
It's cold, breakfast cook a pot of skinned egg lean porridge, fresh and warm stomach, eat a bowl of comfortable skinned egg lean porridge

author:Firewood rice rice

Fast forward to late October, the weather has turned from cool to cold, especially in the morning in the north, it is already a little cold. During this time, everyone must eat breakfast well, especially office workers and students, eat enough to eat warmly, in order to have good energy for work and study. Breakfast also does not need to be too complicated to eat, there is time to cook a pot of porridge, warm spleen and stomach is the most effective. Breakfast porridge ingredients as much as possible, some multigrain porridge, vegetable porridge are good. Or this skinny egg lean porridge shared today, fresh and appetizing, I believe many people like it.

It's cold, breakfast cook a pot of skinned egg lean porridge, fresh and warm stomach, eat a bowl of comfortable skinned egg lean porridge

The preparation of skinned egg lean porridge is very simple. The rice is soaked before going to bed at night, and the porridge is cooked very quickly in the morning, which does not take much time. Salty and slightly spicy, appetizing and warming the stomach, a bowl of belly, comfortable.

It's cold, breakfast cook a pot of skinned egg lean porridge, fresh and warm stomach, eat a bowl of comfortable skinned egg lean porridge

【Ingredients】 Pork, rice, egg, ginger, salt, pepper, starch

It's cold, breakfast cook a pot of skinned egg lean porridge, fresh and warm stomach, eat a bowl of comfortable skinned egg lean porridge

【Specific method】

1. Wash the rice. If you are cooking porridge in the morning, it is best to put the rice in the refrigerator and soak it for one night, which can greatly shorten the time of cooking porridge.

It's cold, breakfast cook a pot of skinned egg lean porridge, fresh and warm stomach, eat a bowl of comfortable skinned egg lean porridge

2, add enough water to the casserole, bring to a boil over high heat, wash the soaked rice again and put it into the pot. Stir with a spoon, bring to a boil again, reduce heat, cover and cook for about 20 minutes.

It's cold, breakfast cook a pot of skinned egg lean porridge, fresh and warm stomach, eat a bowl of comfortable skinned egg lean porridge

3, cook the porridge time to process the pork. Cut the pork into thin slices, then add water to scratch and wash it several times to remove the fish. After draining the water, add salt and a little baking soda and grasp well. Adding a little baking soda to the meat slice can make the meat slice more tender.

It's cold, breakfast cook a pot of skinned egg lean porridge, fresh and warm stomach, eat a bowl of comfortable skinned egg lean porridge

4, Add 2 tablespoons of starch and a little water to grasp well, so that the surface of the meat slices is covered with a thin layer of starch paste. Set aside and marinate for 10 minutes.

It's cold, breakfast cook a pot of skinned egg lean porridge, fresh and warm stomach, eat a bowl of comfortable skinned egg lean porridge

5. Peel the eggs and cut into small pieces. If you don't like to eat the skin eggs, you can steam the skin eggs in the steamer for seven or eight minutes like me, so that the skin eggs after processing are hard, and they will not stick to the knife and cutting board during the cutting process.

It's cold, breakfast cook a pot of skinned egg lean porridge, fresh and warm stomach, eat a bowl of comfortable skinned egg lean porridge

6, when the rice in the pot is thickened, then pour the meat slices and skin eggs into the pot, use chopsticks to stir the meat slices and spread them out, and cook for about three minutes to cook the meat slices. At this time, you can also add some vegetables to cook together according to your personal taste. For example, carrots, shiitake mushrooms, green vegetables, etc., are more nutritious.

It's cold, breakfast cook a pot of skinned egg lean porridge, fresh and warm stomach, eat a bowl of comfortable skinned egg lean porridge

7, Finally, according to personal taste, put some ginger shredded, salt, pepper, chicken essence to taste, boil can turn off the heat.

It's cold, breakfast cook a pot of skinned egg lean porridge, fresh and warm stomach, eat a bowl of comfortable skinned egg lean porridge

8., a little cold can eat. The meat slices are smooth and tender, the skin and eggs are soft, fresh and slightly spicy, and the taste is very good. Drink a bowl of breakfast and feel warm.

It's cold, breakfast cook a pot of skinned egg lean porridge, fresh and warm stomach, eat a bowl of comfortable skinned egg lean porridge

Meal tips

1, in order to be healthy, it is best to choose lead-free when buying leather eggs. In addition, the peeled eggs are best steamed in a steamer for a few minutes, so that they will not stick to the cutting board when cutting.

2, when the last seasoning put some ginger shreds, you can drive away the cold and increase the fragrance, ginger shreds as long as possible, convenient to eat porridge when picking out.

3, pepper must be evenly sprinkled into the porridge, so as not to form a lump and stir it.

It's cold, breakfast cook a pot of skinned egg lean porridge, fresh and warm stomach, eat a bowl of comfortable skinned egg lean porridge
Hello everyone, I'm a rice! Love the kitchen, like to cook, and record ordinary life with three meals a day. No special circumstances, updated every day, thank you for your attention and likes, I wish you and your family a happy life!

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