
《Go! Princess Light Beauty Girl! 》Interview with Tennokawa Keiro Voice Actor!

《Go! Princess Light Beauty Girl! 》Interview with Tennokawa Keiro Voice Actor!

Mountain village sounds

Author: Mystery Guest

With the help of the national series of animation "Go! Princess Light Beauty Girl! The wonderful performance in (Tennokawa Kira), as a voice actor, has now attracted wide attention. Not only that, in addition to working as a voice actress, she has also drawn a manga for her own work "Arpeggio of Pale Blue Steel" (Hazelnut), and she also actively carries out singer activities under the name of "hibiku". As a versatile voice actress who can sing and paint, how does she understand the profession of voice actor?

《Go! Princess Light Beauty Girl! 》Interview with Tennokawa Keiro Voice Actor!

[1] A work that changes the direction of life

——What kind of child was Miss Yamamura when she was young?

Yamamura: Until the third or fourth grade of elementary school, I was a very quiet, somewhat self-sufficient girl. It wasn't so competitive at the time, like in the running competition at the school sports day, everyone else was vying for the first place, and I was running slowly at the end, and from time to time I waved to my parents who were watching the game (laughs).

- That's really pretty "self-contained" (laughs).

Yamamura: At that time, I was actually a little timid and introverted, but the encounter with a certain work changed my personality greatly. Although it is not clear whether it is the result of my subjective will or the objective environment, after that, I began to become more proactive, and I also signed up for the group leader of the class.

- Which work is it?

Yamamura: Is the original Pokémon anime. I was deeply attracted to the protagonist of the play, Xiao Zhi, and was full of hope that I could get closer to him and become like him. Although it has not yet reached the level of fearlessness and courage of Xiao Zhi in the play (laughs), under his influence, he still can't help but have the idea of taking risks. For this reason, I have climbed mountains with friends and tried many adventurous games.

- So apart from Pokémon, were there any other favorite anime when I was a kid?

Yamamura: I also like the anime "Mechanical Goddess J", there are many female-shaped robots in the play, and I bought the original after watching the anime. After a while, I also liked Full Time Hunter. Originally, I watched the original manga borrowed from a friend, but after I became obsessed with it, I also went to make up the animation and listened to the radio. Especially on the radio, the voice actors host with the voice of the character, which is very interesting and I have listened to it many times.

——Then it seems that Miss Yamamura already knew about the job of voice actor when she was very young.

Yamamura: I first realized that the profession of "voice actor" was in the Pokémon anime, so by the time of Full Time Hunter, I already knew a certain amount about voice actors, and I already had the idea of becoming a voice actor.

——Satoshi's voice actress Matsumoto Ishika also sang the theme song of the original animation, could this also be one of the opportunities for Miss Yamamura to know the voice actor?

Yamamura: That's exactly what happened, when I was watching the anime, I was thinking that the opening song was sung by Xiao Zhi, and why the singer written at the beginning of the film was someone else (laughs). This doubt made me know that Xiao Zhi was voiced by someone behind him, and knowing this also made me have a vision for the world of voice actors.

--This vision prompted Miss Yamamura to have the idea of becoming a voice actress.

Yamamura: Yes. However, at that time, I was still young, and I didn't think too much about it, only that Xiao Zhi was dubbed by someone, and simply thought that the character and the voice actor were one, so becoming a voice actor may be closer to Xiao Zhi.

- So has my ideal career been voice acting ever since then?

Yamamura: Before I learned about the profession of voice actor, because I liked to draw, I also thought about becoming a manga artist, and because I liked flowers to fantasize about the future blossom shop, but after knowing the voice actor, the ideal career in my heart has never changed.

--So in order to be able to become a voice actress, did Miss Yamamura make some efforts spontaneously?

Yamamura: I've tried my own way of vocal training, and I've also tried reading comics and textbooks with the voices of characters. If there are a lot of characters in the comics, I'll change the voice for each character and record it with a tape recorder. In addition, my friends and I have imitated the broadcast of "Full-Time Hunter" together, and have funned ourselves to try to host the show and recorded the sound. In addition, I also read an introductory voice actor narration comic called Let's! Voice Actor", and also carried out some practice according to the above method... Now that I think about it, I've done a lot of things (laughs).

——Many voice actors have joined the drama department or the radio department when they were students, and I wonder if Miss Yamamura is the same?

Yamamura: I joined the acting department in high school, and occasionally "part-time" the broadcast department.

- "Part-time" means?

Yamamura: When there are some events at the school, I go to the radio department to help, but I am still nominally a member of the theater department. Every year, the Drama Department spends a lot of energy preparing for the congress of the National Higher Education Cultural Alliance. It was a very interesting experience to build a stage work from scratch with members of the acting department. People use their breaks to make stage props and clothes, and I wrote my own script in my junior year of high school. I remember one year, the stage costume production time was very fast, and everyone was still making it in the school during the exam, but after being discovered by the teacher, they were criticized. But these things are precious memories now (laughs).


Yamamura: As I said. There was a performance training class near my home, where I took a class in elementary school. However, when I first expressed my desire to participate in the entrance selection for that training course, I was opposed by my father. My mother was very supportive of me.

——So how did he convince Ling Zun later?

Yamamura: My mother agreed, so she suggested that I send the application materials first. After the written review, I once again expressed my intention to participate in the selection to my father, and this time my father finally agreed to me. After I successfully passed the selection, my father turned to support and support me.

──What are some impressive lessons or experiences that have been very helpful to you now during your time at the Voice Actor Training Institute?

Yamamura: When I was in the voice actor training center, I not only learned the skills of acting, but also learned some of the key points and behavior rules in the dubbing scene, such as saying hello to other people when entering the recording studio, etc., which are very helpful for my current work.

In the dubbing class, the teacher will also tell us that although the main points will be carefully explained one point at a time during the class, it is impossible to have so much time in the actual dubbing scene, so we must take notes and so on. Then rehearsals are held at a practical pace after the theory lesson. I've really benefited from a very real course like this. In addition to this, I was impressed by the makeup and dance classes.

- And makeup lessons?

Yamamura: Yes, although appearance does not represent all of a person, teachers also say that after all, the current voice actor is also a profession to appear on stage, so it is necessary to be conscious. In other words, regardless of technology, first of all, we must have a certain sense of occupation. Because I hadn't thought about it before, I thought this course was really rare.

《Go! Princess Light Beauty Girl! 》Interview with Tennokawa Keiro Voice Actor!

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