
Super Maria

author:Little whale children's drawing

Teaching Purpose

1, learn color matching skills; 2, learn the way of making TV.

Teaching tools

Blue card, yellow card, white card, marker pen, hook pen, heavy color stick

Observation and discussion

Super Maria

Today's children, there will be a variety of game consoles at home, or there will be a variety of small games on the computer to play. How did children play video games before computers and game consoles were not so popular?

Super Maria
Super Maria

At that time, there will be a red and white machine plus game cards and gamepads and there will be a lot of fun video games. Super Mario, Tetris, Tanka Wars, Snowman Brothers, Contra, and more, which ones you've played. Remind children to play games to relax, but be moderate.

Production steps

Super Maria

Step 1: We first use a black marker to color the edges of the blue jam paper and draw the frame of the TV.

Super Maria

Step 2: Continue to add color blocks and buttons with various colors of cardboard, and our simple TV will appear!

Super Maria

Step 3: Next we use kraft paper and a checker pen to add obstacles and text to make the game interface.

Super Maria

Step 4: Then draw the protagonist Mario on the white card and paste it in the right place on the screen.

Super Maria

Step Five: We make gamepads out of yellow jam paper and markers.

Super Maria
Super Maria

Step 6: Paste the gamepad in the right place in front of the TV, and then the children can choose their favorite color of the heavy color stick to add the connection line of the controller, and the work is completed.

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