
A good dish in the cold of spring, a dish that warms mrs. Warm's lifelong life - ginger hot nest chicken


Ginger hot nest chicken, a Sichuan home cooking dish.

This dish is heavy ginger heavy vinegar, sour and spicy appetizer.

To make ginger hot nest chicken, 500 grams of chicken meat needs 60 grams of minced ginger, 60 grams of vinegar. Such an ingredient combination is similar to the Famous Cantonese dish pork knuckle ginger, and it is also a nourishing dish for women.


To make a hot nest chicken, we first need to choose the chicken.

Hot nest chickens are preferred for earth roosters, 8 months old earth roosters. Such a rooster, the meat is delicious, firm, especially suitable for stewing.

Speaking of this, I will introduce you to a little common sense, rooster as a cooking ingredient, rooster under 6 months old is suitable for frying, suitable for small fried chicken, the meat is tender and tender. Roosters over ten months old are suitable for stewing, with the characteristics of fragrant meat. Roosters of about 8 months are suitable for stewing, cold mixing, and meat flavor are more moderate.

After choosing the ingredients, our chicken needs to be boiled in boiling water.

Speaking of this, we talk about the origin of the hot nest chicken.

In the Sichuan Basin, the Spring Festival has the custom of worshipping ancestors with whole chickens, and the whole chicken worships ancestors after it is cold, and most of the initial eating methods are used for cold mixing. However, the Spring Festival belongs to the cold period of late winter and spring, and cold dishes are not very popular.

So many people use the chicken to make the meat of the pot. Continuing to develop, the back pot chicken has increased the amount of ginger, using the effect of old ginger to drive away the cold and warm the stomach, becoming a good dish in the spring cold period.

Today we see hot nest chicken, heavy ginger heavy vinegar. The tonic of the rooster and the cold repellent of ginger vinegar make this dish a good product in the cold season of spring.

Many warm-hearted men, during the special period of the lady, choose hens, add brown sugar, and make this hot nest chicken into a loving dish. Lady Warm is a lifetime.

The cooked chicken, then stir-fried, is the hot nest chicken we are going to introduce to you today.

Hot Nest Chicken:

——Preparation materials:

8 months old rooster, 100 grams of ginger, 60 grams of vinegar, 20 grams of green onion, 15 grams of Pixian watercress, two pickled peppers,

A good dish in the cold of spring, a dish that warms mrs. Warm's lifelong life - ginger hot nest chicken

Native chicken

--Material handling:

1, clean the rooster, remove the internal organs, sac cavity, wash the blood foam.

2: Wash and cut 20g ginger slices, 80g into minced ginger.

3: Chop watercress and pickled pepper into watercress pickled pepper sauce.

——Production process:

1: Add sliced ginger and green onion knots to a large pot, bring to a boil over high heat, put the whole chicken into the pot and simmer for 10 minutes.

2: After simmering, cook on high heat for 10 minutes and the whole chicken is fished out.

A good dish in the cold of spring, a dish that warms mrs. Warm's lifelong life - ginger hot nest chicken

Freshly cooked chicken

3: For the soup of boiled chicken, we put a bowl of about 50 grams and set aside.

A good dish in the cold of spring, a dish that warms mrs. Warm's lifelong life - ginger hot nest chicken

chicken soup

4: Chop the cooked chicken into small pieces.

A good dish in the cold of spring, a dish that warms mrs. Warm's lifelong life - ginger hot nest chicken

Chicken nuggets

5: Heat oil, on medium-low heat, add watercress pickled pepper sauce, sauté the red, add 80 grams of ginger, sauté to bring out the aroma, add our quasi 50 grams of chicken soup.

6: After the soup has boiled, we add chicken nuggets and simmer evenly for three minutes.

A good dish in the cold of spring, a dish that warms mrs. Warm's lifelong life - ginger hot nest chicken

Hot nest chicken

7: Add the chopped shallots.

A good dish in the cold of spring, a dish that warms mrs. Warm's lifelong life - ginger hot nest chicken

Ginger hot nest chicken

8, and evenly, hook thin mustard. Pour in 60 g of vinegar, stir-fry over high heat and collect the juice.

A good dish in the cold of spring, a dish that warms mrs. Warm's lifelong life - ginger hot nest chicken

9: Start the pot and plate.

A good dish in the cold of spring, a dish that warms mrs. Warm's lifelong life - ginger hot nest chicken

——Technical points:

1, hot nest chicken blanching water is very exquisite.

Boiling underwater pot can effectively lock in the meat aroma in the chicken. However, when you just get off the pot, you can't cook it on high heat, so it is easy to make the chicken burst and not good-looking. After simmering for ten minutes, the chicken skin is set and cooked on high heat for another 10 minutes.

The whole chicken can be boiled in boiled water, and it will be simmered for a while, without being fully cooked, so that the chicken can be kept tender and also convenient for chicken flavor.

2: Sauté watercress with pickled pepper sauce over low heat

Boil the oil, add the watercress pickled pepper sauce after the oil is hot, it must be a small fire, a small fire can fry the color of the watercress pickled pepper sauce, the fire color has not yet come out, the sauce is paste.

Stir-fry the watercress sauce, then add ginger and garlic and stir-fry to create a fragrant chicken soup. This soup is bright red and smells of ginger.

3: Add 60g vinegar before cooking.

Vinegar is added before cooking, which can effectively retain the sour taste of vinegar, adding time too early, vinegar will evaporate and take away the sour taste. Adding vinegar to the juice over high heat can effectively retain the vinegar flavor.

》》Answer to the allegations:

1, this dish is ginger vinegar taste, slightly spicy taste, can I add sugar, do sweet and sour taste?

A: Yes. This dish can add white sugar, brown sugar according to your own taste, adding sweetness is also a very delicious dish.

2, I don't like to eat onions, can I not want shallots?

A: Yes. Green onions are the ingredients, white onion knots can add color, so that this dish is rich in color, do not like can be replaced by garlic seedlings, onions, can be, without ingredients is also possible. It's entirely up to your personal preference.

》》》Dish Summary:

The hot nest chicken dish is bright red in color and rich in ginger vinegar, which is very suitable for eating in the cold spring.

As a loving dish offered by a husband to his wife, it can be made during a special period for a wife. Replace the rooster with a hen, ginger: vinegar: sugar = 1: 1: 1 add brown sugar, you can definitely get the joy of the wife, but also a love for the wife.

Make a hot nest chicken, let you steam through the cold spring period, into the bright spring.

Make a hot nest chicken and keep your wife warm for a lifetime.

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