
Electro fraud bureau targets human "soft underbelly"

author:China Youth Network

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After 24-year-old Mao Xiaogang (pseudonym) was captured by police from the Sun Mountain Branch of the Wuzhong City Public Security Bureau in Ningxia, one of his work mobile phones also received messages from Tiannanhaibei from time to time.

Among the middle-aged and elderly female netizens who sent him messages with comments of "date of birth + name + address + occupation", some people booed him and asked him to "talk", and some people questioned him "is it deceitful".

They all believed that the owner of the mobile phone was a middle-aged man named "Li Liguo" (Mao Xiaogang's virtual identity), who was "looking for a partner" online and would play online lottery tickets on a betting site called "Glory II".

"This is a typical 'pig killing plate' telecommunications network fraud case." Wen Junlin, director of the Sun Mountain Public Security Bureau, said. After investigation, the case involved 45 victims in many provinces and regions across the country, and the amount involved was more than 1 million yuan.

Zhang Li (pseudonym), who is in her early 50s, divorced and met "Li Liguo" through a dating app last November. According to his introduction, he bought lottery tickets on the "Glory II" website and recharged 45,500 yuan 12 times, and lost all his money.

Pu Jinxin, a police officer handling the case, told reporters that in the WeChat account of "Li Liguo", there were 28 other suspected victims. In December, Mao Xiaogang had an income of more than 33,000 yuan, and according to the 45% share ratio stipulated by the gang, he had at least 70,000 yuan of performance that month.

On December 24, 2020, after Zhang Li called the police, the Sun Mountain Public Security Bureau quickly set up a special case team to lock in a telecommunications fraud criminal gang headed by Wang Moumou in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. On January 6, the police successfully destroyed two fraud dens, arrested 8 members of the criminal gang, and froze more than 200,000 yuan of funds involved in the case.

Ma Xin, deputy director of the SunShan Public Security Bureau, who was in charge of the arrest, described that four male suspects gathered in a high-rise office building with two signs of network information technology companies hanging at the door. Four female suspects were scammed at home. "8 people are friends and relatives, the system is strict, the division of labor is clear, often in the WeChat work group to share fixed words, routine tutorials, in case of emergencies, each other will give advice." Ma Xin said.

In an interview with reporters, Zhang Li admitted that because the marriage website needs real-name registration, she is convinced of the identity of "Li Liguo", and the other party will also send her voice and photos.

"Sweet talk" is a common trick. On the first day of being a friend, "Li Liguo" said to Zhang Li, "If we are right, please come and be the boss lady." After an argument, he sent a screenshot of the chat showing him telling his daughter that she had "found her home."

When inducing Zhang Li to buy lottery tickets, "Li Liguo" said that buying lottery tickets was to earn a dowry and share the joy of success; Zhang Li wanted to increase the number of bets, so he reminded "not to be too greedy"; when he lost money, he analyzed that Zhang Li "panicked and bought the wrong position"; the more he lost, he also said that zhang Li was very guilty of losing money, and then sought forgiveness on the grounds that his principal was 10 times that of Zhang Li and the loss was greater. In the meantime, he constantly instilled in Zhang Li the idea of "increasing the amount of bets and making a lot of money the next time you buy a period".

Repeated temptations, let Zhang Li into the game, in the chat with "Li Liguo", even if she loses money, she will continue to comfort the other party, "buy a mood, save a happiness." In addition, Zhang Li said that she believes in the rules of the game, "as long as you keep a number, sooner or later you will win the lottery."

Zhang Xiaorong, a doctor of psychology, analyzed that "establishing relationships - naturalizing relationships - forcibly instilling some ideas" is a common method used by fraudsters, and the reason why they have repeatedly succeeded is to meet the needs of some people for emotions and other elements. The fraudster grasps people's psychological "weakness" and uses techniques such as the same frequency, stimulating guilt psychology, and threshold effect to trap the victim.

According to the information held by the police, the "Honor II" website has a background management system, and 3 of the gang are administrators, who can change the probability of winning the lottery at any time. If the user initiates a withdrawal of the account balance, the background will display "Someone is queuing".

When the second leader of the gang, Xu Moumou, was interrogated by the police, he said that he was once addicted to online gambling, lost more than 100,000 yuan, and felt that the money was fast, and he would take risks.

Yang Yuming, associate professor of the Law School of the Northern Nationalities Law School and a lawyer at Ningxia Dayuan Law Firm, said that from time to time in life, people defraud people on the grounds of adding the wrong person, making the wrong phone call, interest-free loans, and free gifts. "Some older groups, relatively lack of knowledge of the Internet, and lack of analytical and judgmental skills are easy targets for fraud."

In addition, there are many post-90s and post-00s suspects in this case. In this regard, Ding Ling, the "Care Ambassador" of Xiangyanghua Youth Growth Station, suggested that we should strengthen the guidance of young people, improve their sense of self-worth and social value, cultivate the correct "three views", and let young people dispel the idea of getting something for nothing.

China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Wang Hao Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily

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