
27 people in Haikou were injured by the sting of a row of bees, and one person unfortunately died! Be careful when the Qingming Festival sweeps them

author:Bright Net

At about 3 p.m. on April 2, when the masses of Yunlong Town, Qiongshan District, Haikou went to Denggao Village, Yanfeng Town, Meilan District, to visit the grave, 27 people were bitten and injured by row of bee stings, and 1 elderly person unfortunately died after ineffective rescue. At 12:00 noon on 3 April, 26 stung victims were in better condition and discharged from the hospital.

27 people in Haikou were injured by the sting of a row of bees, and one person unfortunately died! Be careful when the Qingming Festival sweeps them

According to local villagers, at about 3 p.m. on April 2, 27 villagers from Yunlong Town arrived at an ancestral grave in Denggao Village to carry out a ritual sweeping activity, and the smoke emitted by the lit incense candles disturbed the nearby row of bees, and the nest was only about 3 meters away from the villagers participating in the festival sweeping activity. Subsequently, swarms of bees attacked the villagers who participated in the festival sweep, and a total of 27 people were stung.

27 people in Haikou were injured by the sting of a row of bees, and one person unfortunately died! Be careful when the Qingming Festival sweeps them

After the incident, the governments of Qiongshan District and Meilan District organized health and emergency department personnel to rush to the scene at the first time, and coordinated the hospital to rescue. Among them, a 71-year-old man had his heart stopped beating and breathing when he was sent to the Fourth People's Hospital of Haikou City, and died after ineffective rescue, and the remaining 26 people had stable vital signs.

At 12:00 noon on 3 April, 26 of the stingers recovered and were all discharged from the hospital. At present, the row bee hive of the sting population has been dealt with by firefighters. In order to prevent similar incidents, the governments of Meilan District and Qiongshan District said that while doing a good job in handling the aftermath, they will strengthen the safety publicity and education of the Qingming Festival festival sweeping, do a good job in the investigation of potential safety hazards, and call on the citizens to civilize the festival sweeping to prevent unexpected disasters.

Question 1: What is bee removal?

Feng Yongfeng, attending doctor of the emergency department of Haikou City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Row bees are the collective name of several types of wild bees, which are divided into large rows of bees and small rows of bees, and most of the breeding are small rows of bees. Due to the migratory nature of the bees, it is difficult to carry out artificial breeding and needs to be migrated after being found in the wild. Row bees generally live on tree trunks or cliffs, and hives are built in rows, hence the name "row bees".

Question 2: What should I do if I am stung by a bee in the wild?

Feng Yongfeng, attending physician of the emergency department of Haikou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

1, first of all, to pull out the poison needle, so as to prevent the venom in the skin further release, do not vigorously squeeze the wound in the process of taking the poison needle, to avoid squeezing the venom into the blood to aggravate the disease.

2, after the poison needle is pulled out, the wound should be cleaned, most of the venom of the bee is acidic, and it can be disinfected with some alkaline solutions. For example, baking soda, sodium bicarbonate solution and so on. If there are some cool and anti-itching ointments around you, such as wind oil essence, cool oil, etc., you can also apply it around the wound, which is also conducive to the resolution of the rash.

3. If there are dandelions, half-sided lotuses, horse chestnut flowers, three sevens and other herbs around, you can also wash and mash these herbs and apply them to the affected area, which has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. Ginger can also be mashed and applied to the wound, and white wine and vinegar can also be used to clean the wound.

4, if there is a serious allergic reaction, there are anti-allergic drugs around can be taken immediately, patients with more serious system symptoms should drink more water, drink more drinks, which can be conducive to the excretion of toxins, and then go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

5. Severe allergic reactions after being stung by bees will be life-threatening, and you must go to the hospital for treatment in time. If the patient has coma shock, the people around them should take emergency measures such as artificial respiration in time. Don't think that being stung by bees is a small problem, if the situation is serious and not dealt with in time, it will be life-threatening, so it must be taken seriously.

Source: Hainan Daily client

Reporter: Zhang Xiang Special correspondent: Xu Jingliang

Source: Hainan Daily

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