
Guizhou Tongren found "peach blossom jellyfish", what kind of creature is this? Why is it more precious than giant pandas? What is the "Peach Blossom Jellyfish"? What are the habits of "peach blossom jellyfish"? How did the "peach blossom jellyfish" in Tongren Pond come about? Why is "peach blossom jellyfish" more precious than giant pandas?

author:Guardian of the beautiful ecological environment

Recently, a resident of Tongren City, Guizhou Province, found a strange creature in the backyard pond of his home, with a transparent body and a distinct umbrella-like structure on the body, which is very similar to the jellyfish in the aquarium. Later, after on-site verification by the relevant departments of Tongren City, it was confirmed that this creature did belong to the jellyfish family, and its name was "peach blossom jellyfish". We know that jellyfish generally live in seawater, Guizhou is far from the ocean, why are there jellyfish in freshwater ponds?

Guizhou Tongren found "peach blossom jellyfish", what kind of creature is this? Why is it more precious than giant pandas? What is the "Peach Blossom Jellyfish"? What are the habits of "peach blossom jellyfish"? How did the "peach blossom jellyfish" in Tongren Pond come about? Why is "peach blossom jellyfish" more precious than giant pandas?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="2" what is the "peach blossom jellyfish" >? </h1>

The world's first recorded "peach blossom jellyfish" was discovered in 1880, and its specimen came from London, England, and was later named Sox's peach blossom jellyfish. It was not until the 1930s that the animal was discovered in many parts of the world, such as the Americas, Europe and Asia. China's first discovery was in 1907, and it was later named Yichang peach blossom jellyfish.

Last year, in many places in China, people intensively found traces of "peach blossom jellyfish", such as in the ponds in the wild in Fuyuan, Yunnan and Chengdu, Sichuan, or in the farmers' wells in Wuzhishan, Hainan, and now they are found in Guizhou. These jellyfish are classified as freshwater jellyfish.

Guizhou Tongren found "peach blossom jellyfish", what kind of creature is this? Why is it more precious than giant pandas? What is the "Peach Blossom Jellyfish"? What are the habits of "peach blossom jellyfish"? How did the "peach blossom jellyfish" in Tongren Pond come about? Why is "peach blossom jellyfish" more precious than giant pandas?

At present, there are a total of 11 species of freshwater jellyfish found in the world, except for the distribution of Sox's peach blossom jellyfish in Eurasia and Ise peach blossom jellyfish in Japan, the remaining 9 species are unique to China. These freshwater jellyfish are collectively known as "peach blossom jellyfish".

From the biological classification point of view, peach blossom jellyfish belongs to the hydra, freshwater jellyfish, Kasa jellyfish family, peach blossom jellyfish genus, body length between 1.5-2.5 cm, most of them are white or light green, the body is transparent, the front end has a circular umbrella-like structure, can not see the head and tail, which is similar to other jellyfish. Because in the middle of the body, there are tentacles that are very similar to the shape of peach blossoms, and most of them appear after the peach blossoms bloom every year, so they are named "peach blossom jellyfish".

Guizhou Tongren found "peach blossom jellyfish", what kind of creature is this? Why is it more precious than giant pandas? What is the "Peach Blossom Jellyfish"? What are the habits of "peach blossom jellyfish"? How did the "peach blossom jellyfish" in Tongren Pond come about? Why is "peach blossom jellyfish" more precious than giant pandas?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" What are the habits of data-track="20" > "peach blossom jellyfish"? </h1>

From the perspective of predatory means, the "peach blossom jellyfish" relies on the contraction of the umbrella-like structure to achieve the free movement of the body by adjusting the amount of water in the umbrella cavity. When the prey is found, the "peach blossom jellyfish" will shoot out the spines from the tentacles and shoot at the prey, because the spines contain biotoxins, the prey will soon be poisoned and killed after being "hit", and then the jellyfish will swallow the prey with the help of the tentacles.

Guizhou Tongren found "peach blossom jellyfish", what kind of creature is this? Why is it more precious than giant pandas? What is the "Peach Blossom Jellyfish"? What are the habits of "peach blossom jellyfish"? How did the "peach blossom jellyfish" in Tongren Pond come about? Why is "peach blossom jellyfish" more precious than giant pandas?

"Peach blossom jellyfish" mainly feeds on tadpoles, tadpoles, nematodes, fish fry, mosquito larvae, etc. in freshwater, so it is a typical carnivorous animal.

From the perspective of the ability to adapt to the environment, the "peach blossom jellyfish" is too "delicate". They not only need a suitable water temperature of 25-32 degrees Celsius, but also have a clear "pickiness" for water quality, where the pH value is less than 6.5 or higher than 8 water, and the water body is slightly polluted, then they immediately enter a dormant state. When the sunlight is more intense, their mobility is also greatly reduced, so the morning and evening are generally the time periods when they are more active.

Guizhou Tongren found "peach blossom jellyfish", what kind of creature is this? Why is it more precious than giant pandas? What is the "Peach Blossom Jellyfish"? What are the habits of "peach blossom jellyfish"? How did the "peach blossom jellyfish" in Tongren Pond come about? Why is "peach blossom jellyfish" more precious than giant pandas?

From the perspective of regulating metabolism, when the waters where the "peach blossom jellyfish" lives, there is any one of the water temperatures that are low or high, the pH of the water body is low or high, the amount of food in the water is very small, and the water body is polluted, the "peach blossom jellyfish" will react, secrete a more dense substance from the body, wrap the body up, and then go to sleep for a long time, waiting for the external environment to become suitable again, and then "wake up" again.

Guizhou Tongren found "peach blossom jellyfish", what kind of creature is this? Why is it more precious than giant pandas? What is the "Peach Blossom Jellyfish"? What are the habits of "peach blossom jellyfish"? How did the "peach blossom jellyfish" in Tongren Pond come about? Why is "peach blossom jellyfish" more precious than giant pandas?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" >how did the "peach blossom jellyfish" in Tongren Pond come from? </h1>

Through the introduction just now, we can see that the "peach blossom jellyfish" has extremely harsh requirements for the environment, and its distribution range is not very extensive, and it is mostly distributed in the south of the Yangtze River in China, such as Hainan, Yunnan-Guizhou, Sichuan, Two Lakes and Two Guangzhou, Jiangxi and other provinces and regions. At the same time, they are small in size and small in number, so that individuals found in wells or ponds cannot be released by hand, but migrated through the natural flow of water bodies.

Guizhou Tongren found "peach blossom jellyfish", what kind of creature is this? Why is it more precious than giant pandas? What is the "Peach Blossom Jellyfish"? What are the habits of "peach blossom jellyfish"? How did the "peach blossom jellyfish" in Tongren Pond come about? Why is "peach blossom jellyfish" more precious than giant pandas?

"Peach blossom jellyfish" has the ability to alternate reproduction of "the hydra body is produced by sexual reproduction, and the hydra body is then produced by asexual reproduction to produce new jellyfish individuals", coupled with the fact that they have the characteristics of hibernating at any time according to the characteristics of the environment, so jellyfish in nature are not common, and often appear for a long time without a trace, and some time periods suddenly appear.

The "peach blossom jellyfish" found in Tongren Pond are actually very normal, because Guizhou is originally one of their main habitat areas, and they can be transferred from one place to another through surface runoff or groundwater circulation channels. It's just that because they are small, transparent, and numerous, and often dormant or exist in the form of hydras, they are not easy to be found.

Guizhou Tongren found "peach blossom jellyfish", what kind of creature is this? Why is it more precious than giant pandas? What is the "Peach Blossom Jellyfish"? What are the habits of "peach blossom jellyfish"? How did the "peach blossom jellyfish" in Tongren Pond come about? Why is "peach blossom jellyfish" more precious than giant pandas?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="22" >Why is "peach blossom jellyfish" more precious than giant pandas? </h1>

"Peach blossom jellyfish" is a very ancient coelenterate animal, longer than most of the existing species on the earth, with the reputation of "living fossils in the water", from the point of view of preciousness can be completely comparable with the giant panda, or even more than that, with very high research and ornamental value.

In addition, the "peach blossom jellyfish" is too harsh on the environmental requirements of the habitat, and is the only type of jellyfish that can live in fresh water, and the distribution range is very narrow. With the interference of human activities and the accumulation of various pollutant discharges, the ecological environment of the "peach blossom jellyfish" habitat has been damaged to varying degrees, especially the problem of water pollution, which has seriously affected the survival and reproduction of the "peach blossom jellyfish". At present, 11 species of "peach blossom jellyfish" are in an endangered situation, and some species are even at the critically endangered price level, which adds to the preciousness of "peach blossom jellyfish".

Guizhou Tongren found "peach blossom jellyfish", what kind of creature is this? Why is it more precious than giant pandas? What is the "Peach Blossom Jellyfish"? What are the habits of "peach blossom jellyfish"? How did the "peach blossom jellyfish" in Tongren Pond come about? Why is "peach blossom jellyfish" more precious than giant pandas?

In recent years, China's emphasis on ecological environmental protection and the intensity of measures to promote, have been increasing, many areas of the ecological environment has been to the direction of recovery and improvement, the natural environment is extremely harsh "peach blossom jellyfish", in many places in China re-emerged, in a sense, is to reflect the continuous improvement of the quality of our ecological environment results.

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