
Aircraft Battle 30 Part Copyright Spoilers for The Final Body Setting Demon God Caesar sets the multiverse crosser

author:Black Meow Yuni

Aircraft Battle 30 has recently been officially and smoothly sneaked away, here is also a brief summary of many fans and players are most concerned about the following aircraft involved in some of the settings and capabilities of the successor airframe, this involves spoilers, can't wait to wait can first pass the addiction.

Aircraft Battle 30 Part Copyright Spoilers for The Final Body Setting Demon God Caesar sets the multiverse crosser

First of all, the Phoenix Iii machine, should not be able to transfer but fixed binding Jonah (Ba God honestly open your silver bullet to go) But the interesting thing is that this time the duck seems to be set to dominate almost all gundam, so you can consider ducks to open manatees, Ba God to open cattle, mules? Kaiyuan Ancestor go, how appropriate.

Aircraft Battle 30 Part Copyright Spoilers for The Final Body Setting Demon God Caesar sets the multiverse crosser

This original additional setting of the demon god Caesar, very BUG, the setting is to cross to the future 50 years later, based on the era's own research results as the basis for the development of the body, Caesar has a variety of types, this time is a multiverse crossing, holding the ability of the time and space transcendent, in the absence of gravity, supergravity and subspace can act, the materials are all super alloy new Z alpha, optical seniority accelerator engine as a power source, crossing to the modern.

Aircraft Battle 30 Part Copyright Spoilers for The Final Body Setting Demon God Caesar sets the multiverse crosser

I also thought that the infinite Caesar setting was general, the result did not expect to be a multiverse crosser, it was simply the two words of invincibility engraved on the body, the six relatives did not recognize the king standing posture, zero this is too embarrassing, the strength of the same level seems to have been specially attacked, zero was killed by Caesar is sooner or later, by the way, this infinite demon god Caesar did not have Caesar Starburst, the most powerful move is Caesar Excalibur. The Great Homo doesn't have the Infinite Demon Emperor G, only a spray wing with an additional shot.

Aircraft Battle 30 Part Copyright Spoilers for The Final Body Setting Demon God Caesar sets the multiverse crosser

The final form of the pro-son Gulitt gave the height, 50 meters and Tyro Ultraman is almost the same height, as a representative of the coffee table washing, this is nothing to say, the intensity and drama are directly against the dragon fighter in the X, the end of the matter, the excess is not much to say.

Aircraft Battle 30 Part Copyright Spoilers for The Final Body Setting Demon God Caesar sets the multiverse crosser

Because this game does not involve the SSSS Electro-Optical Machine King, Anqi is not the final form of the emperor, wait for the next game to continue to participate in it.

Aircraft Battle 30 Part Copyright Spoilers for The Final Body Setting Demon God Caesar sets the multiverse crosser

Finally, the ultimate I King Kaiya, the strongest and last Brave King, all of which are controlled by humans, but it seems that compared to before, it is only the Logo repainted, in addition, there is no difference, but whether there will be 7 people spirit library plus other airframes All Gnaku no one opens, this is not clear.

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