
The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

author:A white jade

13 years ago, a "Crazy Stone" made Ning Hao famous.

As a low-budget film, it broke through and made a lot of money at the box office, and its main actors also became popular.

There are even comments that this is the most nb film in China.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

It is enough to see the status of the film in the hearts of the audience.

And when it comes to the secret of its success, it is naturally inseparable from the interlocking, compact plot, funny but not superficial.

What many people don't know is that this actually continues the approach and style of British director Guy Richie.

He is a true master of black humor.

As long as you look at it, you can't extricate yourself - "Kidnapping and Robbery"

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

Cool narratives, characters of different types, nonsensical dialogue...

These elements are blended together by Guy Richie, and to tell the truth, Britain's natural cold humor is not covered.

His "Two Big Smoking Guns" is even more regarded as a classic.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

The film brought him first noticed by Hollywood, and many actors, including popular superstars Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt, praised him.

The latter even said that he wanted to star in his works regardless of remuneration, so he had a cooperation in "Kidnapping and Robbery".

Although this film is somewhat unsatisfactory in the United States, it can be described as invincible in the United Kingdom.

It broke the record for the highest grossing film in British film history and became one of the highest-grossing films in British film history.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

Similar to Quentin, Guy Ritchie has a super control over character clues, is good at regulating exaggerated plots, complex and exquisite, and cross-influences on multiple lines.

There is no need for flesh-and-blood cool fight scenes, nor does it need eye-catching and glamorous scenes, as a film that is completely sprinkled with men's sweat, it is also thrilling.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

The story is not complicated, it is a battle around the "diamond".

It is mainly divided into two main lines of narration -

One line is a boxing agent named Turkey, who, at the request of the boss, must re-find a boxer to participate in the underground boxing match, so that it is convenient to make a shady scene in the boxing match and win the bet behind it.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

Who would have thought, the contestants who were going to compete ran to the gypsies to buy a car, and as a result, there was an impromptu competition without boxing gloves.

Finally, the man was knocked over with a punch.

The winner was Gypsy Mitch.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed
The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

No one expected such a situation, and Turkey, which was standing on the sidelines, was in a hurry.

If people become like this, who will participate in the boxing game after that? If he can't find anyone, he may be tied up by five flowers and then split up.

Because it's a powerful character.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

So he thought of Mickey.

No matter how high the price was, Mickey and his companions were too few, and several people discussed it, and finally sold it in a campervan.

Don't laugh, Mickey is a filial piety.

As long as mom is happy, he can do anything.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

As agreed, Mickey needs to fall in the fourth set to help the game win the stakes.

Unexpectedly, Mickey on the stage could not suppress the power of the flood in his body, and he came to another one-hit "kill", which made the big guys in the field look stupid.

What is this operation?!

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

What's even funnier is that Mitch is ineffective, and Turkey has a "deep affection" for him.

The same gamble found him again, Mickey saw the lion open his mouth, upgraded the luxury caravan opened his mouth to come, the big guy listened to it, you want to filial piety to the mother, then I directly sent her to heaven.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

Then a cruel scene occurred.

They burned down the tattered motorhome where the Mickeys were staying, and inside lay Mickey's mother, who was asleep.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

Mitch, with a sense of revenge, agrees to go out again and screws up the game again.

He was taken away by the big guy's men, and just when he thought he was going to be executed, an accident happened...

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

Seeing this, do you feel strange that the protagonist "Diamond" said good?

Don't worry, come right away.

The second line appears, this diamond is the size of a fist, it is said to have more than eighty grams, it fell into the hands of the diamond thief "Four Finger" Frank.

He needs to take the diamond to New York and give it to the boss, Ive, who knows that he is a gambler by nature and is tempted by the arms dealer "Scar" Boris to go to the casino to bet.

On the other hand, Boris hires three black to rob the diamonds, and some ironic episodes occur in the process.

In particular, pay attention to the dog in the back seat.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

With all his might, Boris got the diamond and killed Frank.

Ive couldn't wait, he flew straight from New York to London, and rehired Tony to help find the diamond.

The last two waves of people collided together, and as for the diamond, it was taken away by the dog.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

What do you think it's all about?

The two lines seem to be incompatible, and miraculously, the dog is finally picked up by Turkey, so there is his narration at the beginning of the film" "How can I understand diamonds, I only do boxing matches".

Are you looking forward to where the diamond will eventually go?

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

Throughout the film, there are two groups of people, one is only concerned about boxing matches, and the other is only concerned with finding diamonds.

Right and wrong crisscrossed, these people are never too tired to be dead and injured, and after watching this piece, they feel strongly that they must not do business with gypsies.

Moreover, it is no exaggeration to say that not a minute of the whole process is cold, so compact that it makes people take their breath the whole time.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

Every character in the film will make low-level mistakes, completely unaware of how comedic their words and deeds are, which is a typical serious funny.

Even if you see that half of the people still recognize it, it does not affect the perception.

For example, the scene where Mickey and Turkey negotiate for the competition:

The other party proposed ten thousand, Mickey said "This is not a profitable head" body shrank back, and discussed with the brothers, just when you think how high the price they want to drive, the result is a "campervan".

Or for mom, which is quite contrasting.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

There are also three clips of the going to rob, which are also the memory points of the film.

Two of them pointed guns at the young lady at the front desk, and the other seemed to have seen the big scene, with a serious face, and calmly told them that the time was up and there was no money here.

In the end, there was no way out, and he threw out a bag of copper coins.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

Just when the two were annoyed, the front desk took the gun they had placed on the table and opened fire, pressing the button and closing the window.

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

It was difficult to escape, turned their heads and found that the gate was bulletproof and anti-theft, could not be broken with a gun, and could not be opened from the inside, so they had to sit on the ground.

At this moment, the who was letting the wind outside pushed the door in, and asked with a confused face: What are you TM doing?!

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed

There is one such ridiculous bridge every few minutes.

In addition, there are small baggage like what gangster boss pig business, gypsy people buy one get free one.

For 100 minutes, you don't need to use your brain, just laugh along with the director's rhythm and plot progression.

To tell the truth, how many times such a film is re-brushed is not addictive.

Wait what, don't go see it yet!

The originator of black humor, the whole climax without urine point, this old movie is not addictive how many times it is re-brushed