
A self-proclaimed "die-hard fan" player empty mouth copy? Lucas and Big-Eyed Fool are not clear

author:Snake Brother Little Heel

Just yesterday, the Sword Network 3 new expansion pack North Heaven Medicine Sect was officially launched! I don't know how many players are locked up in the 10-person Minefield Osawa copy of "jail"? #剑网三 #

But after all, it is a new book, the difficulty is not unacceptable, not to mention, its special drop is also mouth-watering!

As a small editor of the five poisons of the body, the toad, spider and other kinds of pets are quite enthusiastic, who let our babies are these "small poisons" it ~

The second sancho beauty in the raider osawa copy this time has a special drop "Big Eye Cub". Just by looking at the name, what kind of brain do you have? Big eyes certainly can't run away, but what species is it?

A self-proclaimed "die-hard fan" player empty mouth copy? Lucas and Big-Eyed Fool are not clear

That's right! Is it a cute and cute little spider Oh ~ or a small jumping spider!

A self-proclaimed "die-hard fan" player empty mouth copy? Lucas and Big-Eyed Fool are not clear

I don't know if you have ever seen what a jumping spider looks like in reality? The following small editor to put the picture, afraid of insects of the little cute people pay attention!

Oh, my God! This cute crooked head killing is really annoying to the editor! How can a spider be so cute?

A self-proclaimed "die-hard fan" player empty mouth copy? Lucas and Big-Eyed Fool are not clear

Look at this round and slippery Kazilan big eyes! It's perfect to call it "Big-Eyed"! It's really the enviable eye size.

A self-proclaimed "die-hard fan" player empty mouth copy? Lucas and Big-Eyed Fool are not clear

Just when the insect lovers were ecstatic and the five poison players were beautiful and had one more collectible, a different voice appeared.

A player claims to be a "die-hard fan" of Sword Net 3? Started plagiarizing empty words, saying that we "Bigeye" copied "Lucas"?

A self-proclaimed "die-hard fan" player empty mouth copy? Lucas and Big-Eyed Fool are not clear

The knights of Sword Net 3 are confused, a jumping spider, how can they copy? Does its physical body look like this?

It is really a rumor-mongering mouth, humble sword net 3 players to debunk rumors and run broken legs!

First of all, Lucas is a gray spider and the big-eyed cub is blue.

Second, Lucas is the kind of Q version spider body with a big head and a small body, and our big-eyed cub is a jumping spider with a small head and a large body, which is closer to reality.

Third, Lucas has no teeth, and if our big-eyed cubs look closely, we can see that there are 2 small sharp teeth!

Fourth, Lucas's body is not patterned! And our big-eyed cubs have obvious stripes on their legs and bodies!

A self-proclaimed "die-hard fan" player empty mouth copy? Lucas and Big-Eyed Fool are not clear

Clear-eyed people can see it at a glance, and reasonable people can understand better, you say that if you create something original, you say that it is plagiarized, then we recognize it, but this is a real thing in nature, and it is a creature of our earth OL that everyone can access! I don't know how I can be said to avoid suspicion?

The term "die-hard fans" is really ironic. Have you never seen anything wrong with the players who rushed to say that they had plagiarized and were questioned by the players of Sword Net 3? And the knights of Sword Net 3 have never said that they are "fans", only that their sword net 3 players, even the parents of Sword Net 3, will not say that they are "fans"! If you really love the motherland game, please don't smear him at will!

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