
The movie "My Hero Academia: Two Heroes" was released on 3.15

author:China Youth Network
The movie "My Hero Academia: Two Heroes" was released on 3.15

My Hero Academia: Two Heroes Class A

The first theatrical version of "My Hero Academia" (Chinese title "My Hero Academia: Two Heroes") was released nationwide on March 15. On March 10, at the Shanghai premiere of the film, the producers and Chinese version of the voice actors all came to the scene to communicate and interact with the audience, and the atmosphere of the scene was "high burning", more than 90% of the audience gave full praise, and more than 90% of the audience shouted: "Burn! "N brush! Box Office will explode! "A new hero is born.". The first bloody work of the beginning of 2019 is expected to explode in March! The scene 1 minute 33 seconds ultimate trailer synchronous exposure.

The movie "My Hero Academia: Two Heroes" was released on 3.15

My Hero Academia: Two Heroes is scorched

The attributes of high-quality works attract fans to audiences of all dimensions

At the premiere ceremony, about 400 people grabbed the "fresh" to watch the film "My Hero Academia: Two Heroes" and the final trailer, "igniting the adrenal glands", "opening the year with blood, driving away all the mourning" direction of praise, occupying the mainstream. The audience includes veteran media personalities, film critics, fans of the original work and general audiences. Judging from the word-of-mouth after the film's screening, the original fans said that they were "poked in the heart by the familiar burning lines!" The unprecedented combination of master and disciple makes people cry. In addition, the theatrical version has been praised by senior media people and film critics almost unanimously, "the heroic belief between the master and the apprentice is passed on, the battle scenes in the climactic period are flowing, the virtual reality is born, and the emotional depth is combined with the shocking audio-visual viewing experience." "The protagonist of the king's bloody animation who does not open the hanging is very grounded and more realistic." More ordinary viewers were touched by the heroic dream of burning and youthful blood, and wanted to recommend it to friends immediately, "After the screening, I want to brush it twice!" "More than 90% of the audience from all aspects and dimensions of all ages, five-star praise recommendation, "My Hero Academia: Two Heroes" all-age class powder absorption ability can be seen.

The movie "My Hero Academia: Two Heroes" was released on 3.15

"My Hero Academia: Two Heroes" Midoriya Iku

Ordinary heroes fight with all their might to ignite blood

Unlike most of the king's blood, the protagonist of the work, Midoriya Ikuhisa, is not the "chosen son". In the future society where almost everyone has superpowers, Green Valley teenagers have no talent "special ability", this kind of "useless" anti-routine human design and ordinary teenagers' dream road, more real and more sense of substitution. The new original plot of the theatrical version tells the story of a mobile scientific research city "My Island" suddenly attacked, involving the professional heroes involved, and the villain who abuses his ability to do evil immediately launches the final duel, but as the battle escalates, the secret truth is revealed one after another...

Ordinary people can become heroes too! "My Hero Academia", as a new pillar of the first issue of Japanese manga, Weekly Shonen JUMP, innovates in the inheritance, not only encouraging the dreams of "little people", but also recognizing that hard work and perseverance are talents.

The movie "My Hero Academia: Two Heroes" was released on 3.15

My Hero Academia: Two Heroes My Island

On March 15, "My Hero Academia: Two Heroes" was released nationwide, and ordinary heroes fought with all their might, and the ultimate showdown between good and evil was released.

"My Hero Academy: Two Heroes" will be released nationwide on March 15, the film is imported by China Film Group Corporation, distributed by Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., and translated and produced by Changying Group Translation production co., Ltd.

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