
Coach Na Shuai: I can't play Borussia Borussia Monchengung with the team yet, lucas is still on my plan

author:Live it
Coach Na Shuai: I can't play Borussia Borussia Monchengung with the team yet, lucas is still on my plan

Live bar October 26 news On Thursday, October 28, Beijing time, Bayern will challenge Borussia Monchengin in the second round of the German Cup, and today Bayern coach Nagelsman attended the press conference and talked about his health.

Na Shuai had previously tested positive for COVID-19, so he could only work from home recently. He said: "Everything is fine so far, unfortunately I will not sit in the coaching bench against Borussia Moncheng. I'm still in home isolation, and I'm going to get tested again on Thursday. I had already had a test yesterday, but unfortunately it wasn't enough for me to go out with the team. ”

"I'm a person who doesn't like to sit for a long time, I prefer to be closer to the scene. But thanks to modern technology, a lot of things have become possible, and things have gone well so far, and I'm happy with that. ”

'Everybody in the squad is healthy, Davis and Goretzka are back in the squad and Lucas has a bit of a problem with his calves, but now he's recovering well and our squad is healthy.'

Speaking about the match against Borussia Moncheng, Na Shuai said: "It's a bit strange because they didn't get the result they wanted. Their players are fast and strong, especially on the offensive end, and they have a good counter-attack strategy in the face of high pressure from their opponents, which will be a tough away game, and the opponents and the fans support them. ”

Bayern defender Lucas had previously been accused of assaulting his girlfriend, and the court subsequently ordered the two to separate. But Lucas violated court rules by traveling with his girlfriend and girlfriend's girlfriend in advance, so Lucas was asked to return to Spain by October 19 and receive a prison sentence of one year.

Speaking about the matter, Na Shuai said: "First of all, this is a personal issue. He was within my plan, there was no information that it wasn't, and I didn't know every detail of what the Spanish judiciary said, but I think I could continue to rely on him. ”

Speaking about Kingsley Koeman, Nagelsman said: "He was a good guy with a great personality and luckily he was back to health. He's one of the best wingers in the world and I'm willing to work with him for many years because I have a lot of praise for him, both as a person and as a player. ”

(Goblin Killer)

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