
Ma Fangye: Blockchain is an adjustment of production relations to adapt to higher productivity


On November 17th, the "Application and Management Practice of Blockchain Technology" advanced seminar jointly initiated by the Innovation Science Park of the National Research Institute, the Blockchain Industry Talent Research Institute (initiated by the Talent Exchange Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and well-known institutions in the industry), Tsinghua x-lab, Securities Daily, etc. was held in the lecture hall of the National Research Think Tank. And invited senior experts in the three aspects of blockchain industry, education and research to talk about the solution to the deep integration of blocks and the real economy.

Ma Fangye, deputy editor-in-chief of Securities Daily and expert of blockchain industry think tank, said in his speech that blockchain technology and its application is also a huge reconstruction of "honest society". "We know that blockchain has technical characteristics such as distributed ledger, real and unchangeable, encryption algorithm, consensus mechanism, smart contract, etc., which is of great practical significance to us, the reshaping of personal credit, and the reshaping of the way economic activities behave." It has become extremely possible to be a good person, an honest person, a good enterprise, an honest enterprise, and a trustworthy society that is most suitable for the market economy. Honesty is valuable, integrity is respected, will bring more harmonious and better happy life to the society. Therefore, from this point of view, the blockchain to the society not only brings a kind of technological innovation, but also a profound change in the social system, is an adjustment of production relations to adapt to higher productivity.

"Of course, blockchain and its application are still in a relatively early stage, and it is also necessary to carry out the necessary top-level design of the industry, and there is a lack of a large number of talents. It is hoped that this series of seminars will be used as a platform to take blockchain as a belief, learn from each other, stimulate innovation, and fully understand the development history, current situation and future trend of blockchain technology, grasp the national strategic opportunities of blockchain, and make their own contributions to the realization of the high-quality development of China's economy and the realization of a high-quality and beautiful life for Chinese people. (Xu Tianxiao XingMeng)

(Edited by Sun Qian)

This article originated from securities daily

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