy" on the 9th floor had a locked gate and a number of leaflets scattered on the ground inside the door. Through the glass, you can also see the notices posted on the classroom walls such as "Supervision of Off-campus Training Funds" and "A Letter to Parents".

In the office building near the Jinsong subway station, most of the discipline training institutions are also temporarily in a semi-dormant state. Gaosi Education, located on the third floor of the Haven Building, recently concluded its summer school and is currently preparing for the upcoming fall class. "As required, only Monday to Friday is available, and classes are no longer scheduled on weekends." The front desk staff said that in the first grade of primary school, for example, the available period is very limited, and the Chinese language is only available on Monday night, and the math can only be attended on Tuesday night.

When visiting the teaching area, the reporter found that some classroom doors were affixed with seals. "This is our own post, because there are no subject classes next weekend, the number of classes is reduced, and the campus originally had nearly 20 classrooms, and about one-third of them are currently in a state of deactivation." According to the staff, the next step in these vacated classrooms may be to open quality classes on weekends. If you report the whole day, parents can send their children in the morning and pick them up again in the evening. The content includes the "Water Margin" book club, logical thinking training, English speaking corner, science experiments, etc.

On the second floor of the Haven Building, the big red "Xueersi Aizhikang" sign at the corner of the staircase is still eye-catching, but the inside of the institution is dim, and only the front desk is faintly lit. The staff said that the institution is currently in a state of suspension, the autumn class can not be reported for the time being, and when the class will start will be notified.

Located in the west of the Princess Tomb, the Tianxingjian Building is a well-known education and training center that has attracted many children from Shijingshan, Fengtai, Haidian and other districts to study. Since the third floor, there have been three or four training institutions on almost every floor. After the "double reduction" policy landed, many institutions directly closed their doors, and less than half of them insisted on business.

Quality extracurricular classes have taken the opportunity to "open up the territory" - a writing training institution in the building has moved from the original office of more than 100 square meters to a new storefront of more than 200 square meters downstairs, and many children who take the elevator upstairs have directly entered this institution. Some parents said that recently there is a clear sense that there is an increase in the number of children who come to practice words. After the subject tutoring cooled down, parents who were accustomed to enrolling in classes quickly increased the number of quality extracurricular classes for their children.

Investigate | Closed shops and sublet, tables and chairs benches sold, discipline training institutions withdrew stalls

Xueersi, located in The Haven Building, is still in suspension


The vacant room has not been rented out for more than a month, and the clerk chatted and waited for the customer to come

With the withdrawal of some discipline-based training institutions, many vacant houses have posted rental advertisements on the doors. The reporter called a sublease telephone of more than 300 square meters of shops in the Xincheng Cultural Building, and the other party said that the shops of the building were sold, and he was acting as an agent for the owner, and after proper contact, the tenant signed a contract directly with the owner.

The rent of this shop is quoted at 5.5 yuan per square meter per day, which is in the early 50,000 yuan a month. He said that if the area is large, he still has several sets of apartments of more than 150 square meters on different floors, and the expectations of the owners are not the same, ranging from more than 4 yuan per square meter to more than 6 yuan per day. "Recently, there are more listings, the choice is large, and the price can be discussed."

Renting a shop requires two or three payments, and generally speaking, if you return the lease before it expires, the deposit cannot be returned. "However, now the discipline training is more strictly managed, and the lease withdrawal can also be negotiated with the owner." We try to help sublet out, connect to the next one, and the deposit can be returned. ”

Investigate | Closed shops and sublet, tables and chairs benches sold, discipline training institutions withdrew stalls

Training institutions that have retired

Belle English, the tenth floor of the Tianxingjian Building, has now ceased operations, and several renovation workers are carrying out demolition and repair operations. "The landlord asked that the partitions added to the back be removed and restored to their original state." Renovation workers said they had just come over this week to measure it, and the tenants had quit their leases in mid-August. "It was supposed to expire in October, but it was more than two months ahead of schedule." A landlord who is recruiting rent told reporters that on the basis of the owner's burden of property fees, the monthly rent of shops has been reduced by about 10% compared with last year, but it has not been rented out for more than a month.

"The training institution is closed so much, we don't have any customers here!" Inside the building, although a beauty shop was open as usual, no customers came for more than two hours, and the front desk clerks could only chat with each other to pass the time. Another office employee said the situation had been going on for at least a month. "The traffic in the building depends on training institutions, and the parents of the children account for the majority, and occasionally there are young teachers doing projects.

In Xicheng District, the Desheng Real Estate Building, where training institutions gather, is also quietly changing. The person in charge of the property told reporters that more than 20 training institutions have recently withdrawn their leases, all sizes and sizes, but only two or three can be taken to see. "Most of the others are involved in rent disputes, and the delivery has not yet been clear, but the tables and chairs have been moved."

"Recently, I have sold a lot of desks and chairs"... At the same time as the lease is withdrawn, some training institutions will also reduce the price of business supplies such as tables and chairs. Some parents shared this "discovery", which attracted the emotions of the crowd.

The reporter searched on the second-hand trading platform with keywords such as training institutions, tutoring classes, desks and chairs, etc., and there was a lot of resale information, positioned in Beijing, and the price was extremely low. Some sellers said that they would urgently deal with a batch of new study class training tables and chairs. "They were all customized by previous training institutions, and many training institutions closed and returned orders, resulting in a backlog of warehouse inventory, and now they have to return funds to maintain production, and all of them are transferred at a low price at a loss."

In the introduction, the table and chair are made of high-pressure MDF, and the edges are made of anti-collision rounded corners, which can be lifted and lowered. "5 sets of starting shots, more to talk about, as long as not to lose too much will be sent immediately." The reporter said that he wanted to buy 5 sets, and the other party gave an offer of 90 yuan a set, and it could also be free shipped.

"The training class is not open, the transfer of tables and chairs to reduce losses", there are sellers selling well-known brands of tables and chairs, located in Haidian Huangzhuang, need to pick up. The original price is more than 400 yuan, and the price is only 120 yuan, which can be described as the "cabbage price". There are also sellers' tables and chairs from 60 yuan to 40 yuan, 30 yuan, "too much land, I want to deal with it quickly." ”

Investigate | Closed shops and sublet, tables and chairs benches sold, discipline training institutions withdrew stalls

Used trading platforms resell desks and chairs in large quantities


One-on-one position transfer Offline lessons hit the east and the west

During the visit, the reporter found that compared with the training institutions that mainly based on class classes, some training institutions that carry out one-on-one discipline counseling in primary and high schools are more hidden, and they also have another "calculation".

At the Fulton Centre, a training institution located in an office building changed the name of the front office from "Education" to "Aesthetic Education". In the hall, there are many promotional materials about quality courses.

Seeing that someone came to consult, the staff in charge of the registration showed great enthusiasm. "At present, our demand for one-on-one tutoring is still relatively large, and they are still normal, and the time is more flexible. If you can't open it in the middle of the week, you can also do it on weekends, from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. ”

When the reporter proposed that discipline-based training institutions generally no longer schedule classes as required on weekends, the other party explained, "We can still go on weekends here, even if we can't do it next, we can also rent a place nearby to take classes, not too far away." ”

In the Xincheng Cultural Building, although there are no students and faculty members in a tutoring class, it is not in a dilapidated situation. Rows of tables and chairs are neatly arranged in the form of small cubicles, and the room is also cleaned with windows. The relevant person in charge frankly said that the institution mainly does subject counseling for primary and secondary school students, and most of the courses are currently carried out online. There are also offline classes, which have been "transferred" to nearby apartments, "there are famous teachers one-on-one, and there are also several parents who save small classes for their children together, and they need to be similar in age and grades between each other." ”

As for the shops here, the person in charge said that they are mainly used for "inspection" by regulators. "Just see there's no violation here."

Source Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Wei Jing Zong Yuanyuan Zhou Mingjie

Edited by Xie Yongli

Process Editor Liu Weili