
6 years old and parents committed suicide, robbing other people's husbands, Qiong Yao's life is more "ruined three views" than Qiong Yao drama

author:A bowl of sweethearts

How classic is Qiong Yao's grandmother's work? Even after more than twenty years, the characters and lines in the play are still vividly remembered, such as "Huan Zhu Gege" will be broadcast in turn almost every winter and summer vacation, "Love Is Deep and Rainy" is also tireless, and those "Qiong Girls" have also relied on Qiong Yao's works to get to the present.

Liu Xuehua, Chen Derong, Lin Xinru, Ma Jingtao, etc., who dares to say that they have not heard of their names now? Even their lines in Qiong Yao's drama at that time could be blurted out, which was the charm of Qiong Yao's work and the charm of the actor.

6 years old and parents committed suicide, robbing other people's husbands, Qiong Yao's life is more "ruined three views" than Qiong Yao drama

After many years of reviewing Qiong Yao's works, the audience seems to find a lot of views that do not conform to modern thought, did not expect the plot that once looked so normal, but then felt that it was too ruined, and there was more than one!

"A Curtain of Ghostly Dreams" is Qiong Yao's famous masterpiece, which tells the love-hate entanglement between the Wang family sisters and Chu Lian and Fei Yunfan. Lu Ping and Chu Lian were originally a couple, but the younger sister Zi Ling quietly liked the person her sister liked, after the sister was injured and knew the truth, Zi Ling married the rich man Fei Yunfan, and Lu Ping and Chu Lian married and tortured each other.

6 years old and parents committed suicide, robbing other people's husbands, Qiong Yao's life is more "ruined three views" than Qiong Yao drama

There is a classic line in the play that triggers the audience's sensitive nerves: you just lost a leg, but Zi Ling lost love! Is this what a normal person should say?

"Crescent Moon Grid" tells the story of the tangled love between Crescent Moon and General Nuda Hai, which ends in the tragic end of martyrdom. In the play, Crescent Moon Gege is the third party, but she enters the room and pretends to be a miserable look and says to others: "I came to join this family, not to break up this family"! Now the third party dares to bully the original match in this way, and will definitely be scolded to death.

6 years old and parents committed suicide, robbing other people's husbands, Qiong Yao's life is more "ruined three views" than Qiong Yao drama

There is also "Deep Rain in Love" in He Shuhuan and Ru Ping said "If there is no Yi Ping, I will fall in love with you" and so on, have been included in the classic quotations of scumbags by contemporary audiences, and these lines are from Qiong Yao's hand, what exactly has it experienced to have such three views? Look at Qiong Yao's life and you will know, because her life experience is even more "ruined" than her works!

6 years old and parents committed suicide, robbing other people's husbands, Qiong Yao's life is more "ruined three views" than Qiong Yao drama

Qiong Yao was born in Sichuan, that period was the War of Resistance Against Japan, very chaotic, under the leadership of her parents Qiong Yao's family fled around, on the way the loss of her brother made the whole family grief-stricken, parents even had the idea of suicide, watching her parents immersed in the river, the young Qiong Yao also followed suit, suddenly her mother remembered her young, and only then gave up the idea of taking a life.

After several years of wandering, he finally found his brother, and the family lived a stable life in Taiwan.

6 years old and parents committed suicide, robbing other people's husbands, Qiong Yao's life is more "ruined three views" than Qiong Yao drama

Qiong Yao, who had just gone to school at a young age, showed her super high talent for writing, and the teacher was full of expectations for her, and at the age of 9, Qiong Yao published her first article "Poor XiaoQing" in the "Ta Kung Pao". However, her parents were still dissatisfied with her performance, and Qiong Yao, who had extreme inferiority, committed suicide again and was rescued.

6 years old and parents committed suicide, robbing other people's husbands, Qiong Yao's life is more "ruined three views" than Qiong Yao drama

The harm of the original family has a significant impact on Qiong Yao's personality and thoughts, in high school, Qiong Yao met a teacher who was very good to herself, she quickly fell in love without love, which was reviled in that conservative era at that time, as the two rumors increased, the teacher was expelled, Qiong Yao was forced to commit suicide by her parents again, and her first love was over.

With two suicide experiences, the parents finally began to reflect, and did not force Qiong Yao, they began to let Qiong Yao do what they liked to do, and Qiong Yao's favorite thing was writing, and because of writing, she met her first husband Qingjun.

6 years old and parents committed suicide, robbing other people's husbands, Qiong Yao's life is more "ruined three views" than Qiong Yao drama

Qingjun is a senior in the literary world, and after knowing Qiong Yao, the two had feelings for a long time together, but Qiong Yao's parents were not optimistic about them, and Qiong Yao and Qing Yun, who were rebellious in a fit of anger, quietly got married, and Qiong Yao also wrote a lot of romance novels, and gradually showed her head in the literary and art circles. However, after a long time, the quarrels between the two people continued, coupled with the different perspectives on the problem, the three views were not in harmony, and Qiong Yao's first marriage was over.

And her second marriage made her completely bear the infamy. "Outside the Window" is Qiong Yao's representative work, at that time because of this work to know Ping Xintao, Ping Xintao was married at that time, the wife is Lin Wanzhen, when Lin Wanzhen also entertained Qiong Yao, who was brought home by her husband, but did not expect that later because of this woman's family was broken.

6 years old and parents committed suicide, robbing other people's husbands, Qiong Yao's life is more "ruined three views" than Qiong Yao drama

Seeing Qiong Yao's talent, Ping Xintao helped Qiong Yao rent a house and took good care of her daily life, which made Qiong Yao, who had long lacked love, feel very warm and easy to fall. At that time, Qiong Yao was actually already a third party, but she was still proud to call the original partner to ask Ping Xintao to come out to play, she was willing to wait, waiting for Ping Xintao to give her a commitment and a complete life, 10 years, she finally waited.

6 years old and parents committed suicide, robbing other people's husbands, Qiong Yao's life is more "ruined three views" than Qiong Yao drama

Ping Xintao eventually divorced Lin Wanzhen and was with Qiong Yao, and it was not until Later that Lin Wanzhen wrote "Past Floating Light" that the fact that Qiong Yao's third party ascended to the throne was revealed. Qiong Yao's approach was difficult for the public to accept, and at that time, many people even called and insulted Qiong Yao for not having a face, but she and Ping Xintao did not care at all, and loved each other for many years. Perhaps it is her own experience that has allowed her to write so many works that "destroy the three views"!

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