
This year's Double Eleven Jiangsu express delivery volume is expected to be nearly 800 million pieces, and the number of express delivery personnel will increase by nearly 50,000

author:Purple Cow News

Yangzi Evening News Network October 29 (reporter Xu Jing) on October 29, the reporter learned from the Jiangsu Provincial Postal Administration that it is expected that this year's double eleven Jiangsu Province mail, express mail processing volume will be close to 800 million pieces, an increase of about 30% over the same period last year. In preparation for Double Eleven, Jiangsu Express employees increased by nearly 50,000 people.

According to the relevant person of the Provincial Postal Administration, this year's Double Eleven continues to follow the practice of extending the double eleven and promoting the delivery in stages last year, which is divided into two stages, the first phase is November 1 to 3, and the second stage is November 11 to 16. This year, the peak season of the "Double 11" express delivery business will arrive early, and the time before and after will become 9 days.

This year's Double Eleven Jiangsu express delivery volume is expected to be nearly 800 million pieces, and the number of express delivery personnel will increase by nearly 50,000

Source: Visual China

According to preliminary forecasts, from November 1 to 3, the processing volume of mail and express mail in Jiangsu Province will reach 250 million pieces, an increase of about 30% over the same period last year, of which 150 million pieces and 100 million pieces of delivery volume; from November 11 to 16, the processing volume of mail and express mail in Jiangsu Province will be close to 550 million pieces, of which about 290 million pieces will be collected and about 250 million pieces will be delivered.

It is expected that the processing volume of mail and express mail in Jiangsu Province in the two stages of the peak season will be close to 800 million pieces, of which the collection volume is about 440 million pieces, the delivery volume is about 350 million pieces, the collection volume reaches a peak of 80 million pieces on the 11th (about 3.5 times of the usual), and the delivery volume reaches a peak of 48 million pieces (about 2.5 times of the usual) on the 14th, and the two peaks are about 10% increased compared with last year.

The "pre-sale model" makes consumers feel that the delivery is getting faster and faster, because after paying the deposit, your courier will "rush" to your city. In recent years, various brand express delivery enterprises have vigorously developed cloud warehouse and front warehouse business, comprehensively built automated sorting facilities and equipment, actively promoted air trunk line transportation and terminal common distribution, and model innovation and technological innovation have greatly reduced the express delivery time. Combined with the phased implementation of this year's express season and the overall deployment of staggered peak delivery, the quality of express delivery services during the Double Eleven period will be more improved than in previous years, and the user experience will be further improved.

The major postal and express delivery enterprises in the province have made reserves in advance in terms of personnel, venues, equipment and transportation capacity. During the Double Eleven period, the number of industry employees increased by nearly 50,000 people; the treatment site increased by nearly 530,000 square meters; the sorting and processing equipment increased by 80 sets; the number of motor vehicles increased by 8,500, and the number of aviation flights increased by more than 18 times.

In terms of terminal distribution, the construction of express delivery public service points has been strengthened, and nearly 9,000 urban public service stations have been built in the province, and more than 6,000 rural express public pick-up points have been built. Strengthen the construction of intelligent express boxes, the province has built nearly 40,000 sets of intelligent express boxes, with more than 3 million grids. In addition, postal administration departments at all levels will organize and carry out supervision and inspection of service guarantees in peak seasons, supervise and urge enterprises to implement various work requirements, and ensure the ability and level of service in peak seasons.

Proofread by Xu Heng

Source: Purple Cow News