
"Time Pendulum": 20 seconds, 1 season; 3 minutes, 1 life


Where has the time gone, and before you can feel young, you are old

Where has the time gone, and it has been spent before you have a good look at your eyes

"Time Pendulum": 20 seconds, 1 season; 3 minutes, 1 life

Where has the time gone, time is in these three minutes!

Where has the time gone, time is in this pendulum!

The pendulum swings back and forth once, which is a stage;

One swing of samsara is the whole life.

The short three-minute film tells us about a lifetime.

"Time Pendulum": 20 seconds, 1 season; 3 minutes, 1 life

From youth to school;

From uneven roads to romantic rendezvous;

From the first entry into society, to the life and death of the broad;

From chai rice oil and salt, to chicken feathers and garlic skin;

We've argued, we've been sad, we've had tears, but we've also had joy and laughter.

"Time Pendulum": 20 seconds, 1 season; 3 minutes, 1 life

From a world of two, to a family of three;

From the tooth and tooth language, to the twenty-eight years;

The sideburns slowly grew white hair;

From missing middle age, to the prodigal son turning back;

From physical well-being, to the lingering of the sick body;

In order to save you, I gave everything, after all, I did not pay your youth for my youth;

Time is cruel after all, time is passing after all, and I don't want to watch you go away

I want to stop at this moment, I want to push back this annoying pendulum, I want to think about it

Just for you, frozen in the most beautiful moments!

"Time Pendulum": 20 seconds, 1 season; 3 minutes, 1 life

May your youth, my years, meet in samsara; when we ring the pendulum of time again, let everything, just for you, reappear!

The wind blew away our hurts, blew away our sorrows, blew away our sorrows and regrets, and may we live up to every inch of our time in this world

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