
Emperor Huizong of Song was reduced to a prisoner of the Jin Dynasty and could have more than 10 children, which explained what it meant

author:Zhang Shengquan's wonderful history

After Emperor Huizong of Song became a prisoner of the Jin Dynasty, he was still able to have more than 10 children for subjective reasons. However, objectively speaking, it also shows a truth, and the treatment given by jin to Emperor Huizong of Song is actually not very bad.

Some people may ignore this objective reason and feel that Song Huizong must have been inhumanly tortured in the Jin Kingdom. For example, let Song Huizong go bare and perform the humiliating "sheep-leading ceremony", such as letting him live in a dry well, washing his face with tears all day long, and so on.

However, if it was really such a humiliation, could Emperor Huizong of Song still have so many children? You know, Song Huizong gave birth to so many children, indicating that his concubines are still many. Moreover, raising more than 10 children is difficult to do in the case of harsh material conditions and lack of medical conditions. Besides, Emperor Huizong of Song himself could not work, his concubines would not work, his sons would not work, they would have to feed and drink so many people, not enough people would produce grain, and not enough people would serve them.

Emperor Huizong of Song was reduced to a prisoner of the Jin Dynasty and could have more than 10 children, which explained what it meant

(Captured by Emperor Huizong of Song)

In fact, from a common sense point of view, Jin Guo would definitely treat Song Huizong kindly, why would he say so?

First of all, as an ethnic minority, the Jin Dynasty itself respected the Han emperors. They would value the Han emperor as a noble presence. This concept stems from the long-standing tradition of ethnic minorities. Although the Jin Dynasty had become powerful at that time, in the traditional consciousness, they still regarded the emperor of the Han people as the real emperor. Therefore, they did not discriminate against the captured Han emperors.

Secondly, starting from the need to defeat the Southern Song Dynasty and unify the whole country, they will also treat the Second Emperor Hui Qin kindly. It should be known that although Emperor Huizong of Song (including Emperor Qinzong of Song) was the last emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty, his last emperor was different from the last emperor of other dynasties. The last emperors of other dynasties became the last emperors after the complete demise of the state. When new dynasties deal with such a last emperor, they will generally find a way to kill him. Because even if he doesn't want to rebel, he will become a banner and let many people use him as an excuse to rebel.

Emperor Huizong of Song was reduced to a prisoner of the Jin Dynasty and could have more than 10 children, which explained what it meant

(Stills of the Emperor of the Golden Kingdom)

But Emperor Huizong of Song, as the last emperor, the situation was different. The Jin Dynasty only occupied half of the Song Dynasty, and half of the country was in the hands of the Han. In order to soften the will of resistance of the Han people in that half of the country and achieve the goal of bringing the other half of the country under the rule of the Jin State, it is necessary to treat the last emperor like Song Huizong kindly. Treat him well so that you don't pull hatred. It was easy to achieve the goal of taking the entire Song Dynasty.

The records we see now about Emperor Huizong of Song in the Jin Dynasty are all from some notes from that time. These notes were compiled by the Song people. When compiling these notes, the Song people must do their best to exaggerate the miserable situation of Emperor Huizong of Song and Emperor Qinzong of Song, so as to stimulate the determination of the entire Southern Song people to resolutely resist Jin and regain lost land. From this point of view, the authenticity of the depiction of Emperor Huizong of Song being punished by the "sheep-leading ceremony" in the Jin Dynasty and sitting in a dry well all day to wash his face with tears is questionable.

Emperor Huizong of Song was reduced to a prisoner of the Jin Dynasty and could have more than 10 children, which explained what it meant

(Southern Song Dynasty Resistance Tonkin)

Song Huizong was a prisoner in the Jin Dynasty, and he could also have more than 10 children, subjectively speaking, it was Song Huizong who coveted pleasure, completely forgot the hatred of his home country, and did not pay attention to the performance of his own image.

Of course, "men and women who eat and drink, the great desire of man is preserved." Emperor Huizong of Song had so many concubines, and it was understandable that he stayed with them all day and did some "eating men and women" things, so he had so many children.

However, you Song Huizong was the king of the subjugated country at that time. Half of the Song Dynasty has already fallen into the hands of the Jin Dynasty, have you not thought that you hope that the soldiers in the country can rise up to resist and help you restore the Zhao and Song Dynasties, "welcome back the Second Saint", and rescue you? If you think about this, shouldn't you restrain yourself a little bit and stop coveting the "diet men and women" thing so much? You have given birth to so many children, if this word is spread to China, how will the Chinese people look at you?

Therefore, Emperor Huizong of Song was really a king with no ambitions and absurd behavior. It is also a real pity that the soldiers in the country fought in blood and sacrificed their bloody and heroic feelings...

(Reference: History of the Song Dynasty, etc.)

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