
Stimulate talents to innovate and create vitality

author:One step away x

Innovation-driven is actually talent-driven. Scientific development is people-oriented, talent development is application-oriented. "Innovation is an inexhaustible driving force for the country's strength and social progress", to achieve economic development and upgrading, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of talents, give full play to the role of all kinds of talents, stimulate the vitality of talent innovation to the greatest extent, and achieve the situation in which people make full use of their talents and make the best use of them.

To achieve high-quality innovation and development, the key lies in talents. We should improve the enthusiasm of talents in all aspects, guide innovative talents to combine personal dreams and value pursuits with local development goals, and stimulate the enthusiasm of talent officers in a subtle way.

"Make the best use of talents, make the best use of people", the platform is an important stage to give full play to the effectiveness of talents, so it is particularly important to build a platform for attracting talents. Improve the platform mechanism, formulate pragmatic measures, and better stimulate the vitality of talent innovation. Vigorously publicize the talent policy, strengthen the recruitment of talents, and form a strong atmosphere of valuing talents, cherishing talents, attracting talents, and using talents. So as to achieve the benign effect of talents being diligent in creating and willing to innovate, encouraging talents to climb the peak and promoting high-quality economic and social development.

The country takes talent as the strength, and the industry prospers with talent. The great cause of the new era needs talents, treat talents with heart, serve talents with strength, and gather magnificent talents to continue to write a new chapter in social development in the new era.