
True confidant, not much to say, only the truth!

author:Bright Net
True confidant, not much to say, only the truth!

"Friends are all over the world, and there is only one person who knows the king." Only people with similar temperaments, like-mindedness, common hearts, mutual appreciation, and mutual love can become true confidants.

If in the vast sea of people, you can find someone who understands you, cares about you, cares about you, and cares for you, whether male or female, that is the fate given to you by God.

It is really "a confidant in the sea, and the end of the world is next to each other", it is really a three-life luck! What an enviable and desirable happiness! If you are lucky, how can you not hesitate?

True confidant, not much to say, only the truth!

Thousands of dollars are easy to get, but confidants are hard to find. People crowd the Network, a lot of friends, how many confidants? This is the inner sigh of most people. In a person's life, it is difficult to have a smooth sailing, and it is difficult to be happy every day, and it is inevitable that it will be unsatisfactory.

When you are in a desperate situation, at a critical moment, who will join hands with you to get through the difficulties? "It is difficult to find friends, and friends have more roads to go." But where is the real confidant?

True confidant, not much to say, only the truth!

True confidants do not come out of utilitarianism, not out of purpose, not out of falsehood. Because of resonance, it is understood; because the heart is connected, it is accepted; because it is sincere, it is long-lasting; because it is not easy, it is cherished.

In the past, friendship was truly managed through close contact, and it was rare and expensive. Nowadays, the internet is connected, and friends are all over the world. What exactly is true friendship? In the past, the phone call was the thoughts and concerns of both sides, excitement and reluctance.

It was a heartwarming voice, so true and sincere, so pleasant to the ear. Today's friendship is light, manifested in group chats, caring about the masses, and gathering at parties. How many people understand the heart? Promises come true at the dinner table, how many examples?

Confidants are friends, but friends do not necessarily become confidants. True confidants are mutual respect, mutual understanding, mutual recognition, mutual reconciliation, and mutual appreciation. It is sometimes patient companionship, distant spiritual communication, long-term life and death to support each other, emergency times and hardships together.

True confidant, not much to say, only the truth!

A confidant is a person who can read himself and enter his inner world, and who knows his secrets but does not pass them on. It is the person who can quietly listen to your complaints, understand the spirit of god, and resonate with the spirit when your heart is not smooth. It's not just the voice of your unhappiness that you hear, but the mantra that you have to have somewhere to release. A pair of sensitive and understanding ears is far more pleasing to you than a sweet mouth that can speak. What is it that he is not your confidant?

True confidants don't talk much when they get along, only in truth. Confidant is the love of emotion, the station of warmth, and the harbor of the soul.

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