
Sima Yi into the version of the answer, double burn flow only one music, lone shadow development three through the flow to learn to be able to score big points


The more the avatar powder the more fierce the speech, hello everyone, here is fat tiger Game. Thank you for your attention and support, I will share more interesting game information and event analysis here.

Recently, Sima Yi's heat is really "hot", with the change of the version and the planning of the hero strength of the adjustment, now the strength of the hero is more and more reasonable, there will be no longer a situation of an advantage of the round of 1 to 5 as before, so in a group of relatively balanced heroes to find out the strength of the upper, the existence of outstanding ability, you can do better and faster score. And Sima Yi's recent performance is like this, there is a tendency to become the answer to the version of the score, and there is also a strange outfit route "double burning stream" that has emerged, but the controversy of this kind of gameplay is not small.

Sima Yi into the version of the answer, double burn flow only one music, lone shadow development three through the flow to learn to be able to score big points

Double-burned Stream Sima Yi, as the name suggests, is to take the "double-burned" outfit route, that is, to take the pink wild knife and the red lotus cloak, which are two pieces of equipment with AOE burning damage as the core, with other legal suits and meat suits, to achieve a delivery route that is both meat and does not lack output. This kind of gameplay has recently become the mainstream in the game, a large number of players blindly follow the trend, teammate experience is destroyed, this is because although the fault tolerance rate of Sima Yi has increased, but the lack of damage in the later stage, out of the essence of being an assassin (magic stab), a crispy witch in the later stage can calmly cope.

Sima Yi into the version of the answer, double burn flow only one music, lone shadow development three through the flow to learn to be able to score big points

As a very powerful anchor, Lone Shadow has long been aware of this situation and has always warned everyone to use it cautiously in live broadcasting. Because the double-burned Sima Yi is only a non-mainstream outfit after all, then if you want to score points, what outfit should you use? Recently, Huya anchor Lone Shadow has developed a set of "three-through flow" gameplay, and this kind of play is quite violent, dealing with crispy skin is quite a set, which is more deterrent to the back row than the double burning stream. So what's so special about Lone Shadow's outfit? What was his outfit route?

Sima Yi into the version of the answer, double burn flow only one music, lone shadow development three through the flow to learn to be able to score big points

Outfit Route: Ono Knife - Big Stick - Straw Shoes - Blue Wild Knife - Law Wearing Shoes - Witchcraft Staff - Big Hat - Sunset Stream - Law Wearing Staff - Big Wild Knife.

Inscription: Six Greedy Four Hunts, Ten Eyes, Ten Nightmares

Outfit analysis: If you often play Sima Yi's friends should be able to find that this outfit and the conventional wild Sima Yi outfit is actually not fundamentally different, it is nothing more than replacing the vampire book that many people are accustomed to replacing with another spell to penetrate the equipment Twilight. However, the biggest difference in this outfit is the outfit idea and order, "three through the stream" means that three spells penetrate the equipment, namely the law wear shoes, the twilight stream and the law wear the staff, so that the advantage of the outfit is to effectively restrain the other party's outfit, because Sima Yi fights the wild, there will be two mages in the team, which will force the enemy to make a witch prematurely, if the conventional outfit is bound to affect the damage, and if it is a three-through stream, it can easily kill the crisp skin.

Sima Yi into the version of the answer, double burn flow only one music, lone shadow development three through the flow to learn to be able to score big points

In the order of outfit, after the ono knife directly out of the useless stick, here Lone Shadow did not choose the vampire book, but made adjustments on the inscription to meet the needs of the endurance, so the early stage needs more mana to support the basic damage, indirectly will also improve the efficiency of blood sucking, and after the wild knife and the law wear shoes are done, directly choose the sorcery staff and the wrath of the polymath, further enhance the burst damage of the melee, and then choose two pieces of magic wear equipment, whether it is the crisp skin of the witch, Or the front row of the two magic suits can play a high burst.

Sima Yi into the version of the answer, double burn flow only one music, lone shadow development three through the flow to learn to be able to score big points

Lone Shadow's set of three-wear outfits improves the explosion compared to the conventional gameplay, and players only need to keep an eye on the enemy's back row at all times in the team battle, and set the killing rear row as their only goal, which can easily lead the team to win. Many people often say that the headwind Sima Yi is useless, this is because the damage of conventional outfits is lacking, and the economy is suppressed and cannot kill each other in a second, but if your outfit itself is violent enough, you can catch a lot of flipping points.

Sima Yi into the version of the answer, double burn flow only one music, lone shadow development three through the flow to learn to be able to score big points

The biggest flaw of Sima Yi of the Double Burn Stream was the waste of an assassin who was enough to kill instantly, so the practice of sacrificing money and ending up was really not suitable for scoring. Therefore, ah, the double burn stream entertainment bureau can play, really want to take the score can be a little more than worth the loss. What do you think about that? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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