
Is it good to buy an apartment now, and really can't sell it after buying an apartment?

author:Big white said room

The loft apartment is a very individual and artistic house, which is very popular with young people. However, some home buyers have heard complaints that they regret buying a loft apartment. Why regret buying a loft apartment? Why can't loft stay for so long? Some friends who are on the sidelines hesitate. Is The Loft Apartment good? Do you regret buying a loft apartment? Today, Dabai will explain to you whether the apartment can be bought, what kind of crowd is suitable for buying, and what kind of crowd is not suitable! Seeing the end is definitely rewarding.

First look at the answers of several owners I interviewed, owners: I admit that the effect of the renovation is very good. Honestly, this apartment is less practical but would probably be a bit better for young couples without children. So it is recommended not to buy a loft apartment, it is really "useless". Owner two: the loft apartment feels uncomfortable, it is not convenient to go up and down the stairs, and the sound insulation effect is poor. Owner 3: Really regret buying a loft apartment, the seller pit well. The actual floor height of the loft apartment and the model room I saw was 20 cm less. Such a mezzanine, the upper layer is so short, and the sleep is so depressed.

Is it good to buy an apartment now, and really can't sell it after buying an apartment?

Obviously, the owners interviewed by Dabai are not very satisfied with their houses, so here is my opinion from sale to residence;

Disadvantages of Loft Apartments:

The property rights of lofts are generally 40 or 50 years, and the residential property rights of general houses are 70 years. Loft houses are mostly commercial in nature, while apartments have a down payment of at least 50% and a loan term of no more than 10 years. And you can't use housing provident fund loans.

The biggest highlight of the Loft apartment is that it can be decorated at will. In addition, the actual decoration should consider the area of two floors, so the decoration cost will be relatively high. When adding walls and furniture, mechanical issues such as floor load bearing and load balancing should also be considered. In general, the cost of renovating a loft is 1.5 times that of an ordinary flat floor of the same area.

Because loft is generally of a commercial nature and is limited by commercial property rights, the water, electricity and gas of loft will also be counted as commercial housing, and its cost is twice that of ordinary residential buildings. In addition, the cost of loft property should not be underestimated.

Poor sound insulation effect: Among the disadvantages of loft, the most prominent is that the sandwich layer is a steel structure, the sound insulation effect is poor, and the lighting is poor, which is not conducive to ornamentation.

One of the features of the loft is that the two layers are separated from each other. Although it is fashionable for young people, it is not very convenient for the elderly and children in the family.

Although the use area of loft is relatively large, the height of the layer is easy to shrink. Many loft houses are less than 5 meters high. After dividing into two layers, the height of one or two floors is often too low, very crowded and depressing.

Investment value: loft is generally cheaper, the increase is very low, not suitable for investment. Why can't loft stay for so long? In summary, the feeling of owners who regret buying a loft apartment is that most of the attic owners have a poor living experience. And loft apartments have a lot of drawbacks, so lofts are more suitable as a transition room, suitable for young people who are struggling, not suitable for long-term residence. The above is about regretting buying loft apartments and why loft can't stay longer. LOFT directly inherits the style of "warehouse", with fluidity, development, transparency and artistry. Young people who like personality can live in a transitional room. So, how to design loft apartment, click here to provide you with free online designer consultation, enjoy the loft apartment decoration renderings. Everyone also paid attention to the loft office renderings and enjoyed the loft office design pictures 2019 fashion loft style office design pictures 2019 popular loft office renderings and appreciated.

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