
The saw of time

author:Sumi Shizukawa

In the long river of years, time is like a ruthless saw, sawing off the side branches of those trees. What was once a thriving scene is now a fragment of memory. My courtyard, in this merciless cutting, suddenly aged, like an old man who has gone through vicissitudes of life, losing its former vitality and brilliance.

The saw of time

At night, lights grew quietly, and stars lit up the dark curtain. The faint but firm light is like a messenger of hope in the darkness, giving comfort to people's hearts. We know that green will bloom in the following spring, which is the promise of life and the law of nature.

So, tonight, we resolutely began to sow seeds. In the dream of love, with the expectation of the future, the seeds of hope are sown. The mournful book of Maiden is no longer a proclamation of the end, but a prelude to a new life.

The plants and trees in the world all have their fate. They sparkle in the wildfires of the night, and experience burning and rebirth. The wind, picked up and put down, is like the trick of fate, allowing life to comprehend the true meaning in the ups and downs.

The saw of time

The saw of time, although it cuts off the prosperity of the present, also makes room for future growth. We should not just bask in the sadness of the aging of the courtyard, but see the hope of green blooming in the coming spring. Every end is a new beginning; Every sawing is for the sake of stronger growth.

The dream of sowing love is to nurture a garden in the wilderness; To write the book of mourning is to embrace courage in the midst of adversity. The picking up and letting down of the wind is the rhythm of the rhythm of life and the rhythm of the cosmic breathing.

Let us firmly guard the hope in our hearts in the torrent of time and bravely face the twists and turns of life. Life is never a smooth sailing, it is full of unknowns and variables, just like the branches of trees that have been sawn off by time, seemingly incomplete, but also contains the possibility of new life.

The saw of time

When we are in trouble, when the flame of hope is swaying in the wind, we cannot give up easily. Because hope is the light in the darkness, the power that leads us through the fog. Even if we are at a low point at the moment, as long as the flame of hope in our hearts is not extinguished, we will definitely find a way to climb upward. It is like a seed sleeping in the cold winter, silently accumulating strength, waiting for the call of spring, and then breaking through the ground and blooming with the brilliance of life.

Facing the twists and turns of life bravely requires us to have a tenacious will. Twists and turns are the norm of life and a test of our will. Every setback is an opportunity to grow, and every fall is an opportunity to stand more steadily. We must be like the green pines on the edge of the cliff, standing proudly despite the wind and rain; Be like a rushing river, not afraid of boulders, and go all the way.

In the torrent of time, we may feel lost and helpless, but remember that this is the grinding that life gives us. Those pains and losses will become precious treasures in our lives. They make us know how to cherish and understand the meaning of perseverance.

The saw of time

Guarding the hope in our hearts means that no matter how noisy the outside world is, we can stick to our original intentions. Don't be fooled by fame and fortune, and don't be intimidated by difficulties and setbacks. Keep your heart pure and determined, and keep working hard for your dreams. Even if the road ahead is full of thorns, even if the dawn of hope is still far away, we must continue to walk step by step.

Facing the twists and turns of life bravely requires us to have an optimistic and positive attitude. In the face of difficulties, do not complain, do not be frustrated, but look for solutions to problems with an optimistic attitude. I believe that every difficulty is an opportunity for self-improvement, and every challenge is an attempt to surpass oneself.

The torrent of time rolls forward, and it doesn't stop for anyone. But as long as we firmly guard hope and bravely meet the twists and turns, we can steer our own boat of destiny in this torrent and sail to the other side of the ideal. Let us weave a blueprint for the future with hope, write a chapter of life with courage, and let life shine the brightest light in the baptism of time!

The saw of time

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