
From "Mr. Fujino" to see Lu Xun's personality


"His character is great in my eyes and heart, although his name is not known to many people." This is Lu Xun's affectionate memory of Mr. Fujino. So what is Lu Xun's "personality"? The following is a brief analysis according to the text of the Vine:

△ Determined to serve the country

Lu Xun painted the braids on the heads of the Students of The Qing Dynasty at the beginning of the "Vine" article, showing great disgust and disgust towards them. Why is Lu Xun's attitude so clear? That's because of what they do in Tokyo — cherry blossom viewing in the park during the day, learning to dance in the mansion at night, and taking pains to braid and catch up with the fashion, the day-to-day unlearned, typical clumsy style. They did not care at all about the future of the country and the fate of the nation at that time, and all these actions were completely contrary to what Lu Xun thought and thought. Lu Xun went to Tokyo with a strong dissatisfaction with the dark reality of society to "take a different path, escape a different path, and seek a different kind of people." As he said in The Scream and Self-Introduction: "My dream is very beautiful, preparing to return from death, to treat the diseases of the wronged patients like my father, and to become a military doctor during the war, which at the same time promotes the faith of the Chinese people in the restoration." Lu Xun's ideal of seeking to save the country and the people determined that he was not accustomed to what these compatriots were doing in his bones and was deeply disgusted and ashamed to be with them. Different aspirations are incompatible. So Lu Xun decided to go to Sendai, which was still relatively remote at that time.

△ Overcome difficulties

When I first arrived in Sendai, I was not familiar with the place in a foreign country. Despite the preferential treatment of "scarce things are precious", although the difficulties encountered are not mentioned too much in the text, from the perspective of food and accommodation, the difficulties faced can be imagined. How did Lu Xun overcome these difficulties? At night, I had to wrap my head and face with clothes, leaving only two nostrils to breathe, and I actually slept peacefully in this place where I couldn't breathe. That being said, how can you actually sleep soundly? You can't turn over all night, you can only maintain a sleeping position, so sleeping is actually very hard. If you toss around, you really cover your head and face and have to wake up. Moreover, if there are really one or two mosquitoes harassing them everywhere, how can they sleep peacefully? And every morning, I always drink the taro soup that is difficult to swallow. The difficulties of food and lodging must be faced every day, and they must be overcome every day. However, for the sake of his own ideals, Lu Xun overcame the above similar difficulties and firmly stayed in Sendai.

△ Study with heart

In the two academic years of studying medicine in Sendai, Lu Xunguang wrote down six notebooks, including "Anatomy", "Pathology", "Vasculature", "Organic Chemistry", "Five Senses", "Histology" and so on. After returning to China, Lu Xun bound these notebooks into three thick copies as a permanent memorial. What about Lu Xun's academic performance in Sendai? He wrote in the article: "Among the more than a hundred students, I was in the middle, but I did not fall behind. "The truth is this: Out of more than 120 students, he ranks in the top 40 for the total grades of the school year. It can also be seen from the situation in which mr. Li helped him correct the lecture notes: at that time, the teacher used all Japanese to teach, and he often made grammatical errors in his notes, and sometimes he could not keep up with and missed a lot of content. It was under such circumstances that he actually achieved good results in the top 40 or so, which shows that Lu Xun's study was quite hard work that year.

Defend self-esteem

When Lu Xun studied in Sendai, Japan's national strength was gradually growing stronger, and its ambition to dominate East Asia was expanding day by day, especially after the annihilation of China's Beiyang Marine Division in the Naval Battle of Jia Nian, the whole country of Japan was filled with a trend of contempt, vicious Chinese. Lu Xun studied in Japan at this time, and he inevitably suffered all kinds of discrimination and scorn. As he walked the streets of Tokyo, he was often insulted by teenagers. The sentence at the beginning of the "Vine" article is a reflection of the social reality in Tokyo at that time, which makes Lu Xun feel extremely disappointed. Later, during my medical studies, it was no accident that I received anonymous letters from patriotic young people in Japan. Lu Xun was extremely indignant at their deliberately fabricated, groundless, and groundlessly suspicious slanderous behavior, and it can be said that this indignation was simply bitter to the heart: I don't blame them for discriminating against us, but only on our country being too backward and too poor. The reactionary authorities are too corrupt and incompetent. Otherwise, how can we be blinded and bullied in a foreign country? It can be seen how deeply this kind of thing hurts Lu Xun's national pride.

△ Abandoning the medical profession

However, the clapping and cheering of "Long Live" when the movie was played in class gave Lu Xun a huge shock to his soul. Therefore, he resolutely decided to make another major choice in his life - to stop studying medicine and to engage in the literary and artistic movement in order to change the numb and ignorant mental condition of the people. Lu Xun's choice was not a momentary emotional impulse, he was very rational, and it was the inevitable result of his quest to save the country and the people. It is also another concrete manifestation of his patriotic qualities. In the text "Vine", he expressed this patriotic ideological sentiment on many occasions: he hated the vulgar and playful behavior of the Qing students studying abroad; the reason why he remembered the place where Mr. Zhu Shunshui died for more than twenty years, Mito, was because he admired Mr. Zhu Shunshui's patriotic national integrity and spirit; he especially remembered the sentence that Mr. Zhu Shunshui said when introducing the developed history of "Anatomy" in Japan: There are also those who have copied Chinese translations, and their translation and research of new medicine are no earlier than in China After experiencing the hurt of anonymous letters, his heart was filled with incomparable indignation and bitterness. All of this contributed to Lu Xun'snother major decision on the road of life. If he continues to study medicine, Lu Xun will definitely become a doctor with a very good medical skill. However, Lu Xun's life choices made him a great spiritual doctor who healed the foolish people. His life choices have always been closely related to the future of the nation and the destiny of the country, which is precisely where Lu Xun's greatness and loftiness lie. Only the more people like him, the more promising the future of the nation and the nation, as has been proven by countless facts. Didn't those founding fathers who had been awarded the "two bombs and one star" give up the superior and comfortable working conditions and living environment abroad, overcome many obstacles, and resolutely choose to return to the motherland and actively participate in the cause of socialist construction in New China? Without their dedication, there would be no strong national defense guarantee behind us today, standing among the nations of the world.

△ Unforgettable teacher

After Lu Xun returned to China, because of the boredom of the situation, the promise made to Mr. Lu before parting became an empty word, and Lu Xun felt that he had lost some sincerity to Mr. Lu Xun, and felt deeply guilty and remorseful, so he always remembered Mr. Lu and turned his remembrance of Mr. Lu into concrete practical actions. Lu Xun was fortunate to study in Japan, get to know and get to know and get mr. Tireless Teachings and Enthusiastic Encouragement. Lu Xun was also upright and full of conscience, and after more than twenty years, he turned his nostalgia for his husband into a touching and profound text. Composed an ode to the friendship of teachers and students in a foreign country.

The text of "Vine" is of extremely important and precious historical value for the study of the development of Lu Xun's thought. When we read this reminiscent essay today, we not only make people feel that Mr. Fujino's personality is respectable, but also many of the personalities expressed by Mr. Lu Xun in the text are also admirable. This may be where the humanistic classics and charm of this prose masterpiece lie.

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