
A Xinjiang bun for dinner Comfort yourself with solid meat and bread for a week

author:Taste of Xinjiang

Bread bun meat, is a unique cuisine in Xinjiang, Xinjiang people have long been conquered by solid meat and buns, the perfect fusion of buns and gravy is the essence of this dish, the unique style of the name has also aroused the interest of mainland friends! Today Xiaobian will introduce to you the unique method of Xinjiang bun meat

A Xinjiang bun for dinner Comfort yourself with solid meat and bread for a week

Ingredients: oil buns, lamb with bone meat, onions, carrots, coriander segments, cumin powder, chili noodles, refined salt, dried red peppers, chicken essence, clear oil, ginger, green onion, cooking wine, wet starch

A Xinjiang bun for dinner Comfort yourself with solid meat and bread for a week

How to make breaded meat:

1, cut the lamb into pieces of the same size, carrots, skin and teeth into large pieces;

A Xinjiang bun for dinner Comfort yourself with solid meat and bread for a week

2, pour oil into the pot to heat, when the oil temperature reaches 70%, put in the lamb bone;

A Xinjiang bun for dinner Comfort yourself with solid meat and bread for a week

3: Stir-fry over high heat, start adding ginger, green onion, chili sauce, fragrant leaves, cumin, and other seasonings to stir-fry evenly;

A Xinjiang bun for dinner Comfort yourself with solid meat and bread for a week

4. After the seasoning is stir-fried evenly, add the dry and spicy skin, cooking wine, and finally add the carrot block, the skin tooth block, and stir-fry on high heat;

A Xinjiang bun for dinner Comfort yourself with solid meat and bread for a week

6, add an appropriate amount of water, boil on high heat;

A Xinjiang bun for dinner Comfort yourself with solid meat and bread for a week

7, cooked lamb bone meat is often flavored with some salt, chicken essence seasoning, the bun along the middle line cut, evenly spread on the lamb in the pot, let the bun absorb the taste of the meat, 2 minutes can be;

A Xinjiang bun for dinner Comfort yourself with solid meat and bread for a week

8, the stewed lamb fish out on top of the bun, with a small amount of water starch to collect the mutton soup juice, evenly poured on the lamb, the perfect home-cooked bun meat is made.

A Xinjiang bun for dinner Comfort yourself with solid meat and bread for a week

Today for everyone to introduce a very distinctive food in Xinjiang, the next issue of food sharing, what else do you want to know? Private message Xiaobian or leave your favorite food in the comment area, Xiaobian will introduce and make it in detail for everyone ~ Today's food sharing is here, small partners, quickly start to do it! See you next week!

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