
If you were the boss, would you like to hire your current self?


Instead of blaming society, reflect on yourself.

When a customer enters the store and sees the employees in the store playing with their mobile phones down, how does it feel?

When your wife always complains that you didn't have a good life by marrying you?

When you complain that you can't afford a house?

When you complain that others aren't nice enough to you....

Please think about what you look like again...

Think about what you did that day?

Did you really try your best?

It's actually fooling yourself...

Heaven rewards diligence, humanity rewards sincerity, business rewards letters, karma rewards fine!

Put down your phone, work hard, start with me!

A person who strives to be self-motivated, a lot of standards for doing things, do not need to be supervised by others!

Don't play with your phone where you're paid!

If you were the boss, would you like to hire your current self?


If you imagine that you are now the boss, would you be willing to hire your current self?

- If you are very willing, continue to do so;

If you are not willing to hire yourself instead, then you should reflect on your own current behavior!

- Not afraid to hire people without work experience, but ultimately give up people without work attitude, no matter who you are!

After all, stealing and slipping in the work; doing things in violation of the yin and yang; active work in person, passive and slack behind the scenes; watching the boss work, doing things according to income; everything is preoccupied with the immediate interests and gains and losses, and these things will be disguised again, and people who can't deceive themselves!

If you were the boss, would you like to hire your current self?

In the end, even you don't want to hire yourself, how do you get your boss to reuse you?

It would be nice to be able to keep the salary you are giving you now

- If you mess around, I'm sorry, you're actually messing with yourself,

If you mess around in the company, how much money can you black boss?

But what do you do after a few years if you don't work well in the company for a few years and waste a few years?

- Do you think you are competitive? Suffering when you are young is nothing, and it is the saddest thing to suffer when you are old!

——— to all those who work hard, introspection!

If you were the boss, would you like to hire your current self?

Vicious circle

When the business of physical stores is not good, most of the physical stores look lifeless, everyone is shrugging their heads and listless, the lights in the store are not turned on, and it is dark at a glance... Customers increasingly feel that this restaurant is not popular and dare not enter, so the vicious circle.

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If you were the boss, would you like to hire your current self?

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