
The movie "Tonight in the Romantic Theater" was released to a great reputation
The movie "Tonight in the Romantic Theater" was released to a great reputation

Created by director Hideki Takeuchi for 9 years, starring the Japanese national goddess Haruka Ayase and the new generation of healing warm man Kentaro Sakaguchi, the Japanese fantasy love movie "Tonight in the Romantic Theater" was praised as soon as it was released, and netizens praised: "This is a film suitable for watching on Valentine's Day", "If you really encounter a romantic love story, the world will definitely shine like a movie." The audience's "high satisfaction" with the film also makes the film more observable.

Kentaro Ayase Harukazuguchi joins hands with sugar and sugar to harvest "high reputation"

Hideki Takeuchi spent 9 years creating this critically acclaimed pure love classic, which tells the romantic love story between miyuki (Haruka Ayase), a goddess of high cold who "crosses" from the screen, and Kenji (Kentaro Sakaguchi), a loyal dog fan. In the last 15 minutes of the film, when the music slowly flows out, the picture of the two walking hand in hand through a long life is screened in front of the eyes, touching the deepest sensibility of countless people's hearts: "You are the only color in my eyes, whether it is colorful or gray, my life is only for you to accompany you." "Movies like 'Tonight in the Romantic Theater' only exist in a specific era to meet us, cherish it, just like cherishing ourselves" The exclamation also makes people feel the audience's love for this pure love classic.

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After watching the movie, many people said that it was as if they had returned to the forest in the summer of "The Forest of Fireworks" many years ago, "not a moment of touch and heat, but a lifetime of forbearance, such pure love is really touching." The tribute section has also been praised: "The tribute to the classic bridge section seems to take people back to decades ago, back to the old film, back to the retro dream." Making a movie is the process of making dreams, so watching this film is like watching a dream in a dream and going into reality." More fans have realized the true meaning of life and love through the movie: "Kenji, who aspires to become a director, wrote the most moving romantic ending for Miyuki at the end of the script, and the black and white princess has color, I think this is the best thing that true love can bring people - the color of life."

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