
"Dancing Elf" Kong Shuhang Didn't expect you to be like this? Music makes people become "talkative" "dance elves" Evolutionary history eager to interpret characters that can touch the hearts of the audience Such a master brother please give me a dozen "TimeZ will be back"

author:Lace Entertainment Network

He was the captain of the boy group TIMEZ who sang the brainwashing song "Long Live the Idol"; he was the fresh and warm man who sincerely presented the "age sense" ID photo in "Happy Base Camp"; he was the affectionate singer who looped his songs 50 times a day and wrote the MV script himself. He is kong Shuhang, the "dance elf" in the hearts of fans.

"Dancing Elf" Kong Shuhang Didn't expect you to be like this? Music makes people become "talkative" "dance elves" Evolutionary history eager to interpret characters that can touch the hearts of the audience Such a master brother please give me a dozen "TimeZ will be back"

In 2012, he debuted as a captain of TimeZ, debuted for 5 years, Kong Shuhang sang, filmed, hosted and tried continuously, inspiring to be an all-round artist. This time, he proved himself again as a singer with his first solo single "Time Has Stopped", which took two years to create.

"Dancing Elf" Kong Shuhang Didn't expect you to be like this? Music makes people become "talkative" "dance elves" Evolutionary history eager to interpret characters that can touch the hearts of the audience Such a master brother please give me a dozen "TimeZ will be back"

<h1>Music makes people "talkative"</h1>

Kong Shuhang, who bluntly said that he prefers the identity of a singer, when talking about his new single "Time Is Stopped", he will enter the "talking" mode for a second, as if music is his stimulant. He admits that the single, which took two years to complete, contains many of his own ideas, and he does not want to limit this work to love, it can be about friends, classmates, or even some passer-by in life. What he wants to express is the nostalgia for the past that everyone can resonate with.

"Dancing Elf" Kong Shuhang Didn't expect you to be like this? Music makes people become "talkative" "dance elves" Evolutionary history eager to interpret characters that can touch the hearts of the audience Such a master brother please give me a dozen "TimeZ will be back"

In the process of creating "Time Has Stopped", there were also some twists and turns, and Kong Shuhang changed the composition of seven or eight versions in order to create a song in his ideal state. But because Kong Shuhang knew exactly what kind of musical concept he wanted to express, the lyrics were decided almost as soon as the draft was made. After the song was formed, he also wrote the script of the MV himself. I poured so much into the song, just to "live up to everyone's expectations and truly express an ideal state." ”

"Dancing Elf" Kong Shuhang Didn't expect you to be like this? Music makes people become "talkative" "dance elves" Evolutionary history eager to interpret characters that can touch the hearts of the audience Such a master brother please give me a dozen "TimeZ will be back"

In the process of interviewing Lace Entertainment, Kong Shuhang sang this song live, which can really be described as "amazing". There is less playfulness in his voice and more sadness, and he also has less of the childishness of the past, more of stability and persistence. Is this still the same young boy who sang "Long Live idols"? It's really a casual humming of a few words, and the ears are instantly pregnant.

"Dancing Elf" Kong Shuhang Didn't expect you to be like this? Music makes people become "talkative" "dance elves" Evolutionary history eager to interpret characters that can touch the hearts of the audience Such a master brother please give me a dozen "TimeZ will be back"

<h1>Evolutionary history of "Dancing Elves"</h1>

Many people know that in addition to singing well, Kong Shuhang is also known as a "dance elf". But there is a "sad" story behind this title that has to be said. He said that the title given to him by this fan and teammate was a little "ridiculous", he was once the worst dancer in the team, in order to keep up with the progress of his teammates, he would pay more time and effort to practice dance. Today, Kong Shuhang's stage performance is full of points, and he is fully worthy of the title of "Dance Elf". Really, I am not afraid that others are better than you, and I am afraid that people who are better than you will work harder than you.

"Dancing Elf" Kong Shuhang Didn't expect you to be like this? Music makes people become "talkative" "dance elves" Evolutionary history eager to interpret characters that can touch the hearts of the audience Such a master brother please give me a dozen "TimeZ will be back"

<h1>The desire to interpret characters that can touch the hearts of the audience</h1>

Kong Shuhang, who has shown his acting skills in plays such as "The Female President's Personal Master", "Girlfriend Circle", "I Love You, This is the Best Arrangement", frankly said, "I used to watch the drama only to see a hilarity, and the focus of attention was often whether the plot was interesting and whether the lines were impactful", but after shooting many episodes, he paid more attention to the state of reaction of everyone in the opponent scene, even the treatment of long shots and close-up views. Now he says, "I'm eager to interpret a role that touches the audience's heart, because that's the most fulfilling thing for an actor." ”

"Dancing Elf" Kong Shuhang Didn't expect you to be like this? Music makes people become "talkative" "dance elves" Evolutionary history eager to interpret characters that can touch the hearts of the audience Such a master brother please give me a dozen "TimeZ will be back"
"Dancing Elf" Kong Shuhang Didn't expect you to be like this? Music makes people become "talkative" "dance elves" Evolutionary history eager to interpret characters that can touch the hearts of the audience Such a master brother please give me a dozen "TimeZ will be back"

<h1>Such a brother please give me a dozen</h1>

Kong Shuhang, who is so desperate for his career, is actually a big warm man in life! When talking about the same disciple Zhu Tiantian being dissed by the audience in "Creation 101", Kong Shuhang did not shy away from calling for him: "Zhu Tiantian is a girl with no heart and no lungs in her life. Many of the actions in the show are actually unconscious, and they do not deliberately interfere with other people's dancing, but they just dance high at that time. As a brother, he sent warm comfort to his sister through lace entertainment: "I must work hard, I must face this game more actively, and use my efforts to dispel the doubts of others." At the same time, he also said that "I hope everyone can tolerate this big grinning girl." Such a warm male brother to give me a dozen!

"Dancing Elf" Kong Shuhang Didn't expect you to be like this? Music makes people become "talkative" "dance elves" Evolutionary history eager to interpret characters that can touch the hearts of the audience Such a master brother please give me a dozen "TimeZ will be back"
"Dancing Elf" Kong Shuhang Didn't expect you to be like this? Music makes people become "talkative" "dance elves" Evolutionary history eager to interpret characters that can touch the hearts of the audience Such a master brother please give me a dozen "TimeZ will be back"

<h1>"TimeZ will be back."</h1>

Kong Shuhang's group TimeZ has not had any new works since the 2015 "Awakening" album, fans have expressed concern, and more netizens said that "super131, which was on the show together in "Happy Base Camp", has been disbanded, and I hope you can continue." In the face of fans' concerns and questions, Kong Shuhang said that TimeZ has not been active for some reasons in recent years, but in fact, each member has his own life and work plans, and is constantly precipitating themselves and improving themselves. Although the 6 people are not gathered now, their desire for the stage has not changed in the slightest. When the time comes, they will return to the stage with their music to meet everyone.

"Dancing Elf" Kong Shuhang Didn't expect you to be like this? Music makes people become "talkative" "dance elves" Evolutionary history eager to interpret characters that can touch the hearts of the audience Such a master brother please give me a dozen "TimeZ will be back"
"Dancing Elf" Kong Shuhang Didn't expect you to be like this? Music makes people become "talkative" "dance elves" Evolutionary history eager to interpret characters that can touch the hearts of the audience Such a master brother please give me a dozen "TimeZ will be back"

Through contact, Xiaobian was completely attracted by Kong Shuhang's sense of reality. I almost forgot that this big boy who is so kind that there is no sense of distance in front of him is actually an artist who has been debuting for 5 years and has many works in songs, movies and television. In the past 5 years in the entertainment industry, what has changed is only his business ability, the depth of looking at problems, and the maturity of thinking about problems, but it has not taken away a trace of his original innocence. This big boy can play for half a day when he sees a paper cup, will gush about a topic of interest, will simplify his signature for fear of waiting too long for fans when signing, and will unconsciously hum songs because he loves music. Maybe it is so real and no sense of distance that we should be the idols we should pick without reservation.

"Dancing Elf" Kong Shuhang Didn't expect you to be like this? Music makes people become "talkative" "dance elves" Evolutionary history eager to interpret characters that can touch the hearts of the audience Such a master brother please give me a dozen "TimeZ will be back"