
Colorful "peach blossom fish", it is indeed not easy to survive in today's environment! One: the wide-finned carp of the colorful "peach blossom fish"! Colorful "peach blossom fish" horse mouth! ‬五彩斑斓“桃花鱼”之桃花水母! ‬文章最后!

author:Ah Feng loves fishing

Peach blossom fish, the first time I knew this name should be my "Swimming Fishing China" column of Da Mao Teacher, perhaps, if I had not watched this fishing documentary, maybe I would not have known that it still has such a beautiful name. Many people may think that peach blossom fish and horse mouth belong to one species, but in fact, after you have seen it, it will not be so again. The "peach blossom fish" can be divided into three different species, one of which is a national first-class protected animal. Let's take a look at each of them!

Colorful "peach blossom fish", it is indeed not easy to survive in today's environment! One: the wide-finned carp of the colorful "peach blossom fish"! Colorful "peach blossom fish" horse mouth! ‬五彩斑斓“桃花鱼”之桃花水母! ‬文章最后!

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > one of them: the wide-finned carp of the colorful "peach blossom fish"! </h1>

For peach blossom fish, in fact, many places in the southern mountains are not strangers at all. In the Chinese program of swimming fishing, it is said that the peach blossom fish is a characteristic fish species of Hanyuan Lake in Sichuan and is famous in the local area. There are also many people who confuse peach blossom fish with horse mouths, and indeed, if they are not carefully distinguished, it is really possible to be confused by their appearance!

Colorful "peach blossom fish", it is indeed not easy to survive in today's environment! One: the wide-finned carp of the colorful "peach blossom fish"! Colorful "peach blossom fish" horse mouth! ‬五彩斑斓“桃花鱼”之桃花水母! ‬文章最后!

The peach blossom fish, also known as the kuān qí liè, is a male peach blossom fish with a colorful and beautiful body, while the female is relatively simple, covered with silver-white scales. Peach blossom fish live in groups, often clustered together, like to swim in the shallows with fast currents and sandy bottoms. There are more tributaries of rivers, but less common in deep-water lakes. It feeds on planktonic crustaceans and also eats some algae, small fish and saprophytes underwater.

Colorful "peach blossom fish", it is indeed not easy to survive in today's environment! One: the wide-finned carp of the colorful "peach blossom fish"! Colorful "peach blossom fish" horse mouth! ‬五彩斑斓“桃花鱼”之桃花水母! ‬文章最后!

For the peach blossom fish, after seeing its pictures, I think the small partners in the southern mountains should not be strangers. Yes, it is one of the more common fish in mountain streams, the broad-finned carp. Just arrived in Sichuan, it has become a local characteristic name. In the streams of my hometown, the broadfin carp also has a local name, "white blue fish".

Colorful "peach blossom fish", it is indeed not easy to survive in today's environment! One: the wide-finned carp of the colorful "peach blossom fish"! Colorful "peach blossom fish" horse mouth! ‬五彩斑斓“桃花鱼”之桃花水母! ‬文章最后!

But with the destruction of the environment, climate change, and artificial vicious fishing, they are becoming more and more rare. Anyway, when we were young, we would fish a few pounds a dozen pounds a day. Nowadays, it is very rare to catch, and even if it is caught, it is very small!

Colorful "peach blossom fish", it is indeed not easy to survive in today's environment! One: the wide-finned carp of the colorful "peach blossom fish"! Colorful "peach blossom fish" horse mouth! ‬五彩斑斓“桃花鱼”之桃花水母! ‬文章最后!

Therefore, after understanding, the first person of the "peach blossom fish" has already sat down safely, that is, the broad-finned carp!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > colorful "peach blossom fish" horse mouth! </h1>

The mouth fish, also in the mountains, and many reservoirs with better water quality, basically survive. The breeding ability of the horse's mouth is very strong, and the growth rate is also very fast. Among the small stream fish, if the horse mouth gives it enough growth environment, then the individual of the horse mouth is also ranked first in it!

Colorful "peach blossom fish", it is indeed not easy to survive in today's environment! One: the wide-finned carp of the colorful "peach blossom fish"! Colorful "peach blossom fish" horse mouth! ‬五彩斑斓“桃花鱼”之桃花水母! ‬文章最后!

Horsemouth is an omnivorous fish species, predominantly meat-eating. Common horse mouth growth body length of 10-20 cm, weight 50 g to 150 g or so! However, in some large reservoirs, deep mountain streams, because of the fishing, the individuals of the horse mouth have also exceeded the standard. Ah Feng's hometown, there was once a rumor that a large reservoir on this side of the fish to a horse weighing 1.5 pounds! Of course, because the time is premature, there are no photos left, so there is no trace.

Colorful "peach blossom fish", it is indeed not easy to survive in today's environment! One: the wide-finned carp of the colorful "peach blossom fish"! Colorful "peach blossom fish" horse mouth! ‬五彩斑斓“桃花鱼”之桃花水母! ‬文章最后!

However, for the jin-level horse mouth, there are still slight rumors in the Lua circle, but such a large individual horse mouth, that only appeared before the 80s and 90s. After all, today's fishing equipment is so complicated and advanced. Not to mention the streams, even some large reservoirs, which are rarely seen at present. Among the many stream fish, the delicious taste of the horse's mouth is also the reason for its lack, and the market price is getting higher and higher today. It is also because it is becoming more and more rare, but the market price is high, the more serious illegal fishing, electricity, nets, poisons, that are the most common, but also the easiest way to catch a large number of horses!

Colorful "peach blossom fish", it is indeed not easy to survive in today's environment! One: the wide-finned carp of the colorful "peach blossom fish"! Colorful "peach blossom fish" horse mouth! ‬五彩斑斓“桃花鱼”之桃花水母! ‬文章最后!

Of course, not only the impact on fishing, in fact, the current environmental changes, serious pollution, is also one of the reasons for the gradual decline of the horse's mouth. The requirements for water quality of the salmon are also very high, preferring clear streams and sand and gravel bottoms. Nowadays, climate change is serious, many streams have shrunk due to the reduction of the area of water flow, so there is no water flow, and the mud at the bottom of the creek has gradually begun to cover the sand and gravel layer, which has also changed the growth environment of Makou.

Colorful "peach blossom fish", it is indeed not easy to survive in today's environment! One: the wide-finned carp of the colorful "peach blossom fish"! Colorful "peach blossom fish" horse mouth! ‬五彩斑斓“桃花鱼”之桃花水母! ‬文章最后!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">‬五彩斑斓“桃花鱼”之桃花水母! </h1>

Peach blossom jellyfish: is a small jellyfish living in a genus of hydra, freshwater jellyfish, and the family Kasa jellyfish, and 11 species have been recorded. The jellyfish is 1.5–2 cm in diameter, has many tentacles, has a thick margin membrane, and its hydra-shaped stage is only a few millimeters in size. There are hundreds of short tentacles on the edges of the bell-shaped body. There are generational transitions. The body is about 2 cm tall, has no tentacles, and produces jellyfish by means of buds.

Peach blossom jellyfish live in clean rivers and lakes. The life cycle consists of asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction stages. Inhabiting fresh water, when encountering food, the stinger sac on the tentacle shoots out the stinger, stabs the captured object, paralyzes it instantly, sends it to the mouth with the tentacle, and swallows it into the stomach. The main diet of peach blossom jellyfish is composed of zooplankton, which range in size from 0.2-2 mm.

Colorful "peach blossom fish", it is indeed not easy to survive in today's environment! One: the wide-finned carp of the colorful "peach blossom fish"! Colorful "peach blossom fish" horse mouth! ‬五彩斑斓“桃花鱼”之桃花水母! ‬文章最后!

Peach blossom jellyfish is known as the "giant panda in the water". In addition to the two kinds of Sox's peach blossom jellyfish and Japan's Ise peach blossom jellyfish, the remaining 9 species are produced in China. It is currently the only few freshwater jellyfish in the world, but with environmental changes and pollution, peach blossom jellyfish have gradually become endangered species in the world. Peach blossom jellyfish is a veritable "living fossil", with high research value and ornamental value, as a species formed by biological evolution, its status is not inferior to that of giant pandas. Peach blossom jellyfish record the development of life on earth with its own unique life formation. Its unique genes are of great value to the research of modern genetic engineering, and also provide conditions for the study and understanding of the genetics and evolution of species.

Colorful "peach blossom fish", it is indeed not easy to survive in today's environment! One: the wide-finned carp of the colorful "peach blossom fish"! Colorful "peach blossom fish" horse mouth! ‬五彩斑斓“桃花鱼”之桃花水母! ‬文章最后!

Peach blossom jellyfish also has relatively high requirements for water temperature and prefers warm water areas. Therefore, most of the domestic peach blossom jellyfish grow in the warm south, but the excessive temperature is not easy to grow. In general, the growth water temperature of peach blossom jellyfish is between 14-25 degrees, and the maximum temperature should not exceed 32 degrees. And to achieve such growth conditions, only the most southern Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Fujian and other places!

Colorful "peach blossom fish", it is indeed not easy to survive in today's environment! One: the wide-finned carp of the colorful "peach blossom fish"! Colorful "peach blossom fish" horse mouth! ‬五彩斑斓“桃花鱼”之桃花水母! ‬文章最后!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">‬文章最后! </h1>

In fact, among the three species called "peach blossom fish", they all have one thing in common, that is, they are becoming more and more rare. The reason for the rarity is nothing more than fishing, environmental change, destruction, pollution! This is all brought about by the development of the times, of course, now life is getting better and better, under the excessive development, the country, the people for the environment is also paying more and more attention. Therefore, I think that the current compensation, perhaps in the near future, their figures will appear more and more in front of people. Many places have also begun to join the ranks of their protection, which is undoubtedly a relatively good phenomenon.

I am yes Feng, a keen fishing angler, like my attention likes, comment messages, thank you for reading!!!