
Don't blame me for not telling you that it's best to make the most delicious | skinned egg lean porridge

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Don't blame me for not telling you that it's best to make the most delicious | skinned egg lean porridge

One of the major achievements of last month was to finally keep up with the hot spots and catch up with the hitchhiking of "Son-in-law". Personally, I still like Guo Qilin quite a bit, and I think this child looks pleasing. In this drama, Guo Qilin does not change the true color of "Qing Yu Nian", where there are business opportunities, where his abacus will sound. A drama, followed by the popularity of not only the actors, but also the skin eggs that are caught off guard and are red inside and outside the play! Relying on a small leather egg, Guo Qilin flipped against the wind. I never thought that the leather egg would have such a powerful energy. After all, this is a food that can make foreign friends who dare to try anything exclaim dark cooking; since childhood, in the legend of mother, the skin egg is either arsenic or lead exceeding the standard, and eating too much is either stupid or poisoned. What is not obtained is always in turmoil. Taboos make the peeled eggs more delicious. But you tend to eat a piece or two – it's not a beauty that children can appreciate. The entrance first went straight to the fertilizer taste of Tianlinggai, and then the incomprehensible gelatinous taste, which went further and further towards the egg yolk, and even the tip of the tongue was slightly bitter. It does feel a bit like a dry bottle of Crane Top Red (although I haven't drunk Crane Top Red). However, since it has turned red again, there is always a reason for it. Chasing the soul of the drama, I also want to follow Ning Yi to the peak of life, make my own skin eggs, and realize the freedom of skin eggs. Online is very good to buy peel egg powder, most of which is added with strong alkali substances. These substances can penetrate into the inside of duck eggs through the eggshell, chemically react with proteins, make them decompose, coagulate, and neutralize with the amino acids decomposed from proteins to form "pine flowers". The instructions are quite simple, that is, add strong tea and salt to the skin egg powder, and then put the duck eggs to the mud to roll, seal and marinate for 7 days. But this is often the case in the world, you understand all the principles, and you still can't pickle a peeled egg. To this day, I don't know exactly what went wrong, my skin egg became a sauced egg. Fortunately, I kept my back hand and prepared the ready-made leather eggs I bought. The most conventional way to eat a peeled egg is to cut into several cloves and drizzle with vinegar. Pay attention to it, that is, add soy sauce, salt, sugar, and then cut into a piece of lactone tofu, which is a very chic summer cold dish. In order to be worthy of the top coffee position of a leather egg, it was decided to take some time and effort to boil a pot of skinned egg lean porridge. When it comes to boiling porridge, Guangzhou people are definitely masters. Rice, which I used to use Tohoku rice, was soaked in advance, so that it was easier to boil and flower. Another clever tip is that you can dig the rice well in advance and freeze it in the freezer, which will also accelerate the speed of rice flowering. In the Chaoshan region, boiling until it blossoms is a necessary cultivation for a pot of white rice paste. When cooking, you also have to drizzle a little peanut oil, which is the secret of the porridge becoming more and more smooth. With a good pot of porridge, the skin eggs and lean meat have a great stage. Add the peeled egg and ginger shreds, then leave the marinated lean meat in and blanch for a few minutes. Before leaving the pan, sprinkle with green onions, drip sesame oil, and finally season with salt and white pepper. Boiled out almost can not see the rice grains, only soft and thick sticky, lean meat taste is relatively crisp, peeled eggs add to the flavor of porridge, eat more interesting than white porridge, and enough homely, hungry night can be easy to come by. Boiling skinned egg lean porridge, or boiling porridge, the only difficulty is probably that you need to watch and stir from time to time to keep boiling, but you can't paste the pot and overflow. It's really a bit like the meaning of the protagonist turning over step by step in the plot. There is no reversal only in a moment, it must be a counterattack road that took a lot of thought and time to pave. So, let's do the things at hand one by one, eat a good meal, and the expectation will always come.

By Ren Yunli 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】


Tohoku rice 100g

Water 1400g

1 to 2 peeled eggs

Pork shank lean meat 150g

White pepper (cured meat + porridge seasoning) total 3g

Salt (cured meat + porridge seasoning) total 6g

Peanut oil (boiled porridge + cured meat) total 10ml

Dry starch (cured meat) 3 g

Rice wine (cured meat) 6 ml

Ginger shreds several

Chives a few

Sesame sesame oil a little

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Don't blame me for not telling you that it's best to make the most delicious | skinned egg lean porridge

1: Soak the rice in cold water for 2 hours in advance. Drain the water to prepare the porridge.

Don't blame me for not telling you that it's best to make the most delicious | skinned egg lean porridge

2: Bring the water in the pot to a boil, add the drained rice and add a little peanut oil.

Don't blame me for not telling you that it's best to make the most delicious | skinned egg lean porridge

3: Keep the lid on medium heat and cook for 1 hour.

Don't blame me for not telling you that it's best to make the most delicious | skinned egg lean porridge

4: Slice the lean meat, use white pepper, salt, rice wine, dry starch, grasp well together, and drizzle a little peanut oil on the surface to marinate.

Don't blame me for not telling you that it's best to make the most delicious | skinned egg lean porridge

5: Cut the egg into pieces, shred the ginger and finely chop the chives.

Don't blame me for not telling you that it's best to make the most delicious | skinned egg lean porridge

6: Add the peeled egg and ginger shreds 5 minutes before the pan and stir well.

Don't blame me for not telling you that it's best to make the most delicious | skinned egg lean porridge

7: Add the marinated lean slices 3 minutes before leaving the pot and stir well.

Don't blame me for not telling you that it's best to make the most delicious | skinned egg lean porridge

8: When seasoning, mix the white pepper and salt in the soup spoon of porridge, and then put it in the pot and stir well.

Don't blame me for not telling you that it's best to make the most delicious | skinned egg lean porridge

9: Sprinkle chives before coming out of the pot, drizzle with a little peanut oil to increase the flavor, and you can eat it.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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